Chapter Thirty Six

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Hey, guess what? A while ago I decided my goal for this fic would be 8k reads - And that goal has been reached! Thanks for the support guys - You're the best!

*Jim's POV*

What would happen if some land mammal hooked up with a marine mammal? Would the kid/s breathe air or underwater? Or both? Or neither?

Surely you have something better to do then annoy me

Not really, Spock's still out studying

Perhaps you should do the same - that's what I was doing before your pointless messages

No, really, I'm curious - Would it be some sort of advantaged hybrid that could do more then either of it's parents? Or would the mixed heritage doom it to death?

Oh I don't know, I'm a doctor, not a damn hybrid specialist! Now leave me alone to study!

Fine, fine - grumpy old man

Go away!

I tossed my communicator aside and grinned up at the ceiling.

Besides being with Spock annoying Bones is my favourite pastime. He's so easy to piss off - its great.

Actually, where is Spock? He said he'd be back by six, and its almost eight. I doubled checked my communicator but he hasn't sent a message or anything.

I lay back on the bed and chewed my lip thoughtfully. Is it possible he just got caught up with study and lost track of time? With most people I would laugh at the thought but this is Spock we're talking about.

I sighed quietly, if he's not back in ten minutes I'll go look for him. And if someone hurt him I swear to god....

My silent threats to anyone who might touch my Vulcan were interrupted by the door opening.

Spock looked like he was completely lost in thought, his cheeks were flushed green from the icy wind and rain and his collar was turned up, probably to keep at least some of his face warm.

He didn't acknowledge me as he walked over to his desk and put his books down, he just kind of stared at the wall intensely.

I stood and took a few uncertain steps towards him. "Spock?" I uttered softly, only a few centimetres away.

He turned to look at me and his eyes widened. "Jim?" He replied in confusion and I tilted my head slightly.

"You sound surprised to see me here" I joked, but inside I was very confused.

Pretty much all the repairs have been completed and my room was fixed - I know Bones has moved back in but I kind of just continued living here. Spock had never said anything so I assumed he was okay with the arrangement, is this his subtle way of reminding me that I don't actually live here?

"No, sorry I was just thinking" he replied and touched my hand briefly, his eyes still distant.

"Alright" I smiled, reassured. "Come on, let's get this off". I started unbuttoning his wet jacket and something flashed in his eyes, but it was gone before I could identify it.

"Thank you" he looked down as I pulled it off and folded it, putting it neatly back in his drawer.

Oh my god, his neatness is rubbing off on me. That's alright, I'll just have to work on being messier.

I turned back and froze, finally seeing what his collar had been successfully hiding - a dark green bruise running along his jaw.

His shoulders slumped when he realised I had seen it. "How bad does it look?" He asked quietly and I strode back over to him, ghosting my fingers over it.

"It looks like it fucking hurt, who did it to you?" I demanded, careful to keep my tone gentle so that he knew I wasn't angry with him.

"I do not know who they were" he replied sincerely. "Does it, do you think it is ugly?" he asked hesitantly and I froze.

"Ugly?" I asked in confusion and he looked down, embarrassed. "Do you think it makes me ugly?"

"Spock, it's just a bruise, it doesn't change how beautiful you are" I told him gently and slowly leaned towards him, tilting his head with my fingers and brushing my lips softly against the bruise.

"Is that what you were thinking about?" I asked and he seemed to shrink.

"Partly" he mumbled and I stayed quiet, giving him time to elaborate - and after a pause he did.

"We have been engaged in a romantic relationship for almost a month" he started nervously and I blinked, having no idea where he's going with this.

"Does it..... Are you... Displeased, that we have not yet engaged in intercourse?" He looked incredibly uncomfortable and wouldn't look at me.

"You think I'm unhappy in our relationship because we haven't had sex yet?" I guessed incredulously and he nodded in confirmation.

"Who have you been talking to?" I asked the ceiling in exasperation and he went greener. "Uhura" he mumbled and I sighed again, wondering how to phrase this.

"Spock. I'm not with you because I want sex - I'm with you because I care about you, because I'm in love with you."

He opened his mouth to say something but I placed my fingers over it to stop him.

"You allow me to do this" I leaned in and kissed him softly but thoroughly, leaving him slightly breathless. "And every night you allow me to hold you. That is all I need Spock. I won't deny, when you are ready to go further I will be more then happy to do so, but until you are absolutely ready, this is more than enough."

Spock's dark eyes searched mine. "Are you sure T'hy'la?" he pressed and I kissed him gently again.

"Absolutely Ashayam" Spock's face softened at my terrible pronunciation of the Vulcan endearment that he often called me.

I engulfed him in a warm embrace, trying to convey my love through the simple touch and he sunk into it.

"I love you Spock" I whispered firmly and he nuzzled my shoulder. "You are my everything" he replied quietly.

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