Chapter Four

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Hey guys! Happy Easter :)

*Jim's POV*

The library was massive. Rows upon rows of shelves reaching the high ceiling occupied about 3/4 of room, while the other 1/4 was full of tables for studying.

Since term hasn't started yet it was mostly empty, only a few tables occupied by people reading or socialising.

Bones lead me straight to a table at the back of the room which was occupied by three males who waved as we entered the room.

"Hey guys" he exclaimed, taking a seat and gesturing for me to do the same. "This is Jim Kirk, he's new to the academy, Jim, this is Sulu, Chevok and Scotty" each of them nodded politely as they were introduced.

"Where are you from Jim?" Scotty asked, lounging back in his chair and putting his hands behind his head.

"Up north, Iowa, I moved here to go to a bigger academy, the one I used to attend barely had 300 people, including the staff" I explained, which wasn't a complete lie, this academy is the biggest Star Fleet academy in the solar system, and I had always dreamed of coming here. I did however decide against telling them that I was kicked out because I got into too many fights.

"Fair enough, what are you hoping to do after you graduate?" Sulu questions, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"I want to captain a ship" I replied confidently, no doubt in my mind that I would be able to achieve this "even if it takes me years or even decades" I added with determination "what about you guys?"

"Pilot" Sulu replied, laughing slightly. "Navigation" Chevok enthused, his voice heavy with an accent that sounds Russian, "engineering" Scotty said absentmindedly rummaging though his bag.

"Ha, we would make the best crew ever" Bones said chuckling. I laughed slightly at that thought, "maybe one day we will"

"Oh where is it!" Scotty exclaimed in frustration, "zhat are you looking vor?" Chevok asked in amusement.

"Ah here it is!" he pulled out a pack of UNO cards "shall we?" he invited seriously, holding them up.


We had been playing UNO for about half an hour when I got the feeling something wasn't right.

It wasn't a bad feeling exactly, more like I was being watched or something, it was almost...... Tingly.

My turn rolled around and I skipped Chevok absently while sneaking looks around the room.

Some girls in short skirts giggling at one table, a cranky looking liberian stacking books, a group of guys laughing and sneaking looks at the girls. Nothing unusual.

I was staring to feel agitated now, what is it?

Suddenly my eyes connected with a dark brown pair. They were all I could see, sad eyes with more depth then I had ever seen before looking into mine, drawing me in.

I finally drew my eyes away to take in the rest of his features, ink black hair that lay flat, high cheek bones, pointed ears and prominent eyebrows. I recognised him as a Vulcan even as he flushed green and looked down at his book, shifting uncomfortably.

He was sitting alone in the corner of the room holding the leather bound book that he now had his eyes glued to, his lean frame curled up slightly in his seat, in a position that looked relaxed but even from here I could see how tense he was.

He glanced up at me again, looking down just as quickly, frowning slightly.


I looked up to see the other four standing and looking at me, Bones understanding and the others amused "long day?" he asked kindly.

"Yeah" I replied numbly, getting up and following them out of the room, glancing one last time at the mystery guy in the corner who was looking at me with a look of confusion on his face, interesting for a Vulcan.

I shook my head and kept walking, a mystery for another day.


*Spock's POV*

I walked into the library, a book on Vulcan history under my arm.

I looked around quickly and selected an empty table in the corner of the room, which I hurried to.

It was relatively quiet for the library, a group of girls at one table, a group of guys laughing and another playing what looked like cards.

No one saw me come in and I relaxed into the chair, curling my legs up slightly.

I opened the book on the table and began reading, but something was, different. Not bad, just different.

I looked around the room again, paying more attention this time round. I didn't recognise the guys who were speaking loudly, trying to be noticed by the girls who also didn't hold my attention for long.

My eyes swept over to the other group of guys, I recognised Sulu at once, then Scotty, McCoy and Chevok.

My eyes landed on the last member of the group, whom I did not recognise.

The feeling increased, it was actually quite pleasant, it made me feel all warm and safe and for once I embraced the emotion rather the trying to push it away.

I examined him while he played the game with his friends, his blonde hair stuck up a bit and from what I could tell he had a muscular body.

He suddenly looked up and our eyes locked, his were a piercing blue that just mesmerised me, holding my gaze.

He shifted his eyes a bit and I looked down, blushing slightly.

Impossible. He couldn't be...... Could he? Could this strange blonde human and I share a T'hy'la bond?

I risked another glance and saw him still looking at me, confusion written all over his features.

I frowned at my book, T'hy'la bonds were rare, especially between a Vulcan and a human, but that was what all the signs pointed to.

I watched him follow his friends out of the room, glancing back at me one last time. I guess only time will tell.

Too distracted to continue reading, I grabbed my book and headed back to my dorm.

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