Chapter Fifty One

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*Spock's POV*

"Hey Spock."

Uhura sat on the bench next to me and glared around at our surroundings.

I waited patiently for her to speak, and after a few seconds she did.

"Why are there so many people here? It's terrible. There isn't enough room. Did you know, when people started arriving they put two new people in our room! It's bad enough with Galia always bringing people over, now we have two other girls constantly there. I mean, I know they have to go somewhere and I don't mind that much. Christine is nice to talk to but Janice doesn't talk at all except when she and Christine put their heads together and whisper. Galia and I can't talk privately anymore without seeming rude. Not to mention Gaila is annoyed because she can't have her 'friends' over anymore."

I listened patiently as Uhura ranted and when she finally finished she looked slightly ashamed. "Sorry Spock, I didn't actually come her to rant. I know we are lucky to be able to stay where we are and I really don't mind that they are staying with us. I'm just tired of people."

"I understand your annoyance at having to share your personal space," I offered hesitantly, hoping I would not set her off again. I do not know how to deal with most people under normal circumstances, and angry women were certainly not my strong point.

Uhura looked up suddenly, worry flashing across her face. "Are you and Jim having problems? I know he practically lives with you now. I mean I was talking to him earlier and he seemed okay but sometimes it is hard to tell and he did look tired. If you need a little space just talk to him, I'm sure he'll understand. It's better than getting so sick of each other that your relationship falls apart."

My eyes widened as she rambled and I shook my head firmly. "Negative, that is not what I was - Jim and I are fine. He is under a lot of stress at the moment and I am aware that he is not receiving as much sleep as he requires. I simply meant that I have had to share my personal space with.... difficult people in the past and understand that it is not easy."

"Yeah it's just draining, you know? I'm glad we're friends Spock, sometimes I feel like you're the only one that really understands me. I'm sorry we never talked before."

She gave me a strange look, then looked away again with a soft laugh. "Hell, if you and Jim weren't so good together I'd almost wish...."

I looked straight forward and shifted uncomfortably at her words. "Nyota......" I trailed off uncertainly, this was definitely not my strong point.

Uhura laughed again. "Sorry Spock, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. You and Jim are absolutely perfect together. Besides, I don't actually like you in that way. I just think you are someone I could quite easily be with. Only if you and Jim weren't together though, you don't have to worry about me trying anything. I won't. Besides, I have my eye on someone else."

I relaxed slightly, she was right. It would be easy enough to be with her, we got along well. However that is all it would be, easy. I do feel affection for Uhura, but only as a friend. I would never be able to love her in the same way I love my T'hy'la. Not so completely, not with my entire heart and soul. Besides, my Katra would not accept anyone else.

It did not sound logical, however when it came to loving Jim there wasn't any logic. It was simply right.

"Spock? You still there?" Uhura laughed and I pulled myself out of my musing. "I am still here," I replied, confused as to how she thought I was elsewhere when I was obviously still sitting next to her.

"Okay... Don't you want to know who I have my eye on?"

I did not see why it was any of my business, however a human would want to know so I nodded for her to tell me.

"Scotty," she sighed dreamily. 'He's just so adorable, don't you think? He's so nerdy and he stumbles over his words when he's nervous. He's brave too though, like he stands up for what he believes in. He's a lot better than some of the jerks I've dated. Well? What do you think?"

I did not know, was I supposed to agree with her? I believe, as her friend, I should agree with her.

"He does appear to be a logical choice," I offered and she rolled her eyes, giggling. "The logical choice? I guess, but is he the right choice? Should I go for it?"

I frowned, not quite sure what she wanted me to say. She must have seen the confusion on my face because she sighed heavily.

"I mean, logical just implies that it's something that would work. I want more then that. I want something like what you have with Jim. I want to be with someone that completes me. I think Scotty might be that person. It's not like this is a heat of the moment kind of thing, I've been thinking about it for a while now."

I considered her words. "If you think it is right and he is the person for you, is it not worth the risk?"

She brightened considerably. "Yeah, yeah I think it is. Thanks Spock. You won't tell anyone, right? I'll get him in my own time while making him think that he's getting me."

I hesitated and she beamed. "Oh you don't have to keep it from Jim of course, I wouldn't ask that. Just please don't tell anyone else? And tell him to keep his big mouth shut."

I frowned. "Jim's mouth is in the normal size range for a human."

Uhura laughed and my already light mood lightened even more. It was nice, being able to freely talk to someone without the pressure of being judged.

My feeling of content grew as I noticed Jim walking over, and when he flashed me a breathtaking smile and squeezed my shoulder gently I didn't pull away because we were in public. Instead I simply lifted my hand and tangled our fingers together.

The dazzling look that lit up his face was worth it, even Uhura's giggling didn't bother me as it would normally.

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