Chapter Eighty

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*Jim's POV*

Spock exited the apartment not long after Sarek entered, however there was no sign of Sarek or Amanda.

"Mother is still distressed," he replied to my unasked question. "Shall we find Captain Pike?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I mean, if you're definitely up to it."

"I am," he confirmed, a slight edge to his voice.

I let it go as we began walking towards Pike's office.

I grew more concerned as we walked, Spock was often quite but right now it was more then that.

He was chewing his lip nervously and practically radiating tension.

"What's on your mind, love?" I asked softly, hoping beyond hope he wouldn't blow it off and pretend everything was alright.

He looked away briefly before stopping and turning to face me.

"It is just something my parents mentioned. They want me to go back to Vulcan until this whole situation...... Blows over."

It was clearly upsetting him, and I felt my own heart clench at the thought. It did make sense though.

"It's a good idea," I started slowly, shoving my hands in my pockets and looking away.

"I do not want to abandon you." He replied quietly, staring at the ground and hanging his head. "I do not want to leave you again."

"It is completely your decision," I stated quietly, returning my gaze to him. "You'd be safer on Vulcan, and you won't be abandoning me. We can still talk, and it wouldn't be forever."

Spock looked up uncertainly. "What would you prefer?"

I looked away again. "I can't ask you to leave. I don't want to be away from you. I do want you to be safe though, and happy. I will support whatever decision you make."

Spock nodded, looking like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "Thank you Ashayam. Now, shall we go and get Kevin out?"

I nodded, smiling as he took my hand. "Let's go."


Pike was pacing when we reached his office.

"What's on your mind Cap?" I asked, sitting down and putting my feet up on his desk.

"Feet down," he grumbled and I complied, grinning at the mock anger on his face.

"Spock. It's good to see you again, conscious at least."

"Thank you Captain." Spock replied politely, giving me a pointed look.

"Oh yeah, we came here for something." I told Pike, trying to figure out how to phrase it.

"Really? I never would have guessed," he replied sarcastically. "Well? Spit it out son, I don't have all day, believe it or not."

"I don't believe it. We came to talk about Kev, something doesn't add up. I'm like, 96% positive he's innocent."

Pike raised an eyebrow. "A hunch isn't enough Jim, you know that. We need more."

I frowned, trying and failing to figure out a way to prove his innocence.

"Can we speak with him?" Spock's steady voice interrupted my thoughts and Pike nodded. "Go ahead, Jim knows where he's being kept. Remember though, his word means little in this."

Spock nodded. "I know. I just need to see him."

There was something in his voice, as if he had a theory but needed evidence. It gave me a confidence boost.

"Come on then, let's go," I said brightly, jumping up and leading Spock to the cells.


Kevin was slumped against the furthest wall, reading something on a PADD.

He looked up when we came in, his eyes flickering across my face before settling on Spock.

"Spock! You're okay!" He exclaimed, tossing the PADD aside and walking up to the force field.

"Yes." Spock replied, a frown on concentration crossing his face as he examined Kevin.

"When was he arrested?" Spock asked me quietly, still examining Kevin.

I thought about it for a second. "Um... About three weeks after you disappeared I think."

Kevin heard the end and looked very uncomfortable. "I'm sorry that happened to you Spock. I swear, I didn't know anything about it."

The frown had disappeared from Spock's face and he nodded.

"I believe you. Jim, we must to speak to Captain Pike again."

"What, okay - bye Kev." I called over my shoulder before hurrying after Spock.

"Spock! Slow down," I puffed and he threw an apologetic look at me, but only slowed down a bit.

"What is it?" I demanded but Spock simply shook his head and replied "He has been there too long."

We stopped outside Pikes office and Spock knocked politely while I tried to get my breath back.

Pike opened the door, surprise written all over his face as he let us in.

"I wasn't expecting you back so soon,"

"Kevin is not responsible," Spock blurted out and Pike raised an eyebrow. "So you've told me. Again, we need proof."

"Kevin was arrested three weeks after my disappearance, correct?" Pike nodded and Spock continued. "The person who is actually responsible came to where Carol and I were being held twice a week, right up until you found us. I saw them at least.... Five or six times after Kevin was arrested."

Pike had a faraway look in his eyes as he sat down and drummed his fingers against his desk. "Yes.... I didn't think about that.... It might be enough to warrant his release..."

He had clearly forgotten we were there, but Spock ploughed on. "Besides, I did not get a good look at our captor, however they were a different build, much taller then Kevin Riley."

Pike nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you. I will consider this and inform the other people working on the case. I'll let you know."

It was a clear dismissal and I saw Spock's face fall slightly.

We left and I took his hand again. "What's wrong love?"

"I am sorry, Jim. I thought I could get him released.."

"Hey, it's okay. If it's not enough, we'll find more. Even if it is enough, Pike can't make the decision on the spot, like he said, he has to think about it and talk to the other people working on it."

Spock nodded and sighed. "I know. I am sorry, I am just.... Tired, I suppose."

"It's okay Spock, how about we rest now? You need to get your strength back."

Spock looked away. "I just feel so useless. There has to be something we're missing. I cannot help thinking that it's staring us right in the face, so obvious that we cannot see it."

I wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him closer as we kept walking. "What you need is sleep. Sometimes you have to put yourself first, T'hy'la. The world can wait."

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