Chapter Eighteen

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Hey guys. Yesterday morning (Sunday the 19th of June, 2016), we lost a wonderful young actor who was filled with talent and potential. I still can't believe he is actually gone, 27 was way, way too young for heaven to gain this Angel. Our beloved Anton Yelchin will stay alive in our hearts. RIP Anton.

*Spocks POV*

The last thing I remember before blacking out was hearing Jim scream, a thump and a point of pain in the back of my head and then...... Nothing.

Logically, it would appear they threw a rock or something at me to knock me out.

And then I woke up in here.

A cold, dark and damp cell which appeared to be underground, or deep within a structure.

Underground was the more likely scenario as Starfleet did scans of the planets surface and found nothing suggesting life.

Of course the equipment must have malfunctioned as even if this species lived underground our scans should have picked them up.

Unless... Unless someone tampered with the results.

Unlikely, but it would be extremely illogical to not consider all possibilities, however unlikely they may be.

I moved from my position by the bars of the small, narrow cell and crouched next to Jim, putting my hand against his forehead to check for a temperature.

Luckily there was none, his wound was severe but I had managed to clean it up a bit and stop the bleeding, and there did not appear to be an infection of any kind.

Even after I concluded he did not have a fever I kept my hand on his head, my fingers pressing lightly against his warm skin.

I made sure to keep tight shields around my mind every time our skin came into contact to prevent him feeling my emotions, but that didn't stop me feeling his. I tried to block them out of respect to him, honestly I did, but it often didn't work.

He mostly had very simple, direct emotions - happiness or anger usually, at the moment I feel unease, doubt and worry leaking through, yet no fear.

This was one of the more amazing things about Jim, he was never afraid. Even now, completely vulnerable and with no way to be sure of our fate, he didn't feel fear.

I have no idea how long we have been in this prison, I would guess I have been awake for several hours now but without the sun it is impossible to be sure. Even with the sun I would have no knowledge of how long I was unconscious for, it could have been hours, or it could have been days.

Jim began to stir and I hurriedly removed my hand, watching anxiously as his eyes slowly opened.

"Wha..... Spock?" he said weakly, moving to sit up and wincing at the pain.

"Shhh, don't try to move" I said gently, putting a little pressure on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, his eyes more alert now and looking over me, apparently checking for injuries.

"I am uninjured, but you were hit by one of their spears" I told him quietly "we now appear to be in one of their prisons"

His eyes moved from me and examined the tiny cell, looking for an escape route.

"I have already looked, there is nothing" I informed him.

Just then there was the creaking sound of a heavy wooden door opening, and heavy footsteps as three humanoids approached our cell.

I stood and took up a protective stance over Jim as they examined us.
They were tall with thin faces, completely hairless, lacking even eyebrows.

Their skin was very pale, almost luminous and they had pure white, milky eyes except for large pupils suggesting they had good night vision.

They talked to each other in their native language, their voices deep and harsh, before one opened the cell and came towards us.

I tensed up, ready to die protecting Jim if necessary, but it grabbed me and dragged me out of the cell effortlessly, almost as if I was some oversized doll.

"No! Spock!" Jim called out in a strangled voice "leave him alone you bastards! No! Please! Take me instead!" he pleaded uselessly.

One of the beings laughter cruelly, clearly unable to determine exactly what was being said, but getting the picture. He beat one large hand against the cell door, causing a massive clash and a sharp grunt from the one dragging me.

But hitting the door was the best thing he could have done for it dented the metal lock, perhaps damaging it to a point where we could get it open and escape.

The guards dragged me into the centre of a large room, where they pushed me to my knees and chained me up, before taking up positions at each of the three doors.

We waited probably an hour before the one furthest from where Jim was being held opened, revealing another one of these creatures, except larger and meaner looking.

The guards immediately fell to their knees and bowed low, their noses brushing the rocky ground.

The leader looked at them harshly before snapping a command, to which they leapt up and stood stiffly at attention.

It approached where I was kneeling and leered at me, I stared back without fear, complete in the knowledge that I can withstand whatever physical pain they put me through.

I must be strong like my T'hy'la.

The leader laughed coldly and I heard the guards echoing the evil chuckle as a finger was placed firmly on my head.

I felt thought daggers entering my mind, slicing through my defences and cutting, stabbing at me, any shields placed in attempt to block it destroyed easily as the creature tortured me mentally.

I heard myself screaming in agony, then everything when black.

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