Chapter Thirty

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*Jim's POV*

The first sign that something was wrong came at 5:30am the next morning when the whole academy held its breath.

The constant hum of ships that becomes so familiar that it fades into something you barely notice, stopped.

The birds that had just begun their morning song were silent, and the usual shuffling of ridiculously early risers was absent.

My eyes flew open to meet Spocks gaze, neither of us making a sound as we too, waited with baited breath.

Nothing else indicated that something was majorly wrong, but everyone was feeling it.

Then the first phaser began firing.

Everything shook and the explosion that followed shattered the deafening silence, breaking the spell.

People started screaming and we leapt out of bed, running outside along with most of the other cadets.

There was a relatively large ship and several smaller ships hovering above the main part of the academy, and even as we watched they fired again.

I pulled Spock against me in a protective gesture as the force of the stronger wave of explosions washed over us.

We clung to each other desperately as cadets started running around in panic, some away from the danger and others towards our ships, hoping to be able to help.

In an unspoken agreement Spock and I began running towards the ships that were just sitting there, doing nothing to protect our home.

More explosions shook the earth and we started running faster then I thought was possible, weaving our way through the destruction as best as we could.

We reached where all the officers and a fair few cadet were milling around and immediately began searching for answers.

Scotty came over to us, shaking his head slightly. "Bastard disabled our ships and our communication, there's nothing we can do."

I met Spock's wide eyes again for a moment before we helplessly turned to watch the ships continue to wreak havoc.

I felt a hand slip into mine and I squeezed it gently, trying to convey to Spock that it would be okay with a confidence that I didn't possess.

The attack lasted another 20 minutes before the ships rose higher in the sky and zipped off.

Bones, Sulu and Chekov came over to where Spock, Scotty and I were standing and we were joined by one of our professors soon after.

"The hostile ships mostly targeted the main part of the academy, we already have people starting to clear the rubble but we need people to search for injured personnels. Can you help?" he asked us, not wasting a second.

We nodded and he looked relieved "thanks guys, work in pairs and if you find someone who can't be moved one person can stay with them while the other gets a stretcher, which will be sitting just outside."

He hurried off, probably to find more help and we quickly made our way over to the main building, which was a complete mess.

There was smoke drifting out of several windows and parts had been completely destroyed, while other parts appeared to have suffered minimal damage.

Once we reached the main entrance we split up, Spock and I were together. I felt sick, there must have been at least a couple of dozen people in here when the attack started.

We started heading in the direction of the science labs without speaking. The horror of what had happened engulfed us and there was nothing we could say.

I took Spock's hand again after a few minutes and gave it another light squeeze.

Spock tightened his grip and pulled us to a stop, putting his finger on his lips for silence.

I held my breath as he listened to the silence, his brow furrowed in concentration.

He suddenly turned, led me down a different corridor and stopped outside a room blocked by rubble.

"Is anyone there?!?" A weak and panicked voice came from inside and I glanced at Spock in surprise, how had he heard it from so far away? Must be a Vulcan thing.

"It's okay, we're going to get you out of there" I called back to her as Spock began shifting some of the blockage.

"Oh, thank god! What happened?" the female voice asked and I joined Spock to get to her faster.

"We don't really know, some ships just started firing at us. Are you injured?" I checked, obviously it can't be that bad if she's lucid but it's hard to tell with some people.

"No, I'm fine." She replied and I breathed a sigh of relief. I hope we don't find a body at any point.

It didn't take us long to finish clearing the door and we opened it to find a dishevelled looking Uhura.

"Kirk? Spock?" she asked in surprise. "Well, wasn't expecting you. Thanks though"

"You're welcome Uhura" I said and Spock nodded to her slightly. She looked around at the destruction and shook her head. "I don't understand, why would they do this? What was there to gain?"

"Sometimes people do not need a reason to destroy. They do it simply because they can, because destroying things is always simpler then creating. Or because they simply enjoy the feeling of hurting others." Spock said, his eyes distant.

"I guess. Well, I'll go see if I can help" She started walking away in the direction that we came from and I turned to Spock in concern.

"You okay?" I asked him and he nodded, still with that distant, slightly fearful look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I pressed, wrapping him in a tight hug. He relaxed into it and sighed.

"It's illogical, really. I just - I don't like the loud noises. The shouting" he mumbled into my shoulder and I tensed as I realised what he was saying.

"Are they a trigger?" I asked hesitantly and he nodded slightly, confirming my theory.

"It's okay. I'm here" I told him and rubbed his back soothingly, repeating the words quietly in his ear.

"I love you Jim" he said quietly after a few minutes. His voice was nervous but open, honest.

I realised with a start that Spock was beginning to really open up to me, perhaps more then he's ever opened up to anyone before.

"I love you too Spock" I replied, and for the first time with anyone except my mum - I actually meant it.

I really did love Spock, we fit together so well that it's like we are no longer two people, we're like two halves of a whole.

I don't think I could live without him, not now that I've got him.

"We need to continue searching" Spock's voice was muffled by my shirt but I could still hear how light it was compared to before.

Was it really a surprise that I loved him? He sounded relieved, like he wasn't sure that I did.

That's alright. I will make it my mission to prove my love to him. I won't ever let him forget it. And I won't hurt him. Ever.


I realised I had been silent after he mentioned continuing and I let him go, smiling at him lovingly.

"Lets go"

Hey, sorry this chapter was a bit of a whirlwind - I hope it wasn't too confusing.

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