Chapter Forty Six

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!! I hope everybody had a great day!

*Jim's POV*

"I just want this to be over"

Spock turned from what he was doing, and although I was looking at the ceiling rather then him I could practically feel his concerned look.

"I don't want to be always thinking, what's going to happen next? I don't want to look around and be wondering who else is going to die before this is all over. I just want to pass my classes, and be able to hold you with out worrying about when you'll become their target."

Spock came over, lay down next to me and pulled me against him, soothing my hair down gently.

"It will be alright, Jim. I am here, and I shall always be here. People like this, they feed off of fear. We must show them that we are not afraid."

"But I am, Spock, god, I'm afraid. I don't want anyone else to die because of me. I don't want you to get hurt, I don't want to lose you."

I clutched his shirt desperately and tried to pull him closer as he rubbed soothing circles on my back.

"It is okay, Jim. I have got you, everything will be okay."

I sniffed and buried my face deeper into the soft material of his shirt, breathing in his comforting scent.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled against him. "You really don't need all of my shit on top of yours"

Spock's hand stilled briefly on my back before continuing. "Negative, you are always there for me when I am at my lowest. Now it is my turn to be here for you."

I let out a watery laugh at his words. "Oh Spock, what did I get right to deserve you?"

Spock's arms tightened around me like a protective wall against all of our problems. "You did not need to do anything, I was yours from the minute I laid eyes on you."

I let out another weak chuckle. "And who said Vulcans aren't romantic? I'm sorry, I'm really just being stupid."

"You are not 'being stupid' Jim. It is completely natural to feel fear, especially given the circumstances." Spock kissed the top of my head and I clung to him tightly, trying to mentally prepare myself to go outside to where people had been arriving all day.

"We should go," I muttered after a while but Spock didn't loosen his grip. "Negative, we shall not leave until you are ready. You are not currently ready."

I relaxed in his arms. "Thank you, Spock."


It was quite a while before we finally ventured outside, and the whole place was buzzing with twice the amount of people that are usually here at any given time.

Despite knowing that the sadistic bastard responsible for all this was around here somewhere, I was somewhat cheered by the familiar faces.

Obviously I didn't know everyone, but the faces that I know I've seen elsewhere were more common then the unfamiliar faces.

Some smiled and nodded in recognition, some eyed us warily as we passed and other's gazes slid right over us.

"Jim! Spock!"

We turned to see Sulu and Chekov waving us over, so we made our way over to them as quickly as possible.

"There are so many people" Sulu whispered dramatically, causing Chekov to giggle.

"I am sure vhat vhey haff a wery good reason to ve here," He put in and we all became silent. Even though there hadn't been an announcement everyone knew roughly why they were here.


Everyone's heads swivelled around to the direction of the voice and I felt a grin breaking out at the very familiar face.

"Kevin?!?" I asked incredulously, my heart filling with joy at the sight of one of my best friends.

"Jim! It's good to see you again man!" He laughed, slapping my shoulder as he came up next to me.

"You too, you too. Guys this is Kevin Riley, we grew up together. Kevin, these are my friends Hikaru Sulu and Pavel Chekov - And this is Spock, my boyfriend."

Kevin grinned and shook Sulu and Chekov's hands before gaping at Spock. "Wait, you two are..... Together?"

"We are" I tiled my head slightly, I didn't think any of my friends were homophobic or xenophobic, but sometimes you just can't tell.

He laughed, "Sorry, I was just surprised. Not the sort of people I would expect to be, uh, involved."

Spocks eyes narrowed. "May I inquire as to why you believe us to be an unlikely pairing?

He chuckled uncomfortably again and scratched the back of his neck. "Well, you're a Vulcan, and he's a whore, so.... Ya know"

"Hey! I'm not a whore!" I replied indignantly and Spock raised an eyebrow.

"We have not encountered any problems, nor do I expect us to" Spock stated coolly and Sulu, Chekov and I all watched wide-eyed as Spock glared at Kevin and Kevin continued to shift uncomfortably.

"Um, yeah okay - I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything, I'm supposed to be meeting Carol and Gary now, so, yea."

"They're here too?" I asked in delight and Kevin brightened. "Yea, the whole crew's here. They'll be so pumped to know you're here, except maybe Carol, - I think she's pissed at you again."

"Why? I haven't done anything!" I protested and Kevin grinned, shaking his head and backing away slowly.

"I dunno. Women, man, I don't even try anymore."

I waved goodbye to him and looked over to Spock as the other two wondered off.

He was looking at me with a slightly dreamy expression and I grinned. "What?" I questioned playfully and he flushed, looking away.

"You introduced me as your boyfriend," he muttered and my grin faulted.

"Y-yeah, I guess I did. I'm sorry, does it bother you? I won't do it again if you don't want me to"

His eyes flicked back to mine quickly and he shook his head. "Negative, T'hy'la, I like it"

I chuckled, "I like it too, love."

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