Chapter Forty One

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*Jim's POV*

"Can I have a cheeseburger?"

"No" came Spocks immediate reply. "You are currently under a lot of stress and your body is undoubtedly suffering as a result. You must eat food that will nourish you properly"

I narrowed my eyes at him and he crossed his arms, meeting my gaze stubbornly.

"What can I get you two?" the waitress asked politely with a flirtatious wink in my direction.

Spocks gaze flew up to glare at her and my mouth twisted into a grin, I don't think I'll ever not find his jealousy amusing.

"A cheeseburger" I told her, not taking my eyes off of Spock's annoyed face. His eyes swung around again to glare at me.

"Fine, the warm chicken salad" I corrected myself, sending an 'are you happy now' look Spock's way.

He looked triumphant and the waitresses's eyes flicked between us, clearly curious at our exchange and at Spock's hostile behaviour.

"I'll have the vegetable soup" Spock told her, looking back up with a mixture of irritation and snugness.

"A warm chicken salad and a vegetable soup, coming up" she confirmed, sending another hopeful smile my way.

"Why does everyone flirt with you" Spock grumbled when she was out of earshot, but it didn't sound like a question.

Of course I still answered him. "It's because I'm so hot. They all want me" His eyebrows scrunched up at my laughing tone and he glared across at me again.

"It's not funny, they do all want you. They're not allowed to want you" He muttered darkly, leaning back in his chair.

"Of course not, only you're allowed to think I'm hot and want me" I teased and his face darkened even more.

"Exactly" he confirmed, shooting another glare in the direction that the waitress had disappeared. And then glaring at everyone else looking in our direction.

"Relax Spock. You have me all to yourself." I nudged his foot with mine and he looked up at my grinning face.

"I know" he stated smugly, catching my hand under the table and sending a wave of adoration over.

My grin turned into a sappy smile and I sent my own love back, causing his cheeks to colour slightly and the corners of his lips to twitch upwards.

Our food came and I made a face at Spock as I put a piece of lettuce in my mouth. He just looked pleased and started eating his soup.

"Is that a salad you're eating?" Bones interrupted us incredulously, walking over and pulling a chair up to join us.

"How did you do it? What is your secret?" He asked Spock, who raised an eyebrow.

"I believe Jim - as you humans say - 'Wants me'" Spock deadpanned and Bones and I both choked.

"JIM" Bones yelled, slapping my arm and ignoring the looks everyone sent us. "Stop corrupting the innocent Vulcan!"

"I swear - I didn't do anything, he just picked it up" I defended and Bones started shaking his head violently.

"Nope, I'm done. Goodbye, enjoy your damn date." With that he got up and left.

"Spock - that was gold, I didn't think you had it in you" I chuckled and he looked confused.

"Didn't have what in me?" He questioned and I tilted my head at him.

"The joke- with Bones. I was not expecting that." I started laughing again and his confusion appeared to grow.

"I wasn't joking"

My laughter stopped and we looked at each other in silence for a few seconds before I lost it and started laughing even harder then before.

"Oh my god, that just makes it better"

Spock didn't look confused anymore, his face was now softer - clearly deciding I was a lost cause but he loved me anyway.

We finished our food and I stood with a yawn. "You good?" I asked and he nodded.

I payed the check and as soon as we left I threw the number that the waitress had slipped me in the bin - much to Spocks pleasure.

As soon as we got home I collapsed face first onto the bed, realising with a start that Spock was right - I am exhausted and the added stress of exams are not helping.

I heard Spock moving around a bit and waited patiently for him to come to bed.

I must have started dozing because my whole body tensed up and I jumped slightly in surprise when Spock's weight settled across my hips.

"Spock, what are you doing?" I mumbled, too tired to look.

He shushed me and when his gentle fingers found my shoulders and began easing the knots in my muscles I decided it didn't matter.

I let out a soft noise of appreciation and relaxed as Spock began humming quietly, massaging my shoulders and back expertly.

I fought the tiredness and tried to stay awake, not wanting to miss a moment of this bliss.

"Sleep" Spock urged me after a while, clearly realising that I was purposely staying awake.

"Don't want to" I told him stubbornly and he sighed. "Okay, I'm almost finished anyway"

His fingers kept kneading for another few minutes, and then stilled on my shoulders. "Do you feel any better?" he asked softly.

"Much, thank you love" I replied, turning a bit as he moved off me and lay down, tucking my head under his chin.

"Sleep" he told me again and I yawned, nuzzling my face against his chest.

"Mhm, love you" I managed to get out and felt his chest vibrating slightly as he fought to keep a laugh in.

"I love you so much Ashayam. Taluhk nash-ver k'dular" Spock whispered lovingly.

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