Chapter Fifteen

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*Jim's POV*

I woke to the sun peeking softly through the cave entrance. I sat up and looked around quickly to make sure everything was ok.

All was as it should be, the fire had burnt out overnight and nothing seemed to have found us.

I looked over to Spock, who looked unusually relaxed in sleep. He was sleeping on his side, facing me with both his arms folded under his head, his mouth ever so slightly open.

His hair looked so soft and I felt an irresistible urge to reach out and run my fingers through it, to feel if it was as smooth and soft as it looks.

I shook myself, I should not think those sorts of things about Spock. I'm glad I resisted because a moment later his eyes blinked open and he sat up, yawning and running a hand through his hair, dishevelling it the way I had wanted to a moment before.

He looked so young and - I had to admit it - cute.

He blinked, still in a sleep stupor but after a second he snapped out of it and frowned at me, "what is it?"

I looked away and mumbled "nothing", my mind reeling.

Now that I thought about it I couldn't stop noticing the little things. The way his eyebrows scrunched when he was confused - like they were now, the way his pointy ears cut through his inky hair and the stiff way he held himself when he was unsure of something.

He shifted uncomfortably and got up, carefully fixing his little nest and making it neat again. I got up and attempted to copy him, not wanting him to think I was a slob, which resulted in a semi-neat heap.

"Should we explore the immediate area?" he questioned, eyeing my attempt of neatness with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

That was another thing I had noticed about Spock, although most of the time he had the typical blank Vulcan face, he had some of the most expressive eyes I had ever seen, not to mention those eyebrows.

"Yeah probably" I replied, trying not to stare creepily.

We walked side by side out of the cave and I was extremely aware of how close our hands were to touching, if one of us were to move a few millimetres closer.....

I fought the urge and after a few moments he seemed to realise how close we were and moved away a bit.

I looked away in disappointment but couldn't help looking back up at him a moment later. He had a soft green tinge colouring his cheekbones, was he.... Blushing?

Was it possible he felt something, anything, for me? Probably not, he's probably just uncomfortable.

"So we'll need more firewood" he said thoughtfully, "more food obviously" he added and my stomach rumbled in agreement, "what else?"

I thought quickly, running through a list of things needed to survive in my head. "Maybe we should see about finding some more stuff we can use as blankets, it was cold last night" I suggested and he nodded in agreement.

My suggestion of getting more things to keep us warm at night was probably going to be in vain, I felt a sinking feeling as I looked around the barren terrain.

We had hoped that the mountains offer more in the way of materials and resources for us to use, and although their did appear to be more of those dry shrubby bushes that were so good for firewood, there wasn't much else. Luckily however the river meant that we always had clean, fresh water to drink, cook and bathe.

"Here" Spock said after a few hours of walking in silence. He crouched next to a small woody plant with a slightly purple colouring on top of the hill we had just climbed. The hill was surrounded by many other hills and I looked around nervously for signs of life, although there appeared to be none.

I crouched next to him and watched with curiosity as he began pulling at it and digging in attempt to get it out of the ground.

He finally pulled out its long, distinctively purple root from the ground and held it up for me to see, a look of trumpth on his face.

"Plomeek" he explained "it is a root used in soups on Vulcan, it is very nutritious and filling. Although traditionally it is a bland dish I find it is better with spices added - if we can find some I believe you would enjoy it."

I nodded, impressed "awesome, I think I saw some of this plant close to the cave yesterday but I didn't know what it was. So even if we don't find any spice or anything that solves-" I stopped and motioned for Spock to stay silent. He closed his mouth, which he had opened when I paused, and listened intently.

Something was coming up the hill next to ours, I could hear more then one voice grunting in a language I didn't recognise.

I saw the tips of two heads that were definitely not human and stopped thinking. I lunged at Spock who had frozen and grabbed him, launching us so that we rolled down the hill much faster then we would have been able to run.

I curled my body around his so he didn't touch the ground as we rolled, feeling my clothes ripping and my skin tearing and bruising as I protected him.

We rolled to a stop and he desperately wriggled out of my grasp, his terrified expression turning to worry as he saw the blood covering my body.

"Run, back to the cave" I whispered frantically to him, lurching to my feet and pushing him to get him moving.

We ran as fast as we could while making as little noise as possible, darting between cover in hope that we wouldn't be seen.

I only looked back once, and all I saw was two humanoid figures standing on the top of the hill looking around, possibly to find us - assuming they knew we were there to start with of course. Apart from that I kept my gaze firmly on Spock's back as we ran, making good time and returning to the cave in less then half the time it took us to find the Plomeek plant.

Once safely in the cave I collapsed, gasping in exhaustion and pain. Spock more logically leant against the wall, panting softly, a slight sheen of sweat covering him.

"Are you well?" he asked after getting his breath back. I threw him a thumbs up, turning and sitting up with my back against the wall.

He straightened up and did a quick scan of my injuries, "you did not need to protect me like that" he said, a green tinge spreading across his face and touching the tips of his ears.

I ignored the flipping sensation at the memory of his body against mine, his smaller frame fitting so perfectly into me, like a puzzle piece. "It was the logical thing to do" I paused and felt a smile flickering across my face as his confusion grew "no need for us both to be injured" I explained.

He nodded, his expression unreadable as he turned away "get some rest, I shall find some more Plomeek and prepare some substance for us"

"Be careful, Spock" I whispered to his retreating back, I doubt he heard me and part of me was glad - I very much doubt he would approve of my growing feelings for him.

I felt myself weakening from blood loss and decided to take Spock's advice and rest while he prepared dinner for us.

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