Chapter Forty

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Oompa Loompa

*Jim's POV*

For the first time in days I woke up with Spock in my arms.

I honestly have no idea how I didn't realise I was missing the little things like this.

Spock stirred a few minutes later and blinked up at me sleepily. "Jim?" He asked groggily.

"Good morning love" I muttered, kissing his forehead.

He yawned and sat up, his eyes widening as he looked over at the clock. "I have my tactical training exam in four hours" he worried, moving to get out of bed.

I sat up and put my arms around him to stop him moving. "Shh, you'll do fine Spock - and you have plenty of time for some last minute cramming."

He shook his head at my attempts to calm him. "No, I haven't studied enough - I'm not going to pass Jim"

I kissed him firmly. "You'll do great" I promised, releasing him and standing up as he hurried over to find some clothes.

"What if I fail?" he asked with his back turned, and I could hear genuine concern in his voice.

"Then you fail, people fail exams all the time - and you are doing well enough in tactical training that even if you fail this exam, you will probably pass the subject." I reasoned, but my logic didn't seem to reassure him that much.

"When's your first exam?" Great, now Spock's stressing about my exams as well as his own.

"This afternoon, my tactical training starts just before yours finishes" I informed him with a sigh.

Honestly I'm not even that worried about it, there are bigger things going on at the moment.

"Will you study?" he nagged and I let out an exaggerated sigh, partly relieved. At least he's being himself.

"Of course"


We studied together until it was time for Spock to go and sit his exam, then I went to where Sulu and Chekov were and studied with them for about an hour and a half.

Then it was time to go and sit my exam.

I went in with the rest of my class and like always the time we were given absolutely flew, I was halfway through the last question when our time was up and we had to stop.

I stood with everyone else and we filed out of the room, most people chatting about the exam.

I turned my communicator back on and immediately a message came through from Pike.

Please report to my office as soon as you receive this

I checked the time, the message had come through about 20 minutes ago.

I decided against replying and instead started making my way to his office, dreading whatever he had to tell or show me.


"There's another message" Pike informed me as I walked through the door, not wasting any time with formalities.

"Alright, send it through" I sighed, getting my communicator out in preparation.

Pike tapped his PADD and my communicator beeped. I opened the message and scanned my eyes over it.

I know your exams are starting around now, I am certain you did fantastically in any you have done so far and I wish you luck for the ones you haven't completed yet. Not that you need luck.

On a completely unrelated topic, it seems I have finally gotten your attention.

I would love to say I'm sorry for the rift my last message caused between you and the filthy little Vulcan, but I can't do that while being completely honest with you.

So now that I've got your attention, how about we crank things up a little, make things a bit more exciting.

I know how much you love a little excitement my dear.

I don't want to cut this short, but you know - lots to plan.

Yours always.

I put my communicator away and ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

"There's going to be another attack" I sighed and Pike nodded.

"We are doing everything we can, but there is no way to predict what they will do. No one could do what this person is doing without quite a lot of intelligence, so they must know that Starfleet are receiving the messages as well."

I realised that Pike was just as frustrated at how little we could do as I was.

"Well, you can go, again, if you think of anything - you know where to find me"

I nodded but paused by the door. "You can send the messages straight through to me rather then waiting for me to get here if that's easier" I offered and he nodded.

"Yes, I'll do that. Good luck with exams and try not to stress about the message too much, we'll let you know if anything comes up"

I nodded again, leaving his office and making my way back to Spock's place, my mind buzzing with possible targets for the next attack.


Spock was sitting cross legged on the bed when I walked in.

He looked like he might have been meditating, so I stayed quiet as I moved around the room, putting my things away and still thinking about the message.

"Jim? Where have you been?" Spock asked, opening his eyes and standing up.

"Sorry, I thought you were meditating. First, how did you exam go?" I asked, trying to divert his attention for as long as possible.

"Surprisingly well, did something happen?" He pressed with a concerned tone.

I pulled my communicator out and handed it to him with a sigh so that he could read the message.

"Pike gave it to me after my exam" I told him as he read it quickly. "There will be another attack" He stated and I nodded.

"Looks like it. Pike pretty much said there isn't anything we can do though."

I sighed again and Spock came over. "What we can do right now, is go out and get you a good meal that McCoy would be happy with you consuming, then we are going to come back here and you will get a good sleep so that you are prepared for the survival strategies exam tomorrow" He told me, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Okay" I smiled in thanks and hugged him tightly before we grabbed our jackets and headed outside.

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