Chapter Fifty Two

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*Spock's POV*

"Hey Jim, you know Janice right? She and Christine are my new roommates - She mentioned that she knew you."

We were walking around the academy in search of Scotty. Uhura had told Jim that she was 'interested' in Scotty and he had gotten overly excited, demanding that she talked to him immediately.

"Janice? Like, Janice Rand?" Jim asked in confusion and Uhura nodded. "Yeah, and Christine Chapel."

Jim frowned and shook his head slightly. "I know Christine, we're friends. I kinda know Janice? Like friend of a friend thing, she and Christine have always been tight."

Uhura looked confused but shrugged. "Okay, maybe she just meant that you were someone here that she knew. Better than everyone else who she's never seen before I guess."

They continued chatting about people Jim knew and I tuned them out, concentrating on the environment around us.

Most people here were blissfully unaware of what was happening around them. They knew that there was a threat, but they believed that they were safe here - That Starfleet could protect them.

"Oh hey look, there they are!" Uhura cheerfully pointed out two blonde females and made a beeline towards them.

Jim rolled his eyes and grinned at me. "Now she's just trying to distract us from our goal." He laughed and I had to repress a smile at his carefree expression.

"Shall we?" His voice was light but his eyes were uncertain as he extended a hand out slightly to me.

The gesture was little enough that I could have ignored it if I wanted to. I am certain that was his intention, to not make me feel like I had to hold his hand.

I gave in to the urge though, and the radiant smile he sent me was well worth it.

We walked, hand in hand, to where Uhura was standing with the females that must be her new roommates.

"Hey Jim," one of them beamed at him and he smiled back tentatively. "Hey Janice, Christine."

The other one rolled her eyes. "Hey, jerk. Who's your friend?"

Jim's eyes flicked to me and he frowned slightly, squeezing my hand. "Christine, this is Spock - my partner. Spock, this is Christine and Janice."

Christine's eyes flickered down to our intertwined hands and she sighed. "Damn, why are all the cute ones taken?"

Jim's grip on me tightened despite her joking tone and I had to repress another smile at my T'hy'la's possessiveness.

Janice stayed silent but I noticed her frowning at our hands and wondered with a stab of jealousy why she cared.

Was it possible that she too was once involved with my T'hy'la? Or perhaps she wished to be.

With this in mind I made eye contact with her while subtly shifting closer to Jim and raising an eyebrow.

To another Vulcan the message to 'back off' would have been clear, however Janice simply smirked at me before smiling sweetly at Jim and leaning forward.

"So, you're still in the command track?"

Jim and Christine paused their conversation to look at her and Jim offered a hesitant grin back.

"Yeah, are you still deciding?"

She nodded and fluttered her eyelashes in a way that she clearly believed was flattering. It was not.

"I don't suppose you would be able to help me go over the different subjects and tracks with me? Say tonight?"

I stiffened and glared at her. The suggestion itself was innocent enough, however the way she said it made her intention perfectly.

Christine closed her eyes and shook her head slightly while Uhura glared at her with disgust clear on her face.

Jim recoiled slightly and stepped closer to me, releasing my hand and slipping his arm around my waist instead.

"Sorry Janice, Spock and I have plans."

Her expression soured but she recovered quickly, sending him another sickly sweet smile.

"Oh well, another time."

Jim didn't say anything and she walked away with a final glare in my direction.

Christine rolled her eyes and sighed again. "Ignore her, she's always like that."

"What, a bitch? I think we noticed." Uhura snapped and Christine shrugged helplessly.

"She's not a bitch, she just...... Likes attention? I don't know, I mean it was just this morning that she was trying to get with your other friend. You know, the one with the Scottish accent."

Uhura's eyes blazed with anger and she rounded on Christine. "She WHAT!?"

"Well if it makes you feel better she didn't get far with him either." Christine backtracked and Uhura huffed in annoyance.

"I have to go," she stated and stalked off. Christine shrugged again and followed her, leaving Jim and I alone.

"Spock, I'm sorry she was so rude to you. I can't believe she did that."

I leaned into him and shook my head slightly. "It is not your fault, besides, she shall learn soon enough that you are mine only."

Jim chuckled and turned to me. "Yes, yes I am."

He hesitated briefly before lifting a hand and touching my lips lightly, asking for permission.

This time I did not give in. "Jim. We are in public," I reminded him gently and his face fell slightly.

"Yeah, okay. Sorry, later?"

I nodded and he beamed. "Well, unless you have something better to do I suggest we go find Uhura and Scotty. We wouldn't want to miss all of the fun now, would we?"

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