Chapter Eighty Two

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*Jim's POV*

Pike and I had found some hard, plastic chairs and were sitting by Kevin's bed.

I was thinking over what Gary had said earlier. I knew he didn't mean his words, but that didn't take the sting out of them.

Pike seemed to sense what I was thinking. He took his eyes off the screen monitoring Kevin's vitals and fixed his gaze on me.

"Mr Mitchell's accusations were made out of grief and fear Jim, they hold little truth. You couldn't have predicted or prevented any of this."

He let out a heavy sigh and looked away. "Take this as a lesson, the less people that know the truth behind this situation the better. I know Gary Mitchell is your friend, but you shouldn't have told him. Please try not to involve anyone else, okay?"

I nodded absently, then froze as his words sunk in.

"What?" Pike asked suspiciously.

"Gary knows," I started slowly, meeting Pikes eyes. "I didn't tell him, and as far as I know no one else did either. How does he know?"

Understanding lit up Pike's face and he froze.

We were both distracted by a groan from the bed and Kevin's eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Kev?" I asked quietly, still reeling.

Panic flashed across Kevin's face and he glanced frantically around the room before meeting my eyes.

"Jim...." he coughed, flecks of blood staining the white sheets.

I gripped his hand tightly, leaning closer. "Who did this to you Kev?"

Kevin squeezed his eyes shut. "Jim, it was Gary, it's been Gary this whole time."

I was expecting it, but the confirmation still hit me hard.

"I don't understand why he would.... He's never.." I trailed off horror filling me. "Spock, Spock's with him - he doesn't know."

Pikes eyes widened. "Well shit."


*Spock's POV*

"Did she say anything about me? Before she died?"

Gary had been silent for a long time and I jumped slightly at the sudden question.

"She could not speak," I reminded him as gently as possible.

"Oh, that's right, the doctor already said that."

Something was definitely wrong with him, at first I thought it was simply the grief but by now I was certain it was something else.

He was jumpy, and kept glancing around nervously as if he thought we were being followed.

"I wonder if Kevin will wake up soon," he muttered anxiously, almost to himself.

"I am sure he will," I reassured him and his shoulders slumped slightly.

"Yeah, I hope so." Despite his words he sounded unsure. "He never should have been caught up in this."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Nobody should have been caught up in this."

Another thought suddenly occurred to me. "Who made you aware of this... Situation?"

He jumped slightly, clearly not expecting the question. "Erm... Jim told me when you and Carol first went missing."

I frowned in confusion, Jim had failed to mention that.

My communicator suddenly buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket, frowning at Jim's message.

Are you still with Gary? Spock it's him, you have to get away

I froze as the pieces quickly came together, then slowly raised my eyes to look at Gary.

He was pointing a phaser at my head with shaking hands. "So he figured it out huh? I knew he would, he's not stupid. I shouldn't have attacked Kev, I was just so angry, I couldn't stop myself!"

"Gary.." I said slowly and his eyes flickered to the communicator I was still holding.

"Put it down, and keep your hands where I can see them. I have to go before they find me. You're coming too, you can be my bait." He nodded to himself as his plan began forming.

"This way, don't try to run - I swear, I'll shoot."

I didn't doubt it. Although his hands were still shaking his face was set, and there was a gleam of pure desperation and madness in his eyes.

I put my hands up slowly, dropping the communicator and walking in the direction he indicated.

All I could do was hope Jim and Pike would find a solution, and my T'hy'la would not attempt anything too risky.

Sorry for the short chapter guys, just needed a bit of a bridge between the last chapter and the next one. I honestly think this fic has been dragged out long enough, so it is approaching its end. Once it does finish I plan on starting a Merlin fic, would anyone here be interested? I've been wanting to do one for ages, it will be set in season 5 and will primarily be Merlin/Mordred. Let me know what you think <3

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