Chapter Twenty Eight

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*Jim's POV*

I opened the door to my dorm room as quietly as possible, praying to God that Bones would still be sleeping so that I could pretend that I came home late last night, rather then this morning.

Unfortunately Bones was awake, and glaring at me from his bed.

"Where have you been all night mister?" He shot sourly at me.

"Um" I replied, going pink "I was with Spock" I went over and sat on my bed, hoping this conversation will be quick so I can go see Spock again.

Shit, I am getting way to attached to him, it has been less then 20 minutes since I last saw him and I am already missing him like crazy.

"So it went well then?" Bones raised an eyebrow in a very Vulcan manner, although he did look relieved.

"Yep" I laughed happily "he was avoiding me because he thought I was disgusted that we kissed" I lay down in a happy daze, feeling very much like a girl with my first boyfriend (is Spock my boyfriend? T'hy'la? Is that the same sort of thing? Or is it more? I think it's more).

"Meanwhile you were avoiding him, making you both miserable" Bones commented thoughtfully "good thing I'm such an annoying pain in the ass and made you go talk to him".

I rolled my eyes at his smirk "yeah. Right. So I don't know what's gonna happen, if I'm not home don't worry, I'll probably be at Spock's"

He pulled a face "that's enough Jimmy, I don't want a mental image"

I grinned at him "ah well, I'm gonna go get cleaned up and then I'm going to meet up with Spock, see ya later"

He grumbled to himself as I walked to the bathroom, something about 'green blooded hob-goblin', 'stupid young love' and 'neglected best friend'.


I pulled on a clean shirt and took my PADD out to message Spock.

Meet me at the coffee shop in 5?

His response chimed in a second later.

I shall be there.

Awesome! See u soon xx

I grabbed my key and headed to the door, again realising with some concern how much I want to be around him.

My PADD chimed again and I looked at it with some surprise, I wasn't expecting another message from him.

What does xx mean? Is it some form of code that I am unaware of?

I had to re-read this a couple off times to make sure I wasn't imagining his response. I ended up just laughing silently for a while, unable to get the image of a confused Spock trying to figure out what x equalled out of my head.

HAHAHA oh Spock an x is like sending a hug so I was sending u two hugs

That is illogical as I cannot experience a hug through message. And, hypothetically, if I could, one hug would have been adequate.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled as I started walking towards the coffee shop that I frequently went to.

Damn ur so romantic Spock ;)

I sent him, an amused smile playing across my face as I thought about what his reaction would be.

I walked in to the cheery little coffee place and went straight to my favourite table.

It was a window table and since I have last been here someone has planted some brightly coloured flowers in the windowsill, perfectly complementing the comfortable, mismatched chairs.

The door opened and Spock walked in, meeting my eyes and slowly making his way over to me.

He didn't exactly smile as he slid into the seat opposite me, but his eyes got that gleam in them that I associate with him being happy or amused.

"Jim" he greeted me in his quiet, steady voice.

"Spock" I beamed at him, admiring the way his snug black sweater hugged his lean body shamelessly.

"So, coffee?" I asked standing up, motioning for him to stay seated when he made to follow me.

"I'll have whatever your having" he said, looking vaguely uncomfortable.

I quickly ordered our coffee and took a seat again. "So did you get any work done?" I asked after a little silence.

He nodded "an adequate amount, how was the talk with McCoy?"

"Oh he grumbled and complained, but I think he's happy we're talking again" Amusement flickered in his eyes. "Indeed" he replied, his tone almost laughing.

Our coffee came and we talked about everything and nothing until it went cold.

I looked outside and was shocked to see the sun was almost setting.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked, brushing one of his hands under the table with one of mine. I'm not quite ready to say goodbye.

"That sounds pleasant" he replied and together we rose and left the little shop.

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