Chapter Sixty Three

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*Spock's POV*

Spock, we have a situation. I think you'll wanna see this - Can you meet me in Pike's office?

I felt my chest clench with anxiety. What has happened now?

I shall be there shortly.

I excused myself quickly, ignoring Amanda's concerned look and Sareks raised eyebrow as I hurried away.

Thankfully the walk to Pike's office was short, therefore I did not have to wait long to find out what was wrong.

Jim was sitting with a PADD in his lap and Pike was standing next to him, frowning as they conversed.

"Spock, we think Carol has been taken." Jim didn't waste any time and I strode over to him, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder as I looked down at what they were discussing.

"This is the security footage from her room about 3 hours ago," Jim filled me in and rewinded the video slightly before playing it.

Carol was laying on the bed, singing softly under her breath as she gazed at a holograph of her and Gary with a loving smile. Her communicator beeped and she picked it up, still gazing at the picture. She glanced at the message and her smile immediately dropped, a look of horror crossing her face as she slowly sat up. It beeped again and her expression turned to one of complete terror. She flung the device away and sprung up, turning to face the direction of the door. "No...." She whispered. "Please, I don-"

The screen went blank and I frowned in confusion. "Where is the rest of the tape?" Pike shook his head. "It's gone, wiped from the system."

Jim brought up another video. "It came back online 20 minutes later."

In this tape the room was empty, but the room looked different. Carol hadn't gone without a fight, and objects had been discarded everywhere in what had obviously been a struggle.

"See the blood on the bed post? They must have knocked her out." Pike observed and Jim closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in. "We have to find her, before something happens."

Pike opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by Jim's communicator. The blood drained out of Jim's face. "Oh god, it's Gary. What do I tell him?"

"Tell him anything but the truth. No one can know, there is already a dangerous number of people involved."

Jim didn't look happy, but nodded in agreement with Pike.

"Hey Gary, have you found anything?" He obviously tried to make his voice even, but I could hear it cracking as he struggled to keep himself together.

"Jim, I checked our place, someones been here - oh Jim I think somethings happened to her!" Gary was not even attempting to conceal the terror in his voice and Jim winced.

"Shit, it's going to be okay Gary - I'll talk to Captain Pike and we'll get people looking into it. We will find her, I promise. I'm on my way now, don't go anywhere."

"Please hurry," Gary sounded like he was crying and I felt my heart go out to him. I could only imagine the terror he would be feeling, the terror I would feel if something happened to Jim.

"I need to be there for him," Jim looked to Pike, who nodded. "You two go, I'll start digging, hopefully I've have something soon - I'll keep you updated."

Jim nodded and sprang up, heading for the door with me right behind him.

It did not take us long to reach Gary and Carol's room, where Gary was sitting on the bed, clutching the holograph that Carol had been looking at earlier.

Tears streamed down his face and Jim went to him, putting an arm around him and muttering comforting words while I glanced around the room for any clues as to who had taken her.

I couldn't see anything, so I went over to Jim and Gary.

"We will find her, I promise."

Jim sounded confident, however I felt doubtful. So far we knew nothing. They were always ahead of us and they never made a mistake or left a trail.

Gary let out a shaky laugh. "Yeah, I guess there isn't much to do except wait."

I exchanged a surprised look with Jim. "Wait?" He questioned uncertainly and Gary nodded. "Yeah, for whoever took her to contact us. There'll be a ransom... Or.... Or something. Then I'll be able to get her back. Right?"

"Yeah, of course." Jim reassured him, glancing up at me with a guilty glint in his eyes. I nodded, Gary had made his assumptions, and it was better to let him believe that he had a chance to get his fiancée back than for him to know that a senseless psychopath had her.

"I'll get her back," he muttered. "I will. I have to. I don't think I can live without her."

Pike walked through the door with a few security officers. "I would say 'good afternoon', but obviously it's not. If you don't mind leaving the room so we can check it, if they left any clues, we'll find them."

We nodded and left, Jim half-supporting a shaky and pale Gary.

"I'm going to take him to Bones and my place so he can rest," Jim muttered to me as he passed and I nodded in agreement.

When they were gone I started walking aimlessly, not exactly sure where I was going.

My communicator buzzed after a while and I pulled it out, expecting a message from Jim.

It wasn't, and I frowned in confusion when I realised it was an unknown number.

I opened it hesitantly, closing my eyes as my mind registered who it was from. I opened them again and read the message, a familiar knot of anxiety pulling at my stomach.


I believe it is time you and I have a little chat.

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