Chapter Eighty One

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*Spock's POV*

It was quiet for the next few days.

I spent quite a bit of time with Amanda, who had calmed down, and Sarek, who appeared to be back to his normal self apart from the nervous glances he kept sending Amanda, as if he was worried she would break down again.

I was sitting in the shade of a tree just outside the academy grounds, enjoying the warmth, when I spotted Jim walking over, a grin covering his face as he flopped down next to me.

"They released Kev!" He exclaimed, sounding so absolutely thrilled that I had to let a small smile slip out.

"That is excellent Ashaya, do they have a new lead?"

Jim's smile disappeared and he frowned. "Well, no. The evidence you gave was apparently enough for them to review their evidence against Kev though, and they've found an edit in the tracing system. Whoever did it was good enough that the change was almost undetectable, but now there's no doubt Kev was set up."

"It is good that he is free again. How is everyone else? I have not been able to talk to everybody since I.. returned."

Jim frowned slightly and tilted his head back. "Everyone's happy that you're safe. I haven't seen Gary much, he's devastated about Carol. I hope he's going to be okay, in all the years I've known him I've never seen him like this. He really loved her."

"How about you?" I asked gently. "Are you okay? I know... I know you loved her too."

Jim hung his head. "She was a good friend, I'm going to miss her. She shouldn't have died."

I reached over and squeezed his hand. "Her death was not your fault Ashaya."

Jim's eyes were filled with pain as they met mine. "How is it not my fault? Everything that's happened, everyone that's been hurt.... it's all on me."

Whatever I was going to say died in my throat as Gary appeared and rushed over to us.

"Jim.... Spock, you need to come quick. Kev's...... Kev's hurt. He's hurt bad"

Terror flashed across Jim's face as we sprung up to follow Gary to Medbay.


By the look on Captain Pike's face when we arrived, it was not good.

I looked past him to Kevin, lying motionless on a bio-bed.

Kevin's face had drained of colour and his eyes were flickering restlessly under his closed eyelids.

"What happened!" Jim gasped, rushing to his friends side.

"Sometime between him being released and about an hour ago, he was attacked. Someone with a knife, old fashioned I know, just rushed up to him, stabbed him, and ran away again. At least, that's what the only witness said - and they are a little shaken."

"Is he going to be okay?" Jim asked anxiously, brushing some of his damp hair back and feeling his forehead.

Pike shook his head slowly. "I don't know. The doctors said if he lives through the night he has a good chance, but the blade grazed his heart. He might not make it."

"There must be something that can be done!" Gary suddenly exploded. "You can't let him die! We can't lose him too."

His eyes filled with tears and he turned, dashing them away angrily.

"Gary," Jim said quietly, taking a step towards him. "We're not giving up on him. You heard Pike, he does have a chance."

He tried to put a hand on Gary's shoulder but the other man shook him off, sending him a dark look.

"Don't even try James. If you hadn't attracted this psycho, none of this would have happened. Kev would be fine, and she'd still be here.... My Carol would still be alive..."

He choked up and dashed his tears away again before turning and heading for the door. "Let me know if there's any change."

Jim stood frozen, staring after his friend with unshed tears in his eyes.

"Jim.." I said slowly, moving towards him.

"He's right. This is all my fault. Kev, Carol... You, no one would have been hurt if it wasn't for me."

"He is wrong." I stated firmly and wrapped my arms around him, ignoring the others in the room.

"He is grieving the loss of his mate, he needs someone to blame. That does not give his words any truth."

I paused. "Stay here with Kevin, I will make sure Gary is okay." I didn't want to leave Jim while he was so upset, but Gary was upset too and he was one of Jim's closest friends. If he was important to Jim, he was important to me.

Jim nodded. "Thank you. I would go myself but... I don't think he'd appreciate that."

I touched my fingers to his briefly and left the room without another word.


It didn't take me long to find Gary.

He was sitting on a wall not far from the Medbay. His head was buried in
his hands and he did not look up as I came over and sat next to him.

After a few minutes of silence he let out a heavy sigh. "I shouldn't have said those things to Jim."

"No," I agreed. "He does know you are grieving, but your words still caused him pain."

Gary winced. "I know. I'll apologise later, I just can't... I don't know what to do anymore. It's like my life's spinning out of control and there is nothing I can do about it. Carol.... I don't know what to do without her."

He paused, chewing his lip nervously.

"Spock, I was actually wondering if you have a few hours you can spare, I need to talk to someone - and you were the last person to see her alive, to speak with her."

I felt sadness and pity for him wash over me. "I too would appreciate the chance to talk about her."

A small smile flickered across his face but it was gone just as quickly.

"Shall we walk?"

I nodded and, sparing a glance to the Medbay where Jim was with Kevin, followed him.

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