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As randhir left .. Sanyukta was nervous again .. She slowly walked towards the washroom and slipped out of her clothes before turning the shower on ..

She washed her body as the dreadful incident again haunted her and tears ran down her cheeks mixed along with water .. Being Alone was the biggest challenge for her .. She took deep breathes and tried to not remember that incident and shut her eyes tight .. Bt shutting her eyes was of little help as what flashed infront of her eyes made her sweat even when she was taking shower.

Her saree being torn away and she being slapped

"no " she shook her head before sniffing and wiped her face with the towel and wore her bathrobe before coming out of the washroom

" I.. I don't want to stay here .. It's suffocating .. I will go out " she mumbled before wearing her clothes ..

Her phone started ringing loudly and she received it

" yes randhir "

" yes I m fine.. Ya ya " she managed to speak wiping her running nose due to continuous cries.

Taking her wallet she huffed coming out of the room .. The fresh air gave her some peace ..

She strolled in the near by streets .. Buying flowers and some chocolates for herself .. Visiting few temples .. And she was about to step inside the temple she felt someone tugging at her arm .. She tried to turn and flinch away from the hold bt his grip grew tighter and he pulled her along with him pressing his palms on her mouth .. Refraining her from shouting ..

The flowers and chocolates slipped out of her hand and fear engulfed her .. She was pushed inside a car and someone pressed chloroform against her nose making her unconscious.

"Randhiiirrrrr" she cried loudly as she gained her consciousness ..

"i need you .. Please save me randhir "

There he kept calling her again and again only to hear that the phone was switched off .. Today if sanyukta was again keeping her phone on silent and sleeping she would have it from him .. He just could scare him like this every bloody day ..
On the way he kept calling her .. But no response ..

"sanyukta agarwal's room? Attached with mine .. Keys? Why is it locked from outside as well? "

" sir ma'am didnot turn up since morning "

" what? "

" ya she left around 11 am and she didnot return till now! "

" what? Where did she go? " his hands started sweating and creases appeared on his forehead .. He was just hoping that the thought which was crossing his mind would remain just a bad thought and should not the reality ..

" sorry sir we - - - " even before they could complete randhir had already ran out of the hotel ..


As sanyukta sat there defeated .. Someone walked inside .. Making her heart beat faster with fear .. She didnot want all that to happen again .. Why was she kidnapped? That too in chennai? No one even knew her.

And as the person finally was inside and she inched her lashes up .. Her eyes widened .. And tears filled her eyes .. He was SANJAY.

That smirk on his face seeing her just grew wider and sanyukta shook her head mentally begging the god that this should just be a nightmare and nothing else .. Definitely not the reality ..

Sanjay's phone started ringing and he rolled his eyes and laughed

"bhabhiiii seee who is callinggg" he laughed darkly

Randhir had called on that unknown number from which sanyukta had received the text .. Somehow he was having the feeling that it was sanjay' s number and he was RIGHT.

"yes buddy "

" SANJAY" randhir snarled
"where is sanyukta? "

" easy buddy .. " he chuckled before placing the phone near her ears ..

Randhir could hear her sobs .. " ran-dh-ir" she hiccuped and randhir's voice soften

"sanyukta? "

" tchh" sanjay smirked before pulling the phone away.

"remember how u had used your hands on me randhir??? Similarly I will use my hands on her againnn" he smirked dragging the word again while sanyukta failed to understand anything .. He slowly trailed his dirty fingers on her cheeks and she immediately turned her face away

"move sanjay no " fresh tears pooled out of her eyes ..


" oh! I m scared " he replied mockingly


" oops I can't hear anything .. Bye buddy " and he hanged up ..

" sanyuktaaa" sanjay leaned closer to her placing his hands on both the sides of her chair ..

"sanjay moveee" she cried desperately wanting him to move away .. Bt she was helpless .. Her hands and legs were tied ..



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