More reasons than one

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"Egotistical, self absorbed, narcissistic son of a bitch!" I cussed as I came into Aaron's house with boxes, tape and staples.

"Uh oh, what's happened now?" He asked.

"That so called friend of yours. He's an asshole! No! He's worse, he's a... A.. A fucking fuck!" I swung into his kitchen to find Zak with a smug look on his face.

"Talking about me by any chance?" He smiled.

I glared at him and looked at Aaron who pulled a small smile hoping that I wouldn't kick off.

I dropped the empty boxes on Aaron's table on paperwork Zak had out in front of him.

"Uh. I'm using the table." He spoke holding his hands out.

I looked around "Hmm.. Could of thought I heard something." I shrugged my shoulders and looked at Aaron.

"I picked you up some things for your orders. I knew you were running low." I smiled.

"I am?"

"Yep. You've got about 4 boxes left. Lucky I'm here right?"

"That's a matter of opinions." Zak muttered pushing the boxes out the way.

I hopped onto Aaron's side putting my back to Zak.

"Hungry?" Aaron asked.

I pushed my mouth to the side thinking about it.

"What's she broke as well as annoying?" Zak muttered.

I could feel my face twist with anger instantly. Aaron put his hand on my knee and shook his head lightly. I growling I folded my arms...

Yes I was sulking.

"So... Can I make you something?" Aaron asked.

"I've just lost my appetite." I mumbled.

Zak's phone rang making him get up and go into the garden to take the call.

"Come on Ri. Give him a chance."

I scoffed "I knew you'd see his side before mine."

"Hey. That's not what I'm doing at all.. Look at me." Aaron lifted my chin to make me look at him.

"I just want my two best friends to get along.. Is that a crime?"

I shot a look at Zak.. Hoping he'd fall in the pool from a large gust of wind.


"Well?" Aaron asked making me look back at him.

"Why didn't you tell me HE was going to be here? I would have came over tomorrow."

"Oh Ri. Give it up!" Aaron threw his hands up and went into the fridge.

"What? You think it's all me! It's not! He's a shit head as well!" I defended myself.

"You're just as much to blame as he is!"

"What?! Are you crazy?! He starts it!"

"You're acting like a damn child all the time!" Aaron shouted. I heard Zak enter back into the house as I looked at Aaron.

Aaron's bite back hit me hard.... I've never let a man shout at me before,
Never. Aaron has never shouted at me before. In fact I have never heard Aaron shout before!

"Then allow me to take my childish ass out of your house." I replied pushing myself off the side and snatching up my bag and keys.

"Ri.. Ria... Ria wa-"

"Forget it! Enjoy your day." I answered hurt and left Aaron's house.

I got into my car and pinching the bridge of my nose. Pushing the keys into the ignition I headed home.


I walked around my house in my CK underwear.. I had an hour or two before work at Joey's and at a loose end. I had a shower and now I was twiddling my thumbs.

I was still pretty hurt that Aaron had a go at me. It wasn't all me.. It was that jackass as well but then he wouldn't say anything to Zak. Which is why this started in the first place. He treated Aaron like shit and made him the butt end of all his jokes. That's not to mention when Aaron was of a fuller figure. Zak used to make comments at every. Every the man ate. For example.. They were doing a vlog about Halloween once. Zak made a comment about Aaron wanting to eat all the sweets in such a snide way. Aaron denied it but Zak gave him this look and Aaron looked away. He would be on Aaron's case constantly off cameras.

It seemed Nick was supportive of Aaron no matter what and Zak wanted to carve a wing man.

Nick... Now there was a gentleman. It hurt when he left the crew, but not a lot of people know that the show left him behind...

Now I expect Captain Douche had something to do with it.

For someone who used to be 'bullied' as a child he was making up for it now. I had doubts that he even was bullied, if he was he certainly wouldn't pick on people's image as much as he did.

I shoved the coffee table away with my foot and paced. My phone went off again making me look at it. Aaron has tried to ring me countless times but he could swivel. I was still upset with him.

Seeing Joey's name I picked it up.


'Ri! Oh perfect you answered. I need your help.'

'Shoot Joey's, what's up?'

'I'm not going to be in tonight, I want you to run the bar.'

I blinked.


'Y-yeah! Yeah I'll do it!'

'See you at 6. Don't be late sweetie!' He hung up letting me have a chance to squeal and do a little dance.

It was Friday night in Vegas.. Every night is party night, but not every night is a Fancy dress Friday night!

Skipping to my wardrobe I decided to go hard or go home. Watch out Vegas... Harley Quinn is in town!

 Harley Quinn is in town!

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