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I woke up alone in Zak's bed, I stretched my legs out slowly and then did my arms before sitting up.

It was the first night I had stayed at his and not had sex. We actually just spent the night.. Sleeping.

Almost like a real couple..

I got up to find him and get some food. Upon leaving his bedroom I could hear voices, knowing one to be Aaron's I followed it to say hi.

But as I got closer I noticed a tone in their voices and instead of walking in I decided to eavesdrop instead.

"She stayed here. Didn't she?" Aaron spoke.

"Yeah she's still in bed."

"Zak what the fuck are you playing at?!" Aaron hissed making Zak hush him.

"I know what I'm doing!" Zak replied harshly.

"Do you? Cause it looks to me that you don't. You're playing with her bro. It's not fair on her."

"I- I'm not."

"But you told me countless amount of times that you don't do relationships."

"I don't!"

"Then what are you both doing?" Aaron asked.

"Look. She needed to have that test done. Am I correct? Now we just wait for the test results."

"And then what? You're gonna toss her to the curb like some jackass."

"No. I- I promise I'll let her down gently. But I needed her onside to take that test. Bro it's one less weight off your mind so that you can concentrate when we do a lockdown.. As soon as those results are in I'll fix this. She'll go back to hating me but at least I won't have to worry about you."

I blinked.

You fucking what?! This wasn't about my health, this was about making sure Aaron had his head in the game so that the show could go on?!

Unable to believe what I've just heard I got my things. I was going to leave.. But I wasn't finished.

Seeing his phone I put it in his aquarium for Dory to find Nemo. If he missed it I stuck a note on the tank with an arrow.

Along with the line "I'll let her down gently."

Argh! Men!

Whilst I walked off his community I rang my landlord for any updates on my home. With none I ended the call politely and rang a taxi company to take me back to the hotel.

I got back to the hotel and decided on what I was going to do. I left one car and got into another, I headed to Aaron's.

I knew he was at Zak's, hopefully he was still there anyway. I pulled up and used the spare key I had and let myself in.

Going to his office I went into the top snap folder and brought it down opening it to my documents. I always kept my passport at Aaron's for some reason. I guess I knew it was safer here than anywhere.

Using his computer I printed tickets and deleted my search history. I borrowed a suitcase and headed out of his house and back to the hotel.

It didn't take me long to pack up my things. Leaving an outfit out for tomorrow I was ready.

All I had to do now was wait and just chill out until it was time to go.


2 hours later I had pounding on the hotel door from no other than Zak himself. I think he was screaming about his phone so I did what any person would do.

I rung security and had him thrown out the hotel.

Hard faced bitch? Oh I can be.

My last call was to the doctors where Zak took me. I changed my appointment to first thing in the morning and asked them not to make anyone aware of the time change. With confidentiality being one of their top priorities they agreed. I also gave Stephen and Joey a call telling them of the recent times and my plans for the next few weeks.

Both agreed that I needed to get away and sort things out before coming back into work. So I did just that. I was taking the time to sort my life out.

I enjoyed the rest of my day and evening with a hot bath, room service and watching tv. It wasn't so bad but I did want to go out and get wine. However the chance of being cornered by a very angry Zak changed my mind.

The calls on my phone were logging up fast but I had no interest in answering them. Even from Aaron, I guess I was mad at him for seeing through Zak before me. I should have but my feelings had clouded my judgement on him because of what I was feeling inside. I just couldn't believe I was being played so easily.

I'll admit I was hurt. After yesterday I could actually see a potential future, for myself and Zak. We wouldn't be like a normal couple, hell he doesn't even have a normal job but I thought we stood a chance at being happy at the very least!

He was just so nice yesterd- stop it. Just stop.

I set my alarm and got an early night in ahead of my busy day tomorrow.

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