Two men in a pickle

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I got back to work and ended my shift only to find my tyres has been slashed. All four. With a little note on the windscreen.

- With Love. Zak.

F*cking asshole.

I had no idea what to do next so I rang Aaron.

20 minutes later he arrived to pick me up, in that time I'd arranged for someone to pick my car up and take it to their workshop to replace the tyres for me.

"Who've you pissed off?" He asked as we drove to his.


"Nobody.. No more than usual." I sighed lightly.

"Hmm.. Well I've just finished making dinner. So you can get your butt in and wash your hands cause you're eating at mine." Aaron spoke.

I gave him a salute and went straight in doing just that.

Aaron had made paella, not one to turn down food I sat and had dinner with him.

I noticed his chews were controlled, he was specifically looking at something. Then I remembered. I had a hickey, on my neck that probably was loud and proud right now.

"E-everything okay?"

"I've called you like countless times today as well as text. What's going on?" He asked.

"Nothing, why?"

"So you haven't got some disgruntled ex on your ass. From the car and that on your neck." He answered lifting his fork out to signal to my neck.

No just an asshole who I had a roll around with... An amazing roll around with.

Shut up Ri.

What? You enjoyed it.

Just shut up.

"Misunderstanding." I replied.

"So where's your phone?"

"In my bag. It's been on silent like all day plus I've been out of Vegas a lot of it. Why?"

"No particular reason. You got work tonight?"

I shook my head, I still had a little bit of time off thanks to Aaron's and Zak's handy work.

Joey was making sure I used my holiday now... Even if I couldn't really afford it. Perhaps those photos will go to the highest bidder after all.

I finished up dinner with Aaron when I noticed how quiet he really was.

"Aaron? Are you okay?" I asked frowning slightly.

"Y-yeah. Yeah I'm fine."

We hung out for a few more hours but I noticed his constant clock watching. Presuming he wanted me to go I called a taxi whilst he went to the bathroom.

Once it arrived I said my goodbyes to him and headed home.

Maybe Zak was right? Maybe Aaron was a little too attached? But he's never said anything before?

Why would he? You have always been close with him. Yet a day after you've came back from a holiday, you've slept with his best mate and blackmailed him to keep his mouth shut about your family.

I felt sick with worry when I remembered exactly why I needed him to be.

I watched the strip lights fly past, seeing people spill out of the clubs intoxicated and smoking. Degrading and pushing poison into their body.

I looked at my hands clenched together tightly..

Tomorrow I needed to change. Tomorrow I needed to put my life on the right course.

Arriving home I paid the driver and went into my apartment. Everything seemed just how I left it, with spare time on my hands I decided to put my life into order now.

Going through the kitchen I poured away all the alcohol I had. It consisted of 4 bottles, some alcopops and beer. I wasn't normally a huge drinker but I just seemed to accumulate alcohol.

Opening my fridge I saw what I had before making a list..

It was 9pm. Grabbing my purse and phone I headed out again walking to the food store.

It was oddly quiet at 9pm, I guess most people would be at home enjoying time with their families. Well with me I didn't have anyone at home which left me time to roam.

Pushing a shopping cart around I slowly filled it with fresh fruit and Veg. As well as fresh chicken, fish, brown rice, bottled water, and a few meal replacements.

I turned the corner and collided trolleys with Vegas' Hefner.


"Drop dead." I muttered going around him and continuing around the store. I still hadn't forgiven him about the car.

Feeling eyes on me I turned to find him waiting behind me patiently. Cussing under my breath I moved away from the shelf.

"I want to speak to you." He answered as I tried to go around the shelving again.

"What? What do you want?" I snapped.

"Have... Have you uh. You got the pill?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"No." I answered and carried on.

"What why? Maria please I can't be a fath-"

"Oh relax I'll do it tomorrow on my way to walking to work! Thanks for my car. You jack ass." I hissed.

"Well do you need a lift?"

"Not from you. You've done enough!" I hissed.

"Is this about what I said? About your mom?" He asked making me clench the trolley, turning my knuckles white.

"Look I'll buy you a phone yeah? A new one?"

"I've already got one. Good bye." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"What about the wheels?! I'll pay!"

"Goodbye Zak." I answered.

Walking around pointlessly I headed for the cashier and bought my things. Loaded up I left the store to begin my walk home slowly.

It was half 10 by the time I got in. Unpacking I got undressed and took a shower. Washing today from my skin, my mind went back to Aaron.

He was pissed about something. I mean I didn't think it was about me. I've always made it clear that I didn't see him as anything more than my best friend and he was fine.. Great even with that. But now?

Now I guess he could try and retract that.

Finding clothes tomorrow I set them out and hit the bed. The world can wait for another day because I had two men swarming my mind and I just needed to turn it all off.

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