The one that I want!

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"This one?" Tilly asked.

"No." I mumbled.

This was pointless now. I pushed the dresses along the rails briefly looking at them. Nothing would scream at me, nothing would catch my eye and have my name written all over it because my need and want to dress up had evaporated when Zak announced he wouldn't be there tonight.

It was mine and Tilly's leaving party at Joey's. It had been waiting for me so I decided to do it, get it done and get my life in order.

It was excuse to wear a nice dress, get dolled up and have a good night with Zak by my side to celebrate one ending and the beginning of another.

But now he wasn't going to be there.

"What's wrong Hun?" Tilly asked as we left the store.

"Zak & Aaron can't come tonight. Even Billy can't." I replied sulking.

"Wait what? Why?" She asked.

"The channel has shortened the deadline for this next episode, so they are slaving over it until it's done. They only got back yesterday and they are demanding it tonight."

"Wow that's harsh."

"I know its demanding but I think it's a little out of order." I replied taking a seat in the malls coffee shop.

We ordered two cappuccinos and went back to speaking.

"That really sucks for you." She continued.

I sighed "I know but it's his job and I guess I have to accept that. It's just.. This was the first time we would be going out as a couple.. You know?"

She nodded.

"You don't think he's lying.. Do you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe he doesn't to go out with me at all?"

"Oh stop." She shook her head. "Anyone can see that man is head over heels. He wouldn't miss this on purpose and if you needed any more evidence then Aaron not going? That's definitely it. Aaron has never let you down. Has he?"

I shook my head "Apart from the container." I muttered.

"Well I don't see no flying bottles."


"Oh Maria stop!" She snapped.

I frowned hard at the table "Sorry. I'm just really disappointed and now I can't be bothered with tonight."

"Oh yes the hell you can! I've gone to loads of trouble organising this and the last thing I want is to have to do it all again. Please! Joey has close the club as well!"

I thought about it over my coffee, before agreeing. He would lose a nights takings for us, he deserves for us to turn up at the very least!

"Good. Now what dress do you want? Any ideas?" She asked.

I almost laughed when she pulled out a little note pad and pen but I soon stopped at the look Tilly gave me.

"Uh.. A dress?"

"Obviously dipshit." She replied.

"Oh! Rude. I don't know. Let's go with long length, maybe backless?"

"Uh huh." She answered "colour?"

"Ah no idea so if we can get the other two bang on I will consider any colour."

"So red then." She replied making me laugh and shake my head.

"Trust me, that booty in a red dress. I'll go gay for the night." She winked.

We caught up on the gossip and Tilly let slip that she had moved in with Joey. Setting me at ease that Zak and myself weren't rushing things.

"How are you and Zak?" She asked cautiously.

"Great! Yeah really good. But uh.. This is just a hiccup right?"

"He can't help it babe."

"I know. But I only really wanted him to be proud of me.."

"I'm proud of you darling, but I understand. Come on let's finish these and go hunt for the perfect dress. You getting ready at mine still?"

I nodded "I won't disturb them." I answered.


"What about this colour?" Tilly held up a peach colour, long length backless.

"Add to the rail." I replied and continued sifting.

The shop had actually gave us an empty clothes rail to hang the dresses we liked on after I was finding it hard to browse with an armful.

"We have every damn colour apart from red." She blew out her cheeks red faced.

"Excuse me.. Need a red?" The sales assistant asked.

"Yes." We both answered and laughed.

"I've got a red one out the back.. It's backless.. Beautiful and if I had a reason to buy it I would." She sighed.

"Can I see it?" I asked perking up,

"I'll go get it." She smiled and headed off.

"It's going to be the one.. I can feel it." I said looking at the door.

"After all that, she says she wants a red." Tilly laughed.

"No, but I really think red is the colour, like you said."

I waited as the lady came back holding a black dress bag over her back with a determined smile on her face.

I stood up and waited but she walked to a dress room.

"I'm gonna try it on." I squealed following the lady.

"I hope it's gorgeous!" Tilly called.

Out of view from Tilly the woman did the big reveal and I almost fainted.

"What do you think?" She asked with a smile.

"Oh my giddy aunt. It's beautiful. It's the one."

"I knew it. Right lets get you in it!"

After some wiggling and giggling I was in and made the big reveal to Tilly who gasped and ran around me looking at it.

"Fuck, your ass looks good!"

I laughed and looked at myself in the mirror, "I love it."

"We will take it!" Tilly squealed as I nodded my head approvingly.

The price was $150 which almost made me collapse, I was expecting 3x that much. It was a steal!

With one dress bag on my back I headed out the shop with a wide smile in the hunt for shoes!

My day felt a little deflated but I've got the perfect dress.

Find me a right shoes and I'll conquer the world!

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