Recruiting staff

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I left the last shop and made my way back to the car when my phone rang. Tossing the last of bags in the trunk I answered it to my landlord.

'Hello' I tried to remain cheery but I wanted my little apartment back.

'Hey Ria its me. Henry.'

'Hi, how are you?'

'I'm good, I'm good. I have some good and bad news I'm afraid.'

My heart sank at that sentence..

'The building is still not structurally sound enough for anyone to go inside of. But the good news is.. I've been into the insurance company.'

'Okay' I answered not sure how this was good news.

'How does a nice hotel sound?'

I blinked. Was he trying to ask me for a booty call now? Man these men are fuc-

'Apparently the insurers are willing to pay for any accommodation that I put my tenants in.'

Phew. I was about to kick his hiney!

'Wow really?' I asked making a list of hotels within the area.

'Uh huh. So I've booked most of you in to hotels. I've got one for you.. If you're interest.'

Aaron's couch? Hotel bed? It's a no brained right now.

'Oh you've twisted my arm. Im gonna had to go with hotel.' I sighed and giggled.

'Brilliant okay..' I listened as Henry gave me the details and we ended the calls after.

I headed back to Aaron's to tell him I would taking off again but he'd gone out so I decided to go check out this new hotel.

At first I couldn't decided if it was suppose to look like a premier inn. But when I got inside and was shown my room I didn't care. It could be Mary and Joseph's bloody stable at this rate as long as it had a bed.

My eyes didn't leave the kingsize bed after nodding continuously the bell boy left me alone and I wasted no time in diving on the bed.

"Oh baby!" I groaned rolling around like a dog.

I began unloading my car and hanging up my clothes when Aaron rang, I told
him where I was and within 20 minutes he came over to check the place out.

"Not bad. Not bad!" He confirmed before faceplanting the bed.

I giggle "I did the same. It's so soft right?" I asked as he groaned into it.

"Oh this is heaven! It's pretty nice, I had to come over and check it out. Because if it was a squat, you weren't going to be staying here but I like this place." He smiled happily.

"So you don't mind?" I asked.

"No of course not." He replied texting someone. My eyes caught the clock, 3pm.

Urm what do you think you are doing? Thinking about that for?


You're not going Ria. No matter how nice that ass looked. You're not go-


"Yeah?" I pulled myself out of my inner argument.

"I got to head off. I've uh.." His ears started to go red.

"Have you got a date?!" I asked.

"It's nothing bi-"

"Yes it is! Don't down play this. What's she like?" I asked excited for him.

"She's really nice. I mean.. Really nice. Works in car, blonde but a nice strawberry blonde you know? Not platinum."

I smiled listening and nodding occasionally until he was just as excited as me.

"This is amazing. Give me a hug and go make yourself look dashing!"

We hugged and I kicked him on out after telling him what to wear. Once he left I let out a sigh.

So... We could go.

"Okay out with it you inner whore." I spoke to myself walking around outrun my clothes away.

This was when craziness reached peak.. I actually had an argument with myself over being a booty call and lowering myself to be used to get his kicks.

But you enjoyed it as well....

Pack it in. Or you're on a sex ban even longer than the last.

Maybe I should go just to get my head sorted and leave like I did last time. Slightly giddy, a little sore and with a massive smile.

No. No one does not need Zak Bagans to mess the afternoon up..

I took a shower and changed into some fresh clothes appreciating all the new threads and my new little place for the next however long.

6pm hit....

And I was sat outside Zak's with a carrier on the back seat whilst chewing the inside of my mouth.

Just drive away. You don't need to mess around like this. There's a perfect gentleman out there waiting for a hurricane Ria and you're messing around by pissing in the wind.

I knock at my window made me scream.

"Lovely. You going or just fancy blocking my drive?" Zak asked.

"I- you- hmm." I frowned.

"Well that cleared that up." He answered walking away.

I grabbed the bag and purse getting out the car and locking it.

His smile went from small to shit eating.

"I must say, after childminder Aaron... I didn't think you'd show." Zak commented as we went into his house.

"I'm not here for sex. You're making me dinner." I answered placing a bag in front of him before taking a seat at the island in his kitchen.

His eyebrow raised up and he took a look inside the bag "oh wow she's actually not joking."

"I don't joke about food. Chop chop. I'm hungry." I smiled.

He caved and began making us food. I'll train him up in no time.. I had a maid to do all my cleaning. Now I was recruiting a chef..

Zak's top came off and hit me in the face. "I prefer not to ruin my clothes." He commented.

Topless? Cooking?

"Well aren't I the lucky one?" I teased.

"I'll drop my pants if you want." He replied making me laugh.

"Easy tiger.. I want food first."

Hell yes. I just blew him off for food!

I'm taking control!

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