Old habits are hard to break.

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The next morning...

I sat on the end of the dock, listening and watching the ripples work themselves across the water. The birds had been singing for hours here, when you're surrounded by the forest you can hear them really loud. All chirping, squawking and the occasional sound of their wings flapping.

I hadn't slept all night, I couldn't. My mind wouldn't switch off not after my call.. I had spent most of the night looking out the window at the moon.

Hearing pattering I looked across to find Gracie sat beside me giving me a sniff she wagged her tail.

"What's up little one?" I asked scratching her head.

"Maria you coming in for breakfast?" Zak asked.

"Not really hungry."

"What's up? You seemed upset last ni-"

"It's none of your business." I snapped and bit my tongue.

Stop Ri. Don't take it out on him.

"Okay, I was just asking.. You know you can talk t-"

"I'm not talking to you. Just because I'm speaking to you it doesn't mean we're best pals." I snapped at him.

"You can speak to Aaron. Of course you'd know that if you let me finish." He snapped back.

I sighed.

"Gracie come on." He called. I watched as she went off with him.

"I'm sorry." I spoke and turned to face but I caught the back of him going into the lodge.

God sake.. Well that lasted long.

I got up and brushed myself off heading indoors. I did the morning greetings with everyone and headed up for a shower knowing it was now free.

Scouting through my phone I put on some music to get myself ready to. I needed to pull my head out of my backside.. Nobody knew what was going on and it's unfair for me take it out on them.. Correction to take it out on Zak.

Zak POV---

Just when I thought we were making a little break through, I had it thrown in my face with force. I'd hate for anyone to suffer in silence and I couldn't work out why Aaron hadn't picked up on her quietness.. It was noticeable.

Even for me.

I went up to check my emails, it seemed although I was on holiday or taking a break shall we say, that I still had some source of work to do.

Walking across the landing I stopped hearing singing. It stopped making me think that I was hearing things. I shook my head and went to walk when I heard it again.

She's singing?

I stopped and stood there for a little while when the door opened making me jump as well as Maria.

"What are you doing?" She asked wearing a frown and a towel..

"Were you singing?"

"No. I had music on." She answered blushing and shot past me going into the bedroom.

"Huh." I replied and carried on to my

I could hear Aaron's laughing and then footsteps running up the stairs.

"Aaron!" Maria shouted.

"Sorry! Sorry! I didn't see anything!"

I laughed quietly and looked at my door as Aaron appeared.

"Gee cranky." He muttered.

"Is she okay?" I asked looking over at him.

"Besides shouting at me for seeing her in her underwear? Fine I think, why?"

"No reason.. Just thought she was a little quiet." I replied holding back the information I knew.

I say that but I didn't know anything. Simply that she was looking up cancerous lumps on my laptop.

"What did she say when you asked her about breakfast?" Aaron asked leaning against the door frame.

"Just snapped at me. So I figured I'd leave her alone. Between you and me.. She was wandering last night. I only know that because Gracie went in with her. I went to get a drink and her light was on."

"What time was that?"

"2am? Maybe even 3am?"

"Hmm." He frowned. "Jay said she was out the back at 5am."

We all knew Jay was a light sleeper, and woke at the littlest of noises.

"So she's going to be miserable, tired and emotional." Aaron concluded.

"Great.. I'm in for it today then." I muttered.

"Listen bro, just.. Don't take anything to heart today. Just cut her a little slack, she is trying."

"She's trying alright." I answered. Trying my patiences.

"You know what I mean."

I nodded and went back to my emails as Maria made an appearance.

"Hey. You look tired." Aaron spoke making hold a laugh in.

Such a way with words with the ladies.

"Gee thanks.. Remember to knock next time, I had only just put my underwear on." She said.

"I've seen it before." He shrugged making me look over.

I didn't know those two..

"Well not yours but- forget it. Sorry. I'll knock. But you do look tired."

"Couldn't sleep.."

"Anything wrong?" Aaron asked.

I looked at Maria waiting for her answer.

"Nothing, just excitement I guess." She smiled quickly.

"Well you need some food in your system so let's go get breakfast and then we're going out."

"Out?" I repeated looking up.

"Yeah I wanna go into California you know. Have a look around, get some supplies and beer." He replied.

"Okay." I nodded shutting down the laptop.

"Good. Ri you need food so let's go." He grinned leaving.

"Gotta keep your strength up." I added making her narrow her eyes at me and leave with Aaron.

I was gonna get to the bottom of this... By the end of this weekend I was going to find out what's going on with her.

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