Opening early

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I watched Zak as he struggled to open the door. Shaking my head I looked away.

We'd been in here nearly 2 hours.

"You might as well give up."

"And be stuck in here with you? No fucking way." He grunted pushing his shoulder into the door.

"Fine, but you're gonna put your shoulder out."

"Well get off your ass and help me then!" He snapped.

"He planned this.."

"No shit!"

"For over a week." I added making Zak stop and look at me.

"You knew?!"

I took a swing of O'Doulls "Not that he'd lock us in here no. But I actually helped him find the container. It's a 20 foot one. The doors is 7.5 high and 7.7 wide. He emptied some stuff out last week. I helped but I had no idea this was his plan.."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Just making time go a little quicker."

"Well don't. In fact. Don't even talk to me. It's your fault I'm in here!" He snapped again.

I scoffed "Sure it is. It's all my fault, cause you've done nothing wrong. Right?"

"Not to be locked in a fucking container! No!"

"Could be worse." I sighed looking at the boxes wondering what else was in here.

"How?! How can this be any worse?!"

"You could need the toilet.." I answered.

His face fell a mile at the thought alone. "AARON GET ME OUT NOW!"

I chuckled and got off the chair to have a look around.

Using the torch I pulled down the boxes and sat down going through them.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Booking a plane ticket to Hong Kong. What does it look like?! I'm bored! There must be something here to do. If not then I'm gonna start nosing around." I replied.

The first box was mostly tops, tops that I organised and I was having as payment for this bullshit.

Zak continued kicking the door making me roll my eyes.

"I can't be in here... I ca- what if I have an asthma attack?!"

I laughed and tossed him a bag. Aaron even had that covered.

"That little fucker." Zak cussed looking at his inhalers.

He eventually gave up and slumped in the chair covered in sweat from his effort.

"I'm never coming to his BBQs again." He muttered.

"I hear you on that."


3 hours.

It was hot, stupidly hot. This was actual torture, I don't think I could argue or Fight even if I wanted to.

"This is your fault." Zak said suddenly as I pushed a box back in its place.

Maybe I could argue.. Just a little bit.

I rolled my eyes before answering "Oh really. And how is that?"

"You cause the arguments! I have tried being your friend and being nice but you can't be nice back! Or even civil!"

"Whatever." I muttered.

"All you do is moan about things, you never take responsibility for yourself or your actions and you constantly tear strips out of me!"

"Pot. Kettle. Black." I replied.

"What do you even want from him? Huh? Money? Fame? What?" Zak questioned.

"His friendship. That's all I want from him. I love him for the way he is, he's my best friend."

"Well you are a shit friend." He bit back.

"Course I am,"  I nodded with sarcasm. "And so are you."

"I'm the shit friend? How?! I have gave him a job and he's doing pretty fucking well for himself. Incase you haven't noticed?!"

"Yeah? And at what price? His marriage. His happiness. What about his soul? Huh? You think places don't effect him? That you're the only one? Did you miss the whole segment of Ireland when he thought the devil grabbed his ear?!"

"You didn't see half of it." He muttered.

"I saw enough! I saw enough and I knew when he should have been pulled out but you! You selfish bastard! You put him at risk! You saw how he changed! How he was with that stone! That was your warning!" I shouted.

"But no! For the rating and the views you broke him on tv and aired it to the world. You haven't been the squeakiest of friends Zak so don't you dare judge me. You don't know the half of what I do when you fuck up like that!"

"Oh deliver a few empty box when he's running low?" He laughed.

"No! I stay with him. Whilst he has his cleansing, whilst he had nightmares, when he wants to go walking for hours at night because he's too afraid to be alone at home! How he wakes up in a cold sweat worried for everyone. The amount of times I've received a call to make sure that I'm alive! I go without sleep just to make sure he's kept safe in the nights! But it doesn't effect you. Does it? Living the high life with women at your disposal. Cause the great Zak Bagans can take on the world. Just everyone else who has to crawl through the scum."

"I th-"

"You ruined his marriage by taking him back to Mackeys. You know it. You knew the risks and he said that he never wanted to go back. But you did.. You knew how bad he was suffering and used him like a science project for your little fascination of spirit interaction. It followed you all home once! Wasn't that enough?!"

"You don't have any idea what we all for through as a team." He replied.

"You're the most selfish little man I've ever met! I'm glad Nick got out when he did! You're a parasite that sucks the life out of people!"

"Oh you'd know all about that wouldn't you?! You don't know anything Maria! You're a gold digging bitch and it grips you that I've seen past your bullshit so fast!"

"Maybe those women were right about you! Physically violent against women. Cause you're mentally disturbed aren't you Zak! You think you're a god! You're nothing and you gran would turn in her grave to see what vermin you've become.

A bottle was thrown across the container and smashed into little pieces. I held my face as a shard of glass cut across my cheek from its impact.

"YOU DON'T EVER TALK ABOUT HER!" He screamed at me frightening me at his rage.

"Mother fucker." I cussed taking my hand away and seeing blood. The door opened and light flooded in making me lift my hand up to see Aaron looking at me.

"W-what happened?" He asked. I looked at Zak who's face went from anger to terrified in one look.

"Oh my god. Maria I am so sorry." Zak spoke walking towards me.

"Don't. Don't touch me."

Aaron went to held me but I held my hand up.

"That included you." I growled getting out into the fresh air.

I needed a health centre or a hospital.. Whatever is nearest...

I shouldn't have mentioned his gran, I shouldn't have said that. Now I also owe him an apology.

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