Familiar face

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Three days later.

It was 4am when I slipped out of bed and tried to find my clothes. I looked over at Zak who was buck naked but had one corner of the sheet covering his manhood. We hadn't long crashed out after the early night, of course it wasn't really an early night.

I found the clothes I placed out last night and changed into them quietly before pulling my hair up into a high ponytail.

I looked back at him go see him out cold, smiling I went over to him and pulled the sheet up over him properly before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I got to go Hun. I'll see you in a few days and I'll ring you as soon as I land." I whispered.

He didn't react a single inch.

"I love-"

I saw his mouth twinge. He was awake!

"I love chipotle." I whispered into his ear making him grumble.

Pulling away I saw a tired, crumbled Zak. I smiled and brushed his hair back gentle making him smile.

"Morning beautiful." He mumbled.

"Hey you." I whispered.

"You're going aren't you?" He asked.

Even up to the last minute he still expected me to change my mind and stay. For one I'd lose money (and that's not happening) two (I needed to see my mum and dad alone.. Just so we got the whole marriage and kids things pegged down before they embarrassed me).

"I am sweetheart."

"I wish you would just wait." He sighed with frustration.

"Don't. Let's not do this before I go." I replied. I didn't want an argument with him.

"Fine." He grunted and rolled over with his back to me.

"Do I get a goodbye or a kiss?"

"You didn't want to talk before you go so you've got your way."

I held back my sigh and shook my head. I got off the bed and got the rest of my things sorted before looking back at him.

"Please be careful on lockdown." I spoke but received no reply or even acknowledgement. It stung, like a bitch! But I left his knowing I had at least tried.

I always preferred flying first thing in the morning, it wasn't busy in the airport and flights were cheaper. I kid you not, I guess it was something to do with unsociable hours?

I was processed fairly quickly and took a seat in the lounge waiting to go. I looked at my phone a few times before the flight but each time I did my heart only sank a little deeper.

Then it pinged.

I almost tore my flight bag to find it, hoping it will be Z-

Have a good flight, let me know when you land safe. Aaron x p.s bring me back some goodies x

I smiled and replied to his text before slipping my phone away.

Aaron rarely ate any junk foods but when he did he never ate American style. For example he wouldn't eat the chocolate because of what's in the ingredients, but England didn't use it. Also he didn't eat anything with corn syrup as it gave him what he called gut rot.

I asked one day what on earth he meant and he explained it as having IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) basically a tightening feeling that soon became unbearable. I've seen him when he's like it and you can't help but feel sorry for the guy. Aaron takes a lot, strength of an ox but that? That cripples him.

I guess it's because it's not a visible thing, you look okay on the outside but inside is a different picture.

My flight was called. I checked my phone one last time for Zak but with nothing I got on it a little deflated.. Okay I was really down.

Walking to the gate I went through the very last check and even looked behind me hoping I'd find his face in the crowd and have one of those movie moments..

Who was I trying to kid? We'd probably have a domestic, I'd punch him in the chest for being an idiot and then the disabled toilet would be out of use due to strange noises.. I'd miss my flight and he would have his own way.

I did a double take just to make sure this wasn't going to play out how I said. With no Zak I got my passport back and walked down the corridor to step straight into the plane.

My seat was G3.

Walking down the plane in my own little bubble I reached the seat and slid into it. A woman slid into the side beside me taking G2 and then a man stopped. I guess it was a man, I was was crotch height sat down so unless this chick is packing...

"Well look who it is?"

My head snapped up at the voice, I knew the voice, the face, the hair, the eyes and the unmistakable smile.

"Oh you two know each other?" The woman with long dark hair asked.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered looking at him still unable to process this.

He looked around the flight and then back at me. "No Aaron?"

I shook my head. I stood up and moved out the row letting him step into it.

"Allowed to talk to me?" He asked smirking.

"I haven't been told anything."

"Hmm.. You going to speak to me?"

"I'd like too." I mumbled.

"Alright then." He flashed the smile that melted millions, me being one.

He stepped across the woman he was with and sat down by the window.

"So how do you tw-"

"Aaron was my best friend. Along with this one." He smiled.

"Awh! Oh my god lets swap seats." She grinned.

Before I could protest she swapped seats leaving me sitting bi-

"Oh sitting bitch." He teased.

I sat down slowly beside him feeling awkward..

Why was this happening right now?!

"It's goods to see you Maria." He smiled closing his eyes.

"Y-you too Nick..."

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