My favourite pain in the ass

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I didn't know how he did it, but he had me in the car with my things and drove away.

I didn't even put up a fight, I just went with it not questioning anything until I looked at him driving my car.

"Where's your car?" I asked.

"Home. I got a taxi. They cost so much when it's early. Robbing fuckers." He moaned quietly.

I looked out the window to try and work out where we were going but I had no idea and simply kept quiet.

We were about thirty minutes from the strip when I noticed the signs.. We were going to Lake Mead.

I kept quiet in my seat as Zak paid for us to get in. I wasn't going to offer. I should be on a plane right now! Not driving around!

He pulled up into a parking space and got out. Like a magnet I just followed and walked behind him.

I'd been in Vegas but never came to this place, it was beautiful and peaceful despite it being a tourist attraction.

After 25 minutes of walking in silence I decided to speak up.

"If you're planning to drown me can we at least pick a spot already?" I asked. I saw his smile but he carried on walking for another 10 minutes before he stopped. I noticed we were away from everyone one else.

He could throw me in..

He better not.

"I love it here. It's so peaceful." He smiled taking a seat on the rocks.

"Yeah. It is.. Now why are we here?" I asked.

He frowned at me "Don't you appreciate anything?" He asked.

"Yes. Good food, good wine and good sex." I replied.

Good answer Maria. Give yourself a gold star.

"Why are you in a rush anyway?" He asked.

"Because I want to go home... To England."

He looked at me and looked away "You don't feel at home here?"

"Right here? No. It's a lake Zak."

"No I mean. With me and Aaron, in Vegas in general."

I shrugged "I haven't felt at home in a long time.. I miss silly little things most."

"Like what? Sit down. Let's talk."

I went over and sat down beside him.

"Tell me what you miss?" He asked waiting.

"The smell of cut grass, proper fish and chips by the sea out the paper, the cold weather, cups of British tea. My mum's hugs and my dads witty remarks about my clothes."

He smiled and kept quiet.

"Maltesers. I- just home comforts that I haven't got now I'm living out of a case in a hotel." I replied.

"So you've never felt like you were at home when with Aaron? Or me?" He asked.

"With Aaron? Yeah I guess in California. That lodge, just sitting out the back and cuddled into him stealing his body heat. Looking at the fire and hearing it crack."

Zak lowered his head and folded his fingers together.

"When we played the Malteser game.. The way you got so excited and your laugh." I smiled reminiscing before I pulled myself away from the memory.

"I always come here to think.." He informed me.

"Think about what?" I asked curious.

"Life, decisions, problems."

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