The A-hole and the Real man.

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My mind kept replaying the scene over and over in my mind.Those ample sensual lips pulled me away from reality, they led me down a path and on an unknown road.

One that I shouldn't have been.. Ever.

The smell of his cologne, the wood, leather and sandalwood. The soft pad of his thumb that stroked my c-


I was mad at him. I was angry at myself, for even letting him have the chance to do that to me.

That's twice now we've ended up locking lips. Twice I've let down my guard down at the wrong time.

I should have pushed him off, smacked his hand away but instead of putting up a little resistant I simply fell into the kiss.

It was late which left me in the kitchen alone. I grabbed a cup off the stand and slammed it on the side frustrated.

Where the hell was everyone anyway?!

I looked out the window to see a flicker of flame. The fire pit.

I turned around and gasped at the close proximity of Zak.


"Get away from me. You had no right!"

"Calm down." He sighed rolling his eyes.

"Apologise." I demanded making him laugh.

"For what?" He asked amused.

"For kissing me! Apologise!" I snapped.

"No, because I'm not sorry. I won't say sorry unless I mean it." He answered.

"You're a pig headed jerk." I replied harshly pushing his hand down from the counter which had trapped me.

"What's your problem?" He asked following me.

Seeing a jacket I swiped it up, from the smell I knew it was Aaron's.

It's funny how you distinguish people by smell. Aaron smelt of musk, citrus and his beloved coffee.

Zak's hand seized my arm spinning me. "I'm talking to you."

I snatched my arm back "Don't you lay your hands on me! Who the hell do you think you are?!" I shouted shoving him back away from me.

"You're so angry. Why?"

"Because you're an asshole." I hissed.

"No this is about you! You're.. You're so infuriating!" He fumed.

"What I am is nothing to do with you and I'd appreciate it if you kept those!" I circled my finger in the air gesturing to his lips.

"Keep those away from me!"

He let out a laugh that sliced my anger in half, it was so loud and goofy that it made my heart do a funny flip. But then he turned back into a butt head.

"That's really got you hasn't it?" He asked.

"You're so.. Argh!" I growled.

"Handsome? Intelligent?"

"I was thinking more along the lines of horrendously ill mannered." I answered flatly.

"Of course you were doll."

"Don't call me doll. Save it for your next bunk up." I bit and headed for the back door.

"Are you jealous?" He asked making me turn.

"What?" I frowned.

"Are- you- jealous?" He asked slower.

"I'm not an idiot, and what do you mean jealous? Of what? Of you?" I asked amused.

"Of the attention I give women.. But not you?"

"I'd rather have chicken pox than attention from you."

Where did chicken pox even come from in my mind?

God I talk so much trash.

It's a gift. I was born with it.

"Really?" He replied with a smirk.

"Really. You remind me of the clap, you just keep coming back!"

"Well it shows I'm determined and a good sport."

"An annoying asshole I was thinking." I sniped.

"So you're not jealous?" He asked.

"Oh sweetheart. I'm way out of your league." I smirked.

He strode across the living area and pushed me up against the door making me breath hitch.

"Is that so?"

"Y-yeah." I replied and chastised myself for sounding weak in that.

His face came in close to mine, the tip of his nose grazed mine alerting me to the closeness of him.

His cologne alone was pulling me under then his eyes, they looked.. They looked refreshing, like gorgeous pools of blue with hints of grey and green splashed on them. His breath fanned my faces making my mouth run dry.

"You sure... Maria?" He whispered.

"It's Ri-" he made a move but my quick thinking and reflexes stopped him, I managed to shove the base of my palm into the side of his mouth making him step back with a growl.


"I told you.. Keep away." I ordered opening the back door and slipping out of it quickly.

Why do all reasonably handsome men have to be A-holes?!

I joined the crew in the garden, and got a little cheer from them as I sat down beside Aaron.

"Awh she's even bought me my coat!" He grinned noticing.

"Are you cold?" I asked looking at the shorts, t-shirt and thong sandals.

"Nope. Plus If I had one, I'd make you wear it after today. How you feeling?" He asked looking over my head.


"Why you out here then?"

"Needed some air." I answered making Aaron frown slightly before pulling me into his side.

I felt a little bad that I'd never developed any feelings more than friends with Aaron. Because the man is an absolute Saint some times, like right now he had his arm around me and played with a little piece of my hair.

It was meaningless to most people but it was comfort for me. It was what he always did when I'd get upset.

I wasn't upset now but I needed some comfort and he knew. Like he'd know in an instant if I had the dreaded monthly routine. He'd take care of me, making me a little worse than I needed to because with his fussing I tended to think of the cramps more and they seemed to get stronger. But he'd come equipped with chocolate and a hot water bottle. We'd eat crap food and watch Star Wars until I fell asleep with my head on a pillow placed on his lap. All whilst he played with a little strand of hair.

Hell he has even done a tampon run for me. I cried on him when he got back for being so nice. We still had a giggle at how he face timed me and went through the whole aisle asking why I wanted a certain brand.

A woman has her favourites!

He also asked if I wanted adult diapers... Idiot. Then came the time he bought me fuzzy socks and chocolate.. The waterworks sprung a massive leak as a wailed at him when he gave them to me.

He doesn't bring little presents often when that week is around.. I'm often a wreck.

But every woman should have an Aaron in their life. A real man to love and care for them, I was going to be a little broken when he found a new love. Because then I'd have to let my best nerd go.

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