Everything catches up with you... Or does it?

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I had tried every trick in the book.

Lunch had took over an hour.. I ate slowly.

I slacked in all I could but Lurch simply took over.

I 'Lost' my pen. Lurch gave me one.

I was going to stab him in the eye with it.

Toilet breaks, filling the van with gas, finding the biggest queue. Taking anything but the marked route. Anything! My only relief was that this was the last drop.

At 4pm we pulled up outside of Ellen's house.

"Last drop!" Clive smiled.

"Yay." I replied with no enthusiasm in my voice. Slipping out truck I went over and knocked the front door.

Don't be in. Don't be in. Don't be in.

The door began to open.


"Oh fuck." Slipped from my mouth as Zak opened the door with a shit eating smile before it twisted into anger.

"RIA!" His mom greeted me causing his hand that was reaching for me to retreat.

"E-Ellen! It's wonderful to see you!" I smiled as she pulled me into a hug Zak made the cut throat movement behind her back to me.

I lifted my middle finger at him and stepped away.

Stick with someone and he won't react.

That's great Ri... But you can't do it forever.

"We've came to drop off some things you've bought." I carried on walking to the van with Ellen. Zak tailed behind his eyes drawing a target on my back.

"Oh excellent! I'm so glad you arrived when today, I've never known my son to be so handy as what he was today. Just itching to come over and give a hand." She smiled proudly at him. I returned the smile and looked at Zak who motioned to snapping my neck.

Definitely handy today..

"Come here lad! Help me carry this!" Clive called to him.

I stepped aside letting him do my job. Well he works out he can put the muscles to use.

I didn't realise how much Ellen had bought until I looked inside the back of the unit. Nearly half of it was hers, I had to help if I wanted out of here

Jumping up into the back I moved what I could to the opening, Zak and Clive did relays to and from the house.

Luckily Ellen was stood gassing with me about antiques to notice her son was giving me a glare and wanted to Darth Vader death grip my throat.

I then had a plan.

Whilst they were in the house I pulled out my second phone pushing it into my pocket and made sure my real phone was hidden under the seat in the van.

I carried in a small side lamp with tear shaped crystals. Beautiful when turned on at night, gave out a beautiful illusion.

I wanted it but it needed to go somewhere that it was going to get admired.

Not my small apartment where it would be left to collect dust.

Having instructions from Ellen I took it into the living room and placed it on her coffee table ready for her to move when I was slammed against the wall.

"Oh baby rough treatment now." I laughed as Zak cornered me.

"Don't fucking play with me. Phone." He demanded.

"I don't have it."

"Now Maria!" He whispered harshly looking out for his mom.

"I'm working excuse me." I slipped past but was brought back and pushed up against the wall.

"My patience is running very thin with you. I want your p-" his eyes saw my large pocket.

He went for the phone so I decided to fight him for it, pushing his hands away, he pinned both my wrists to the side, so I bit him making him yelp back.

I patted my pocket and watched as he lifted it up and laughed as he began deleting them.

"There we go." He smiled contented.

"Give me my phone now." I snapped.

God I'm good at acting.. New career!

"Okay." He dropped it on the floor and stamped on it before picking it up and handing it back.

The screen was shot and I figured it would never work again..

Time to act!

"You asshole! How am I suppose to speak to anyone now?!"

"It's simple. You don't." He replied.

"What about my parents?!" I asked raising my voice a few octaves.

His eyes flashed with upset before his attitude rolled over his feelings.

"Try writing a letter." He grunted and stalked out the room leaving me with a crumpled phone.

I had to continue to make this believable. So I followed after him and shoved him hard causing Zak to spin around.

"I can't afford a new one you idiot! I-
God I hate you! You deleted them! Wasn't that enough?! I need to speak to my mom you asshole!"

His eyebrows knitted slightly.

"Your mom. She's the one that's sick.. Isn't she? Because I didn't feel any lumps." He gestured to my breasts.

"You keep your fucking mouth shut! Speak a word to Aaron and I'll break into your house and cut your dick off. By the way... We didn't use a condom." I replied causing the colour to run from
his face.

"W-what? But you're on the pill. Right?"

"Am I?" I asked.

"Impl- shit!" He grabbed my arms and began pushing around on them.

"You need to get the morning after pill. Like. Now."

"Don't tell me what to do." I growled leaving the house.

I said my goodbyes to Ellen and headed off with Clive leaving a white washed Zak with his mom.

I still had a phone and a man now crapping his pants at a 'what could be.'

As we pulled away from the house and out of view I smirked.

Ria - 2. Zak -0

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