My little big nerd

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After my surprisingly unhelpful new flat mate packing I put what clothes I had away and threw the food into a carrier taking it downstairs. I dumped it on the table along with the mound of food everyone had brought along. I smiled at the idea that I wasn't the only one to bring food but I was the only one to have it in with my clothes.

I made my way out the back and sat on the furniture taking in the view of the lake, the dock and even the boat. I smiled seeing Gracie zip past chasing a frisbee someone had thrown.

I soon had my answer when Aaron came around the corner and sat down beside me.

"I've just put some tops in your room." He informed me.

I nodded "I'll hang them up for you."

"No I mean, for you.. To sleep in."

I looked at him and smiled giving him a hug. "You're the best Aaron. You know that?" I asked leaning on him.

"I certainly try my best. Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot." I replied getting comfy as he played with my hair.

The big gentle giant.

"Ri, we've been friends for a while... Best friends."


"I've seen you at your best and worst..."

I sat up away from him worried "are you sick?" I asked.


"What is it? You're ill aren't y-"

"No, no sweetie I'm not."

"You promise?"

"Cross my heart." He replied pulling me back into him.

"As I was saying... I've known you a long time, you've been there for me through a hell of a lot."


"So truthfully.. Can you answer me a question?"

"Of course."

"Why were you drinking? Last night? I'm not saying you can't obviously but I've never seen you like that before. I had to pull you off the couch. You had no pants on..."

I frowned.. I did. Wait... He means trousers.

"I don't know.. I was with Tilly as I guess I just wanted to."

"So there wasn't a reason behind it?"

I shrugged.

"Is this because of what happened? Ri I am so sorry, I never thought you'd get hurt when I locked you both in there. I thought I was helping I swear."

"Hey.." I frowned calming him down from his pent up apology. "It's not your fault Aaron."

"Well if I didn't lock you both i-"

"If I didn't wind Zak up." I threw back.

"When you came out and I saw blood coming through your fingers as you held your face.. God, I swear my heart hit my stomach. I couldn't sleep, I was so worried I had ruined our friendship." He spoke.

"No.. I don't want you to feel like that. Ever. Aaron this whole thing with Zak.. All of it. It's been my fault as well as his. Every time we've clashed there's been a chance I could had ruined our friendship, but at the time I don't think that, I'm just so angry with him. I- he knows what buttons to push with me and you're one of my buttons."

"I'm a button?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, I care for you, you know that. You're my best nerd friend remember?" I asked making him chuckle.

"Yeah. I do."

"I guess that since my parents went home and left me here.. I just clung onto the people nearest. You being one of those people, so when you come home all drained and out of it. I worry. Christ you saw how I lost it with that Ireland trip."

"I know." He whispered.

"I worry for you.. I hate seeing you upset or in pain. You're just- you're my nerd. I can't replace you. So when Zak puts you in positions that are dangerous.. I get my back up. I hold that against him, and when we clash.. I kind of just release it all on him."

"Like a fireball."

I laughed a little "Like a fireball."

"So all this arguing.. It's been over me?" He asked.

"Not all of it. He's in the douche category, he reminds me of my ex.."

"Brandon.. That man was a douche. Zak isn't anything like him." Aaron replied.

"He's a player. You know that.."

"He's actually changed."

"Leopard never cha-"

"He has. I know it's hard to believe but he's not the same guy as he was three years ago. He's grown up."


"He has."

"We'll see." I replied.

"So were you drinking because of what happened.. To your face?" Aaron asked.

It was a cut, 3 inches long.. But only one inch was deep. Thank god. So either side looked like a scratch. But pretty much the cut took up my cheek and it was noticeable.

"I get paranoid.. Think people are staring. That's all. And that wasn't why I was drinking.."

"You hid yourself away. For the week. How is it not about it?"

"I just don't want people asking questions. I mean what do I even say? Oh yeah Zak, that's dude off tv. Yeah he threw a bottle at me when I mentioned his gran turning in her grave. My mouth was disgusting.. I deserved it."

"No you didn't. Ri, he's upset with himself and for you. He's worried it's going to scar."

"If it does.. Then it does. I can't stop it."
I sighed.

"So why were you drinking?" He asked again.

"Tilly was around, we were talking, having heart to heart, it just went down too easy and I don't ever let my hair down." I replied and then looked at Aaron's hand as he played with my hair.

"I know.. I can't let mine down either."
He replied making me laugh.

"You're such a dork."

"I am but only because I got a smile." He kissed my head making me smile again.

"I have to apologise to Zak.." I mumbled.

"One day at a time yeah?"

I nodded against Aaron.

One day at a time.. Because this apology was going to be hard to work and come by after everything.

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