Superpowers- undisclosed

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I remember telling Tilly not to make a huge fuss.. After all we were both leaving, Joey would be 2 bar staff down instantly but it didn't stop her having a themed leaving party.

I didn't even know you could do that... But there we have it! I didn't know what the theme was maybe ballroom? I mean we were all dressed fancy enough and men were smartly dressed or maybe Joey had planned that because all the men were wearing the same as Joey, apart from they didn't have the blazer and rolled the sleeves up.

Also the girls who brought a plus one were dressed different. But it wall worked.

The once little club that I called home had been turned into a gorgeous little venue. A large table was laid out and covered with a white cloth, along with the chairs who also had covers on making it look extra fancy. The spot lights were aimed to illuminate the table and keep the rest of the club dark apart from the odd spotlight turned on for us to walk around safely. Tilly had even got a cake.. On closer inspection it was a photo cake with all the team on. I smiled at the photo of us dressed as pirates.

Stupid things like that I would miss dearly but I hoped Joey kept the tradition up, it seemed to pull punters in well. Two large bouquets of flowers were positioned on the table, each with an envelope propped against them. One for me. One for Tilly.

I smiled and returned to Tilly and Joey.

"Wow. This place looks amazing." I commented earning a grin from Tilly.

"It gets better." She giggled.

"Topless waiters?" I asked making her giggle.

"You'll see!"

It wasn't until we were going around the table I noticed name placements. My throat went thick seeing Zak's name etched out of wood. I picked up my name and looked at it. I would definitely be taking these home with me.

"This is cute." I smiled to Joey.

"I think she needs to be a wedding organiser." Joey replied looking at Tilly who was talking to a man I hadn't seen before.

Sure enough there were waiters, but the tops remained on making me sigh a little. As a waiter passed I lifted a glass from his tray and turned back to see who brought who.

Everyone had someone.. Everyone.

So now tonight I would be third wheeling.. I chewed my lip hard.

"You're so big now." The woman's giggled was scarred into my mind.

The more I thought about, the angrier I got and pulled out my phone.

It hit Zak's voicemail...

'Listen here punk. I don't know what you are playing at but if I have found you have made Aaron lie to me... If you had lied to me... Well hide those wooden spoons and spatulas because I'll put them across your bare ass! Everyone is here with someone and now I'm playing gooseberry.' I hissed.

I hung up with a huff and then looked at my phone... Oh no! So I rang him back. I know. I know.

'Okay.. Zak I'm sorry. I uh.. I just heard a woman speaking to you and I guess I'm putting 2 and 2 and arriving at 5. I hope you boys are eating whilst you are reviewing.. If not there's chocolate brownies in the cupboard that I made.. Some have peanut butter in! I have to go.. I love you.'

I hung up feeling a little better.

Dinner got under way and the atmosphere around buzzed. A few people asked where Zak was, one woman in particular.. Her name? Rachel, she was the cleaner..

"No Zak?" She asked.

"Not tonight, he's busy."

She scoffed "Too busy to come to this?"

"Lockdown evidence needs reviewing ASAP."

"Yeah. Whatever he says. You don't need to tell me that he isn't interested in being here."

"He's working? Anyway what the heck is it to do with you?!" I snapped.

"I just feel sorry for the gooseberry.. That being you." She answered.

"Well stick that pity up your ass." I bit back and turned to look at Tilly how had front row to the next bitch fight if blondie didn't move away.

"Rachel." Joey spoke making her sigh.

I think we all gathered she was a little worse for wear but I'd still make her pick teeth from her cleavage if my boyfriends name slips from her mouth.

"Fine." She wobbled.

I looked ahead as she leant towards me with alcohol infused breath.

"We both know you two won't last.. Zak doesn't settle down and you're too.. Boring for his taste. I expect he's out with another woman now." She giggled.

I stood up abruptly but Rachel's plus one pulled her back to her seat. Rage shook my body as I sat back down.

"Don't listen to her." Tilly whispered "You know he's working."

"Yeah apparently." I muttered.

Rachel had the effect she wanted and giggled happily at the end of the table. Bitch.

The interval between food came to an end as dessert was bought out. I wasted no time in clearing my plate. I loved food.


The party was in full swing as the long table had been moved back so that we had plenty of room to dance. However I found it more interesting to prop up the bar. I contemplated on drinking until Zak had to show to collect my drunken ass, but that would have been selfish of me so I decided against my bunny boiling idea.

I gave him the benefit of doubt and tried to enjoy the night.

"Ri! Come on!" Tilly giggled pulling me to the dance floor.

Tilly had this natural energy ball, that as soon as you stepped within if you were encased in positivity.

I think she knew of this undisclosed superpower because we were soon dancing with each other whilst Joey sorted things.

Step aside people we were now ballroom dancing!

That was until she spun me and I hit into one chest, the cologne was familiar, the chest? It felt familiar. The chain? Definitely!

I looked up and registered the face.

"Hello Maria."

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