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I woke the next morning to find 3 messages on my phone, for me to even get one was a miracle, so to have three I instantly knew something was up.

Stephen - Hey there. How do you fancy a day off? I've got one too many staff in and I thought you might enjoy the day to yourself as you work night as well. Have fun. Stephen.

I let out a sigh.

Joey- Some little birdy told me you got hurt last night... You know the rules. See you tomorrow.

Great. So that's a full day and night off work that I can't afford.. In Joey's the rules are if you get hurt by a punter then the following day you have off. It was one of a few rules that he held onto.

Aaron- I'm sorry for shouting at you. Please can we meet for lunch today or something? Dinner? I was knee deep in orders last night, you were right. I did need those boxes. So I sent Zak as I knew he was around last night.. Hope you didn't mind and that everything was okay... Call me? A x

I tossed my phone down beside me in the bed and flopped back down looking at the ceiling. Brilliant. Now what am I suppose to do all day? And night?!

A few possibilities went through my mind but nothing really peaked my interest.. I looked over to the chest of draws and smiled seeing the photo of Logan. My little tin of Heinz.. He was a crossbreed that they weren't really able to establish what type he was but I loved him more than life itself.. He passed just over a year ago but the whole in my life and heart was there like a wound from a double barrelled shot gun. After Logan passed.. work became priority, just to keep me going.

I flung off the bedding and decided today I was going to head over to the shelter and help out, it's where I got Logan from and where I help out when I had time spare.

I took a shower and changed into a top and jeans with a pair of converse. Whatever I wore today would get covered in dog hair, mud and slobber so there was no reason to go all out.

Picking up a green apple and a bottle of water I headed out to the shelter. The drive wasn't too bad for Vegas on a Saturday. Normally it's ridiculous... It's always ridiculous but today seemed a breeze.

I made it to the shelter and hopped out locking up the car I headed indoors to avoid any heat that the day might give. I stepped inside the cool air and smiled seeing Mary behind the desk.

"Hello stranger!" She beamed.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm very well. Let me look at you!" She grinned coming away from the desk.

Mary was in her late 50's with caramel hair and matching eyes. She never aged, at least I never thought so any how. After a catch up, I headed down to go and find Jo the shelter manager who would be doing her rounds this morning on all cleaning duties with everyone else.

It didn't take me long to hear her laugh and find her chatting away to some colleagues.

"Room for one more?" I asked making her stop and grin.

"I had the call from Mary. How are you? Girl  you've lost some pounds! Where you going?" She asked pulling me into a hug.

"I'm well thank you. I have a day off so I thought I would pop in and help out."

"Not leaving with a dog are you?" She asked.

This was how I got Logan... I came in to help and I left with a dog.. I regretted nothing.

"No, no. No dog today. I can't it wouldn't be fair with my house and work load you know?"

Jo nodded and began sorting everyone to which sections.

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