Jet lag and a cheek confession

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Jet lag.

It sucked like a bitch.

I tried to help my parents out on several occasions and managed to royally fuck it up. I had managed to put the kettle in the fridge from lack of sleep and brain function. But that wasn't the thing that made my mum snap, it was me trying to put in a plug with dripping wet hands... In a live socket.

Safety had gone out the window and I was just mulling by.

Which is how I've came to lay on my bed curled up like a foetus staring at the wall.

A soft knock made me prop my head up onto my hand and look at the door.

"Come in?" I called.

The door opened my dad came in holding a cup of hot chocolate. "I figured I made the best so..." He sat down on the bed as I sat up properly and took it from him.

"Thank you." I spoke softly taking it from him.

"How are you? Still a bit dopey?"

I threw him a look making him laugh,"clumsy then?"

"I've kinda of just laid here. I keep having power naps."

"Well it's better than no sleep, I should know, first week of your mother being diagnosed I think I sat up all night just watching her. I was afraid she would disappear on me."

I held his hand and gave it a squeeze. I should have been over sooner.. I was a terrible daughter.

"So I figured while your mum was busy... We could have a chat?" My dad asked.

I nodded. "What's mum doing?"

"Talking to the plants."

I laughed but he kept a straight face "You are joking.. Right?" I asked standing up.

"Sit." I did.

"It helps them grow or something, she sometimes sings. I won't stop her from doing anything she finds joy in Maria. And neither will you. So yes, she speaks to them, well more of relays her favourite quotes and why along with books, songs and well.. She just thinks out loud if I'm honest." He explained.

"But she's okay, yeah? She's not sick... In the head?"

"No, she's not. Now let's start by how you've got that on your face? I want honesty." He answered holding up his pinky.

I let out a sigh and wrapped my pinky around his.

"Okay, good. Now spill."

"Okay well first off it was an accident. He didn't mean it-"


"No, well Aaron played a part yeah but no he didn't give me this." I pointed to my face.

"Joey?" My dad asked before his face changed as I kept quiet.

"Zak." He growled.

"Don't, don't say his name like that."

"How?" He asked curtly.

"A bottle..."

"He bottled you?!"

"N-no!" I answered bewildered. "No, let me start.. Aaron locked us in a container, a shipping container to stop us arguing because we were getting bad. I mean really bad dad.. We started arguing and I said his gran would turn in her grave at the sight of him and well.. He snapped. He threw it at the container but the impact.. It exploded and well I got hurt."

"Then what?"

"Aaron opened the door and Zak saw what he had done, he was horrified. We've apologised to each other.. We buried the hatchet and now..

"Now what?"

"Now we're kind of.. Together?"

He blinked.

"As in a coup-"

"Where's my gun?" He asked standing up.

"Wait! Wow no! No dad please. Please just listen."

He stopped and folded his arms looking at me  "He's changed okay. He has been really supportive and he was the one who made me go for the tests. He's been there. I relied upon him and it brought us closer as friends and well.. We were consenting adu-"


"It was no strings but I attached strings.. So did he and now.. Now I live in his house."

"I knew the house bit. But together? Him?"

"He makes me really happy dad,  besides you and mum hated each other back when you were my age and now look at you both." I answered.

"I never hurt your mother nor will I ever hurt her."

"He didn't mean it."

"So this relationship is based on what? Guilt because he did that?" My dad asked making me pause.

I- I never thought of it like that.


"And Aaron?"

"God dad give it up, me and Aaron are never going to happen, we're just friends."

"But I like Aaron, he's funny, goofy and looks out for you." He replied.

"And he's also like my brother. I'm sorry dad but I love Zak."

"Love now huh?"

I hid my face in my hands sighing, "Yeah. But I can't tell him that." I muttered sitting down on the bed.

He sat down beside me "Why?"

"Well for one he won't answer his stupid phone and second because I don't want to scare him away. Please just give him a chance?" I asked almost begged.

He sighed and rolled his eyes.

I won!

"Fine but if he upsets you when he comes over.. I'll castrate him. In the garden." He answered making me giggle.

"He won't. He's a good guy now."

"Yeah? Well I'm a bad dad so he needs to watch out." He replied making me nod and throw in a salute.

"Shall we go and see mum before she gives the plants a migraine?" I asked.

"No, you are going to get some sleep. I'll speak to your mother and tell her about your cheek."

"But da-"

"Ah, if anyone can convince your mother... It's me."
He was right about that.

"Okay, okay fine but tell her he was remorseful."

"I will."

"Guilt ridden."


"And full of sorrow."

"Of course."


"Yes Maria?"

"I love you.."

He smiled and came back to the bed kissing my forehead "love you too now get some rest Miss clumsy.

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