So that's the reason

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I threw my phone against the bed angrily, yet another failed phone call to that jerk in Vegas. Well fine that's the last phone call I'm giving him! Nobody is that busy no matter how you run a show!

I'd been in England 3 days and not heard a word out of Zak since I left his house at 4am to get my flight. I had spoke to Aaron! Yeah Aaron answered but as soon as I asked where Zak was?

He's interviewing (if that was true Aaron couldn't have answered)

He's in the shower (I've been on the phone for nearly an hour. Nobody takes that long)

He's in the can (that's Zak telling him to say that. Aaron always calls if the bathroom.)

I couldn't stop my anger so I fired off through a text message and send it.

"Jackass!" I half shouted at my phone.

I got myself changed when my phone pinged back with a message.

-Surprised you even want to talk to me with your new best friend.


- ? What are you even talking about?

- are you even in England?

- obviously Zak!

-hmm. Well I don't know do I?

- you watched me book the tickets! What the hell is even up with you?

Then my phone pinged and a photo of myself and Nick came through, he had posted it..  I went straight onto Nicks page and found it, right after posting a quote about true friendship and family.

- I was sat next to him on the plane, I can hardly ignore him!

- Convenient.

- what?! You think I planned this? Oh Zak Grow up! I got an early flight because it was cheaper.

- Or you were meeting him. It makes sense on why you didn't wait now.

- I wasn't meeting him! I tried to protest my innocence but someone was adamant I was meeting his new archenemy behind his back.

- Look at the caption Maria?!

I did.. Sure enough it said [Loved seeing my best friend, this friendship is unbreakable from toxic people! Really enjoyed our chat and can't wait for you to come to Boston!]

Well shit that's stirring a shit pot if anything!

- I'm not going to Boston. Even if I was I am my own person Zak? I don't stop you doing things!

- So you're choosing him over us?

- What?! No! NO! All we did was talk about about old times okay?! Stop being paranoid!

- You could be in Boston rn and that's why you booked an early flight whilst I had work. To meet up with Nick...

Then I snapped. Fuck it. He can have it. Both barrels.

- I came over here alone for my mums sake! I didn't know what condition she was going to be in and whether she was even going to be herself! She's proud Zak and  if her hair was falling out she would freak out that we arrived uninvited and surprised her!
In fact it would have scarred her to think both her daughter and new partner had seen her in that condition! Cancer treatment makes patients sick! Really sick but of course you would know that because you know everything don't you?! I also wanted to come over and get my parents under control so they didn't try and do the grandchildren talk because I don't want kid right now! If ever!BUT you'd know that as well right?! I'm trying to make everyone happy and comfortable! You know what you are?! You're a selfish bastard! Stay in Vegas and don't bother texting back!

I threw my phone down again and let out a cry in frustration and anger. I was only trying to make everyone feel better, comfortable and happier! I was sick with tonsillitis, and I know it's a million light years away from cancer but I felt so ill I didn't want people coming to see me. I didn't want my mums fussing or Aaron bringing me ice cream and offering me a cuddle whilst we watched Star Wars. I wanted to be left alone!

My mum was serious sick! I didn't know if she was going to be all bent over, almost skeleton like with patches of hair missing and off colour skin. I didn't know if she was going to be resentful of life, I didn't know how she was going to react to me being here! She said it herself a few days ago she wouldn't have been happy if I turned up when she was first sick!

So my point was proven instantly! I did the right thing in coming alone until I knew she was okay with hosting, because that's what she would do. She would run around and make sure everyone is comfortable. Like she swatted me for not telling her I was coming over and the bedding wasn't fresh. It looked and smelt liked it to me but I still got the swat anyway!

I sighed giving up my anger, what's the use when the one who caused it is over 5000 miles away. Now I was just upset because I've probably just ended what we had because he was being a massive jerk about it all and to think I've just smoothed everything over about the whole bottle and cheek incident!

I couldn't go down stairs and rant to my parents about him because it would paint Zak in a poor light instantly and they would hold that against him. All parents did. All parents will stand with their children until their dying days because that's what parental love is, that's what you do!

I glared at my phone for 5 minutes before I settled with the fact I've just fucked everything up. He really could stay in Vegas because I don't want to see him now..

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