Until I Met You- Chapter One

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Rain fell down from the dark night Seattle sky. A cold wind blew through the air. Eddie shivered and pulled his hood over his head a little more.

He had nowhere to go. Nowhere to be. There was nowhere he was wanted. He didn't even know why he was here, it Seattle, a place he knew nothing about.

But then he remembered. He was nothing but a denial. A sin to his parents. They didn't want him. They couldn't find any compassion for him. They didn't love him.

He was forced to leave. To get out of their sight. And now, they would never lay eyes on him again.

Eddie's heart ached with pain. He wanted to cry, but he knew once he started, he wouldn't stop. And he was sick of crying. He was tired of crying himself to sleep on the streets. He was tired of everything.

The rain fell harder. Eddie shivered more. He felt as if he was going to freeze to death. He hugged his small body a little tighter, trying to keep warm.

Eddie looked around. He needed shelter. He couldn't just sit on the street in the rain. He had no money for a hotel. He had no friends to crash with.

He decided to creep down the alley to try to find a dry spot. He heard dogs barking from a distance. In the alley, there was nothing but a dumpster.

Eddie lifted up the lid back as far as it would go. Then, he sat down underneath the lid. He was still cold, but at least now he wasn't getting soaked from the rain.

Thunder roared from a distance. A storm was slowly approaching.

"Great." Eddie sighed. He pulled his knees up to his chest and laid his head back against the dumpster.

He closed his eyes. He was so tired. His legs ached, his arms felt weak, his stomach growled. He could've slept forever.

But as he began to fall asleep, he heard footsteps. Slow, gentle footsteps approaching him. Eddie crawled back a little hoping the stranger wouldn't see him. He held his breath.

"Damn fucking bastards." The voice mumbled and a can was kicked toward Eddie. The sudden impact made him gasp.

The footsteps stopped. Eddie's heart raced. The stranger heard him. He knew Eddie was there.

The footsteps started again, getting closer and closer until Eddie saw the person right in front of him. He looked up.

It was a man. His blue eyes sparkled in the dark. His hair seemed dark, and in the same style as Eddie's. Eddie could tell he had a fresh shave.

"What are you doing behind there?" The stranger asked. Eddie was speechless. He didn't know what to answer with. But the stranger stood there, waiting for his answers.

"I... I uh-"

"What's your name?" The stranger asked, kneeling down beside him.


"Eddie, huh? Well, I'm Chris."

"Do you have anywhere to go?" The stranger asked. Eddie slowly shook his head.

"Well, how about you come with me? I have a place you can stay. Don't worry, it's just me there."

"I'll be okay here." Eddie said quietly. Lightening flashed through the sky.

"Look, I know you don't know me, and I don't know you either. But I really hate to leave you here in the pouring rain. And you look like you could really use some food. And a shower."

It was silent a moment until Eddie nodded his head. "Okay."

Chris stood up to his feet and helped Eddie up. "I'm sorry but we're gonna have to walk. My idiot friends took my car."

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