Until I Met You- Chapter Fourteen

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Finally, it was the month of December. The warm whether was over, and snow was falling from the light grey skies. Eddie sat inside the warm house in his sweater, watching it snow.

Memories came back into his mind. One specific of when he was younger, running around and playing outside at home, and his parents had decided to join him. He remembers them all building a snowman together, and having a snowball fight. The thought that he would never see his parents again hurt him.

It's all he wanted, the love from his parents. He wanted to call them, hear their voices, but he knew it wouldn't do any good. They didn't want to speak to him. They no longer wanted anything to do with him.

"How dare you, Eddie?! It's sick! Men don't belong with other men!" His father screamed at him. Eddie was so scared his entire body was trembling. He couldn't move, he couldn't speak, he was too scared. He had never once in his life been this scared before.

"It's a sin!" His mother cried. Eddie began to sob. He didn't know what else to do. He felt as if his life was over.

"Eddie?" Chris asked, walking into the room. Eddie looked up at him with tears in his eyes that he didn't even realize were there.

"Hey, you okay?" Chris asked, slowly sitting beside him on the couch. Eddie wiped his eyes with his sleeves.

"Yeah, just.... Just, uh, some things on my mind."

"What is it?"

"It's nothing," Eddie ran his fingers through his hair. "Don't worry."

Chris frowned. "Eddie, I really need to know what's bothering you."

"I said its nothing, Chris." Eddie said, his voice sounded a little frustrated.

"Well, it's something when you're sitting here crying."

"I said its fucking nothing," Eddie snapped. "Stay out of my fucking business."

"Eddie, I think I deserve to know what's going on." Chris said, trying his best to stay calm.

Eddie didn't say anything. He only looked away. This only made Chris' blood boil. That was the one thing he hated, being ignored.

He grabbed Eddie's arm and jerked him closer to him. Eddie looked at Chris with fear in his eyes. He didn't expect Chris to be so formidable.

"Don't ignore me like that." Chris hissed. Eddie only looked at him with wide eyes. He was still holding a tight grip on Eddie's arm.

"You're hurting me." Eddie said quietly. Chris' face immediately softened up and he let Eddie's arm go.

"I-I'm sorry," Chris quickly apologized. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

Eddie was still a little frightened. Maybe because it was the first time he had seen Chris get angry. Or maybe it was the way he jerked him like that. Whatever, Eddie didn't like it.

Chris reached out for Eddie's hand, and Eddie carefully watched him. Chris laced his fingers with Eddie's.

"I don't want to see you cry. Please, please don't push me away. Tell me what the problem is."

Eddie sighed. "I was only thinking of my parent's again. I'm sorry."

Chris sighed and pulled Eddie into his chest. Eddie began to cry. He couldn't hold it in any longer. He held it back for so long, and now it was all coming out of him.

"I fucking hate them, Chris, I hate them for what that did to me," Eddie sobbed. "They yelled at me. Th-they hit me. They made me feel like fucking shit!"

Chris held Eddie tighter. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry."

"I-I had nowhere to go. They didn't fucking care if I died right there on the streets."

"They do care, Eddie. They were just upset," Chris whispered soothingly. "I'm sure they think of you everyday. I'm sure they regret everything that said and did to you."

Eddie sniffled. "No, they don't. They hate me. They could never love me again."

"They'll always love you, Eddie. You're their son. They could never stop loving you."

"They hate me."

"Why don't you call them?" Chris asked. Eddie shook his head.

"They wouldn't want to talk to me."

"You never know. You can just try one time."

Eddie slowly pulled himself out of Chris' grip. "I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Just one time, baby. For me, please. If they say anything, you can hang up the phone."

"I'm scared." Eddie whispered. Chris pecked his lips.

"Don't be, baby. Just one time."

Eddie sniffled. "Okay, okay... But just this one time. But uh, I need a second. I don't want to sound like I've been crying."

Chris kissed the top of Eddie's head. "Alright."

* * *

Eddie held the phone to his ear as he dialed the number. His heart was pounding in his chest, his palms were sweaty, he was nervous as hell. He wanted Chris to be there with him, but Chris figured it would be best if Eddie did this alone.

The phone rang and rang. Eddie was beginning to lose hope of them answering the phone. And as he was staring to hang up, his mother's voice was on the other end of the phone.

It was so relieving to hear her voice, to know she was still alive, and it made Eddie want to cry.

"Hello?" She asked again. For a moment, Eddie was lost for words. But he finally managed to speak.

"M-mom... Hi." Eddie said. His voice was soft and quiet. For a moment, it was silent.

"Eddie? Is that you?"

"Yeah, yeah it's uh, it's me."

"Oh my god! Eddie! I've been so worried about you! Where are you?! I'm coming to get you and bringing you home." She said. Her voice sounded relieved, worried, excited, just so many emotions.

"I'm with my boyfriend..." Eddie said, trailing off. He had a feeling she was going to burst out screaming at him again, but she didn't, and it surprised him.

"Well, where's that at?"

"Seattle." Eddie answered.

"Seattle?! You're all the way in Seattle?!"

"Yeah, I'm here."

She sighed. "Eddie, please, come back home. I know what I done, and I regret it everyday. I'll always love you, Eddie, no matter what. And I've come to accept you for your choices."

"I'm kinda already home. I mean, I have Chris, and I love him, very much. I've made so many friends, I love it here. I don't want to leave."

"Well, are you safe? I mean, Chris, he doesn't hurt you or anything does he?"

"Of course not. He's the sweetest person in the world." Eddie said. He ignored what happened earlier. Anyways, all Chris did was jerk him. It wasn't like he slapped him or anything.

"Are you happy with him?"

Eddie smiled. "Yes, I am, very happy. I want to spend the rest of my life with him."

"Well, that's all that matters, right?"

"Yeah." Eddie said, chuckling a little.

The two talked to each other for hours. Majority of the conversation was about Chris. Eddie couldn't believe it, that he was talking to his mother just like old times.

And the whole time, Chris stood behind the door, listening to their conversation. And just hearing the things Eddie said about him made his heart melt. He couldn't wait to start forever.

"I love you." Chris whispered even though Eddie couldn't hear it. But Eddie already knew it. And Chris knew nothing could tear them apart.


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