Until I Met You- Chapter Sixteen

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"I love Christmas." Eddie said, smiling wide as he put another ornament on the Christmas tree. Christmas was still two weeks away, and Eddie got more excited as it neared. But Chris was still counting down the days until Eddie's birthday to ask the big question.

Chris wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist from behind. "It's too cute watching you decorate the Christmas tree."

A blush appeared on Eddie's cheeks. He laughed a little and kissed Chris on the cheek. Chris squeezed Eddie tight.

"I'll keep you warm all winter long." Chris mumbled softly.

"I know you will." Eddie said with a smile on his face.

Chris swayed their bodies back and forth slowly. He loved having Eddie in his arms, holding him, just touching him. Eddie was his everything. He was so attached to him, and now, he couldn't live his life without Eddie Vedder.

"You promised we'd make cookies." Eddie said quietly. Chris chuckled and placed a few kisses on his neck.

"After we finish decorating the tree, baby."

Eddie turned around, facing Chris. His arms wrapped around Chris' neck and his lips pressed against his. His lips were always so sweet, so soft, so addicting. Eddie just didn't want to stop kissing him.

"I love kissing you." Eddie said against Chris' lips.

"I love kissing you, too. You have the sexiest lips." Chris said, deepening the kiss. Eddie kissed him for a while, and as things were beginning to get heated, Eddie pulled away.

"Let's finish decorating the tree."

Chris picked up another ornament. "Let's get to it."

* * *

Chris drew a heart on a cookie that was in the shape of a tree with icing before sliding it down to Eddie. Eddie smiled and slid his down to Chris. It was also in the shape of a Christmas tree, but it had dots of green, red, and white on it.

"Cute." Chris said before stuffing it into his mouth.

"Hey! That was mine!" Eddie whined. "I was only showing it to you."

Chris pouted. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to eat your cookie."

Eddie stuffed the cookie Chris showed him into his mouth. "I'm eating your cookie."

Chris shrugged and laughed. "It was for you anyway."

"Can I take some to Jerry and Layne?" Eddie asked, washing the icing off his hands under the sink.

"Of course, just let me get our jackets, okay?"

* * *

"We brought you some cookies." Eddie said as him and Chris walked in. Jerry took the plate from Eddie and grinned.

"Little Jeremy will love these." Jerry said, taking a bite of a cookie.

"Aw, you have a name picked out?!" Eddie asked. He could tell Jerry's baby bump had got a little bigger. Jerry giggled and Layne took one of the cookies.

"Yeah, but mom kind of helped us out. But it's only Jeremy if it's a boy, if it turns out to be a girl, well we don't have a name picked out yet." Jerry said, his mouth full of cookie.

"Can I feel?" Eddie asked, referring to Jerry's baby bump. Jerry nodded.

Eddie felt of Jerry's small baby bump. It was the most adorable little thing. One thing Eddie loved, was babies. He couldn't wait to have one of his own.

"Hey, come on and I'll show you the baby room we're working on." Jerry said, grabbing Eddie's hand.

"Alright! You coming Chris?"

"Nah, I'll stay down here with Layne." Chris said. Eddie shrugged and followed Jerry upstairs.

"You know you're going to have like five kids, right?" Layne asked with a smirk. Chris laughed.

"Nah, don't think so, man."

"I can tell Eddie really wants a baby." Layne said, his voice in a singing tone.

"I know he does, but he has to be patient. I still haven't you know, asked him that yet."

"How are you going to do it?" Layne asked in a hushed tone.

"Shit, I haven't planned that out. I've just been so caught up in thinking of what to say to him when I ask him."

"Well... Hmm... Why not take him to the carnival and ask him when you're on top of the ferris wheel?" Layne suggested.

"Hey, that's a pretty good idea," Chris said, chewing on the back of his lip.

"And you can wrap your arm around him if he gets cold. And take him home and make love to him." Layne teased. Chris flipped him off.

* * *

"So, yeah, that's about it." Jerry said, looking around the room. Eddie smiled.

"This is so adorable. Gosh, you and Layne have almost everything finished in here already, huh?"

"Yep, we just haven't done any painting yet. But Layne won't let me anyway because he doesn't want me inhaling the fumes because you know, it's bad for the baby." Jerry said, laying his hand on his stomach. "But we're waiting to find out the true gender of the baby before doing that."

Eddie smiled. "So cute."

"We're getting married in February." Jerry pointed out. "And you, my friend, are going to be a bridesmaid."

"I don't have to wear a dress do I?"

Jerry laughed. "Course not, unless you want to."

"You're so lucky," Eddie sighed. "You're having a baby, you're getting married, you're just so lucky."

Jerry wrapped his arm around Eddie's neck. "Don't worry, man. In a few more years, you'll be married and pregnant. Just wait for it. Unless you accidentally get pregnant like me."

"What do you think mine and Chris' baby would look like?" Eddie asked, chuckling a little.

"Probably... Hmm... Dark, curly hair, and... blue eyes." Jerry said, studying Eddie's face. "What do you think mine and Layne's baby would look like?"

Eddie hummed. "Well, probably blonde hair, or light brown. Blue eyes, and a cute little nose."

Jerry giggled. "I can't wait to find out."

"Mr. Jerry Staley." Eddie teased. Jerry smiled and bowed.

"And Mr. Eddie Cornell." Jerry teased back, laughing. "Come on, let's go back downstairs and we what they're talking about."

"Okay." Eddie said, following Jerry back downstairs. 

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