Until I Met You- Chapter Two

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When Eddie awoke, he was confused. For a moment, he had forgot where he even was. But then he remember of how he met Chris, and how generous he was to let Eddie stay the night with him.

The bed was empty, but warm. The rain had passed, but Eddie could see by looking through the window, it was still cloudy.

He looked at the clock to discover it was only a little after ten o'clock. He stretched his sore body and groaned a bit. He wanted to just lay there, maybe go back to sleep, but he figured it was best to get out of bed and tell Chris goodbye.

But before he even had the chance to get up, Chris walked into the room. He was still in his boxers, and now that Eddie actually got a look at his body, it made him blush a little. Eddie tried not to stare.

"You're awake. I made some breakfast." Chris said as he searched for clothes.

"I think that maybe I should be going now."

Chris stopped what he was doing and looked at Eddie. "What? No. You can't leave yet. I mean, you don't even know your way around this place."

"I just don't want to be a bother to you."

"You're not a bother at all, Eddie. It gets really boring here by myself. I like having you here."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm absolutely certain, Eddie. Now come on, get up and eat. Maybe we can go somewhere today."

"Where?" Eddie asked. Chris sat down on the bed.

"Where would you like to go?"

"Maybe... A beach." Eddie said quietly. Chris saw that his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Okay, okay. I'll take you to the beach." Chris said. Eddie wrapped his arms around Chris.

"Thank you!"

Chris returned the hug. And for a minute or so, they just hugged. And when they pulled away, Chris chuckled.

"What?" Eddie asked.

"Your hair. It's everywhere."

"Oh," Eddie said, blushing. He tried to smooth his hair out with his hands.

"You're cute." Chris said before winking and leaving the room.

* * *

Eddie stood on the beach with a smile on his face. He was wearing a pair of Chris' swimming trunks. Chris stood beside him, looking out into the water.

"Wanna go swim?" Eddie asked. Chris shook his head.

"Nah, I'm alright."

"Aw, please. I don't want to go by myself." Eddie whined.

"I don't know how to swim." Chris admitted.

Eddie chuckled. "Really? It's easy!"

"No one ever showed me." Chris said, looking down at the sand. Eddie could tell he was embarrassed, and it was quite cute.

"I can show you."

"I don't know. What if a shark gets me?"

Eddie laughed. "Hmmm... I don't think so."

"Maybe another time."

Eddie shook his head. "Nope. I'm going to show you right now. Come on."

"No." Chris said, crossing his arms.

"Don't be a baby." Eddie teased.

"I'm not."

"Then come on, get in the water with me."

Chris sighed. "Fine."

They got into the cold water. Chris was trembling in fear, while Eddie was having the time of his life.

Eddie splashed water at Chris. "Walk further. Until your feet can touch the ground anymore."

Chris splashed water back. "I'm probably going to drown today."

"Just move your arms like this." Eddie said, demonstrating.

"Ah! I can't swim! I'm drowning! Eddie! Save me!" Chris screamed when his feet no longer touched the surface. Eddie held onto him.

"Hey, hey, hey. I got you. You're safe."

"Don't let me go."

"I won't."

"Please. I don't wanna do this." Chris whispered.

"I'm sorry," Eddie frowned. "I didn't mean for you to get scared. I just wanted you to have some fun."

Chris sighed. "It's okay. Well, is it like this?"

He started to move his arms in the way Eddie showed him.

"Yeah! Just like that! You're doing great, Chris. Just keep doing that, okay?" Eddie said as he slowly let go of Chris. He completely let go and Chris was okay.

"See! You're okay. Now. Just come toward me." Eddie said as he swam away from Chris a little.

"I can't believe I'm fucking doing this." Chris mumbled as he made his way to Eddie.

"Chris! You did it!" Eddie cried out, wrapping his arms around Chris' neck. "I'm so proud. Good job!"

Chris smiled and wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist.

And for a while, the two swam together. Chris chased Eddie around, finally capturing him in another hug. It was only the second day of knowing each other, but they were already so close. Like best friends, or maybe even something a little more than that.

"Let's go back to the shore." Eddie said. "I'm getting kinda tired."

Chris followed behind him and the two crashed on the shore, just laying there. By now, it was getting late and the beach was becoming empty. And before long, stars were beginning to shine.

"I love stars," Eddie whispered. "They're beautiful."

"Yeah, they're alright. I've seen more beautiful things though." Chris said, looking over at Eddie. Eddie looked at him and blushed.

"So, since you like stars so much... Me and my friends are going camping soon. And, well, I want you to come with me." Chris explained.

Eddie shrugged. "I... I don't know. I mean, I'm not really good with people, you know."

"It'll be fine. They're cool, don't worry. You'll fit right in."

Eddie sighed. "Okay. Maybe."

"Nope, no maybe. You're going."

Eddie chuckled. "Are you my mother now?"

"No, but I can be your daddy." Chris teased, winking at him. Eddie blushed and facepalmed.

Chris laughed and stood up. "Well, let's get going. It's getting cold."

Eddie pulled himself off and ground and followed Chris to the car. After they got home, they both had a shower and watched some television.

Eddie ended up falling asleep on the couch with a blanket over him, and his head resting on Chris' shoulder. It was too cute, Chris just couldn't wake him up.

So he scooped Eddie up in his arms and carried him up to bed. He replaced the blanket with the comforter and slid into bed next to Eddie.

In his sleep, Eddie knotted his eyebrows together. Chris watched, trying not to laugh. Eddie moved a little, waking himself up. But he fell right back to sleep.

"Adorable." Chris whispered before closing his eyes and also falling into a deep sleep. 

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