Until I Met You- Chapter Forty

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It hurt. Just as soon as Kurt opened his eyes he was greeted by the pain in his chest. He was greeted with the lonely, empty feeling. Dave wasn't there, and he'd never be there again, and it hurt.

Kurt missed the mornings he would open his eyes and Dave would be lying next to him. He missed seeing Dave's smile, hearing his laugh, and listening to his silly jokes. He would never have that back.

A soft peck on the door interrupted his thoughts, and saved him from letting tears escape from his eyes. Jeremy and Eddie were standing on the other side. Jeremy was still in his little pajamas, his hair was a mess, and he looked as if he had just woken up. He laid his head on Eddie's shoulder.

"Good morning! I made you some breakfast." Eddie chirped. Kurt rubbed his eyes and pulled himself up into a sitting position.

"Dude, did you get laid last night?"

Eddie chuckled. "What are you talking about?"

"Because, you're in too good of a mood this early not to have got laid last night."

"I'm just... excited." Eddie said, his cheeks red.

"Excited for what?"

"We're all going to the movies later, and you're coming with us. And... you might have a date."

Kurt's eyes widened. "A date?! What?! No. No, Eddie. I'm not going on a date."

Eddie frowned. "Why?"

"Eddie, I just lost my boyfriend. It's too soon, and I don't think I even want anyone else." Kurt explained. He didn't even feel the least bit interested in going on a date with some stranger.

"Kurt, we're all going to be there. Me, Chris, Layne, Jerry, Sean, Mike, you, and your date. So, you won't be alone. Come on, give him a chance."

Kurt sighed and shook his head. "I can't."

"Kurt, we hate seeing you like this. I know it's hard, but Dave wouldn't want you to be like this either. It's not healthy for you to sit in the house all day crying and feeling this way. Come on, let's just all go out and have some fun."

Kurt ran his fingers through his hair. "Alright... okay, I'll go on this one freaking date."

Eddie smiled. "Good. Now come and eat before it gets cold."

* * *

Eddie dipped the spoon back into the baby food jar. Jeremy was too impatient. He was already opening his little mouth, awaiting for Eddie to feed him more.

"Good morning." Chris said as he wrapped his arms around Eddie from behind. He placed kisses along Eddie's neck.

Eddie laid his hands on top of Chris' and smiled, melting into him. They shared a few pecks on the lips, but where interrupted by Jeremy whining and squealing for more baby food.

"Wow, someone's hungry, huh?" Chris said as he pulled away and turned his attention over to Jeremy who sat in his high chair. He kissed Jeremy on the head.

"Are you hungry, huh? Is that little tummy hungry?" Chris asked in his baby talking voice. Jeremy giggled as Chris tickled his little stomach.

Eddie chuckled and picked the spoon up, continuing his job of feeding Jeremy the baby food. Jeremy kicked his little feet in delight.

"You're so adorable. Just like daddy." Chris said to Jeremy, looking up at Eddie. Eddie blushed and pecked Chris on the lips.

"I love you, Chris." Eddie said with a smile, giving Jeremy another bite of food. Chris pulled out some orange juice from the fridge and took a long drink out of the jug.

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