Until I Met You- Chapter Fifty

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"Hmmm... looks like... I'm not pregnant after all." Jerry said, smiling in relief. Sure, he would love to have another baby with Layne, but not right now. Alice was enough of a handful.

"No baby?" Layne frowned. Jerry pecked him on the lips, and tossed the pregnancy test in the trash.

"We'll have plenty of time for babies later, Layne. You know Alice already keeps us busy. Let's just wait a little bit before having another one, okay?"

Layne sighed, but nonetheless, he smiled. "Alright. I guess I can wait."

Jerry chuckled, and gave Layne a peck on the lips. "Where is Alice by the way?"

"In her crib asleep. You know, we could take this time to cuddle on the couch." Layne whispered. Jerry smiled.

"Sure. Why not?"

* * *

"Jeremy is sick." Eddie sighed, wiping Jeremy's nose with a tissue. Jeremy was becoming aggravated with the tissue, and he began to kick his little legs and cry.

"Yeah, he kept me up almost all night." Chris groaned. He reached down into the crib and picked Jeremy up.

"I think we should take him to the doctor. Maybe they can give him some kind of medicine." Eddie suggested. Chris nodded in agreement.

After calling and getting Jeremy an appointment with the doctor, he ran the sink full of water. Chris pulled Jeremy out of his clothes and diaper before sitting him down in the sink.

"Where's the shampoo?" Eddie asked. Chris reached up into the cabinet and got the baby shampoo. Jeremy sneezed, and began to cough.

"My poor baby." Chris sighed. He leaned down, and gave Jeremy a little kiss on his head, getting his lips wet in the process.

* * *

"He's fine. He just has a bit of a cold. I'll call him some medicine to the pharmacy. He needs to take this medicine twice a day, and make sure he eats something with it, or else it could upset his stomach and he could throw up." The doctor informed.

Eddie nodded his head, and Chris began to get Jeremy back into his car seat. The doctor wrote out a prescription, and handed it over to Eddie.

"Thank you." Eddie smiled.

"No problem. You guys have a good day." The doctor said with a smile before he left the room, leaving Chris and Eddie to get everything together.

"Ready to go?" Eddie asked. Chris gave Jeremy his pacifier, which Jeremy had bit little holes all over.

"Yeah, let's pick up his medicine and get home."

* * *

Chris stayed in the car with Jeremy while Eddie sat and waited for Jeremy's medicine, which was only suppose to take ten minutes. 

"Hey, I'm here to pick up medicine. Stone Gossard."

Eddie's head lifted up, and looked up at Stone who was standing at the counter. He heard the woman tell him it would be a few minutes. Stone nodded his head, and began to walk toward Eddie. However, he sat away from him. That was, until Eddie moved closer to him.

"Hi, Stone." Eddie greeted, smiling. Stone softly smiled too.

"Hey, Eddie. How're you?"

"I'm good. Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about what happened the other day with Chris. That was very rude of him."

Stone laughed. "It's fine. I know how Chris can be. How's the baby?"

"Jeremy. He's alright, has a little cold though."

"Can I ask you something?" Stone asked. Eddie nodded his head.

"Has Chris... ever hurt you?"

Eddie knotted his eyebrows. "Of course not. I mean, he's grabbed me a few times, but he'd never actually hurt me."

Stoned sighed. "I don't know... Chris can be... a little out of control sometimes."

"Maybe he used to be, but he isn't now."

"I just don't want to see him treat you like the way he did me. Just be careful, Eddie."

"Chris wouldn't hurt me." Eddie stated, as if he knew it was a fact.

Stone sighed, and smiled. "Yeah, I'm sure he wouldn't. Just a warning, you know. But like you said, maybe he's changed."


"Eddie, the medicine is ready." The woman behind the counter said, interrupting the conversation with Eddie and Stone. 

"Well, I guess I should be going. Chris is waiting on me. See you around." Eddie rushed. He grabbed the medicine and headed straight out the door.

Chris wouldn't hurt me, Eddie thought, would he?

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