Until I Met You- Chapter Twenty Seven

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*7 Months Later*

Eddie laid in the hospital bed, holding his newborn in his arms. Now he finally knew what it felt like, and Jerry was right, it was one of the best feelings in the entire world.

The beautiful baby boy was sound asleep. Eddie just couldn't stop smiling. It was just too sweet and precious.

"Aw," Chris whispered as he stepped into the room. Eddie looked up at him and giggled.

"Look how cute." Chris whispered, gently rubbing his hand over the baby's head. He placed a deep kiss on Eddie's lips.

"I love you, Chris." Eddie whispered. Chris looked Eddie deep in the eyes.

"I love you, too. Always."

"Well, do you want to hold him?" Eddie asked. Chris sat down on the hospital bed and carefully took the baby out of Eddie's arms.

"Oh, Eddie, he's so little." Chris said, quietly chuckling.

"He's four pounds."

"Only four pounds? Woah, he is a little one." Chris whispered, looking at the baby.

Eddie smiled. "Yeah, but the doctor said he's healthy and everything, so, it's all okay."

"Aw, god, he's so adorable. I love him already."

Chris smiled and took a look up at Eddie. Their eyes met, and they gave each other a gentle kiss on the lips. Then, there was a knock at the door.

The door gently swung open, and standing on the other side was Jerry, Layne, Mike, Sean, Dave, and even Kurt. Layne held Alice in his arm. They all walked inside the room.

"We came to see the baby." Jerry whispered. The all surrounded the bed.

"Oh my god, he's adorable." Mike whispered. He ran his finger over the baby's little hand.

"He's beautiful." Kurt whispered.

"He's so tiny," Jerry whispered. "What are you going to name him?"

"I don't know. Chris?"

Chris shrugged his shoulders. "Anything you want to, baby."

"Name him Jeremy," Jerry said. "It suits him."

Eddie smiled. "Alright. Jeremy it is then."

"I'm going to be his favorite." Sean said as he made faces at the baby. Jeremy's eyes were wide open now.

"I don't want him hanging around you." Chris said, laughing.

"Who do you think he looks like?" Eddie asked. Everyone looked back and forth between Chris and Eddie.

Mike shrugged. "It's hard to tell. I mean, he has blue eyes like both of you, and dark hair like both of you."

"But he has Eddie's nose." Dave said.

"Can I hold him?" Jerry asked. Chris nodded and Jerry took Jeremy.

"Oh, aren't you a cute little thing?" Jerry whispered. Then, Alice began to cry.

"Oh no, don't cry." Layne whined.

"Let her suck on Jerry's tit for a while, she'll be fine." Sean said. Jerry glared at him as Sean chuckled. Mike slapped him.

"Stop being an idiot." Mike sighed, rolling his eyes. Sean pouted and crossed his arms.

Jerry gave Jeremy to Eddie and pulled a bottle out of Alice's diaper bag. He shook it up a little before giving it to Layne. Alice happily took it.

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