Until I Met You- Chapter Seventeen

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Eddie, happy birthday to you!" Chris sang as soon as Eddie walked downstairs. Eddie giggled and wiped the sleep from his eyes.

"Thank you, baby." Eddie said, still giggling a little.

"What are you all giggly about?" Chris asked, poking Eddie's stomach. It was so cute when Eddie giggled. It was so cute to see him smile like he was.

"Your singing voice, it's... high pitched, but I love it. It's adorable." Eddie complimented, looking into Chris' eyes.

Chris kissed Eddie on the lips. "How does it feel to be eighteen?"

"Hmmm, good. Especially now that our relationship isn't illegal." Eddie said, wrapping his arms around Chris' neck.

Chris chuckled. "Well, you need to get up and shower because I... Am taking you to the carnival."

"Really? I've never been to one before." Eddie admitted, a flash of excitement ran over his eyes.

"Oh really? Well, you're going to have a blast, and I got you a cake." Chris said, taking Eddie into the kitchen. On the table, sat a large cake. Around the room was balloons of blue, red, yellow, green, and orange.

"Aww, thank you. This is so sweet." Eddie said, a big bright smile on his face. Chris could tell he was more distracted by the balloons than the cake.

"You want a piece?" Chris asked. Eddie nodded his head and took a seat at the kitchen table.

"First, you have to blow out your candles." Chris said, pulling his lighter out of his pocket. He opened the box of candles that sat beside the cake.

Chris stuck eighteen candles into the cake before he lit them all up. He kissed Eddie on the head. And for a moment, the both of them just watched the candles burn.

"Make a wish, angel." Chris whispered. Eddie smiled, closed his eyes, and blew out his candles slowly.

"What did you wish for?" Chris asked.

"I can't tell you, or else it won't come true." Eddie said, taking the candles out of the cake.

Chris cut the cake and got Eddie out a piece. The two ate some cake, and then went upstairs to take a shower together.

* * *

"What do you want to wear today?" Chris asked, looking through the closet. Eddie laid on the bed, watching Chris. They were both in their boxers.

"It doesn't matter. You pick for me," Eddie said. "But first, come here."

Chris walked over to the bed, standing above Eddie. Eddie fixed himself on the bed, propping himself up with his knees. He ran his hands along Chris' torso.

"Since it's my birthday, I think I deserve something..." Eddie said slowly. Chris grinned. Eddie ran his hands over Chris' abs.

His body was so sexy. Eddie couldn't help but crave him. He couldn't help but reach out and touch Chris. Everything about him was so fucking sexy. His body, his voice, his laugh, every little thing.

"What do you think you deserve?" Chris asked, chuckling. Eddie bit his lip and blushed.

"For you to... touch me..." Eddie said quietly. Chris stood still as Eddie tugged at his boxers, wanting them off.

"What else?" Chris asked.

"For you to, uh, well... N-never mind." Eddie backed out, letting go of Chris' boxers. He was so shy, especially when it came to trying to dirty talk.

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