Until I Met You- Chapter Forty Two

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Saturday came quicker than Kurt expected. He didn't have two hundred, and there was no way he could get it. All he had, was the fifty he received from Krist, and ten he had stolen from Eddie and Chris.

And here he was, standing on Axl's doorstep. His heart was racing in his chest, and his palms were beginning to sweat. He knew Axl would be upset, but he had to face him.

"Woah, looks like you showed up after all." Axl said as soon as he swung the door open. As usual, he had a cigarette in his mouth.

He stepped aside, letting Kurt come inside. For once, the house was neat, but it still smelt of weed and cigarettes.

"You got my money?" Axl asked. Kurt reached into his pocket.

"Look, I know it's not even close to two hundred, but it's all I could come up with. Can I do monthly payments or something like that? I-"

"Just sixty bucks? That's all you could get?" Axl asked. He shook his head and sighed.

"Just do whatever, Axl. Beat me up, kill me, I don't fucking care. That's all I could get."

"Well, I think I have something in mind..." Axl said, trailing off. He grinned, an evil mischievous grin.


"So, you're a pretty good cock sucker, huh? So, blow me off, and I'll completely drop it. I'll never bother you, and you won't have to pay me the rest. Just sixty and a blow job, and you're free to go.

Kurt swallowed hard. "Axl, I-I can't do that."

"Why? You used to. What's so different about doing it now?"

"Well, you see, I-"

"Can you get the rest of the money, Kurt? I'm only giving you till the end of today."

Kurt sighed. He knew there was no way he could get the money. He would have to suck Axl off, just like the countless times he had before.

Because of Kurt's silence, Axl took the hint he agreed. He took a seat at his chair and made himself comfortable. As he undid his jeans, Kurt dropped to his knees.

"I missed this so much," Axl sighed. "You're the best one, Kurt. The best at sucking cock."

Axl laughed, pushing Kurt's head down deeper. He felt disgusted, but he had to finish Axl off. And never again, would he be in this house.

* * *

"Jerry," Layne sighed, wrapping his arm around the warm body that laid next to him. He nuzzled his nose into his lover's hair.



Layne quickly pulled himself away, nearly falling out of bed. His head was swimming.

"What are you doing here?! Why are we in bed together?! Where's Jerry?!" Layne boomed with questions.

"Where's Sean?!"

"Oh my god," Layne whispered. "Did we have sex?!"

"I... well, I think so. I feel it..." Mike trailed off. Layne swallowed hard.

"Shit, shit, shit," Layne panicked. He quickly pulled himself out of bed. That was when he noticed he didn't have any jeans or boxers on.

"Mike! How could you let this happen?!" Layne shouted at him. His head throbbed with pain. He pulled on his boxers and jeans.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault!" Mike defended as he began to quickly get himself dressed. "We got drunk, it was just a mistake!"

"Oh my god, Mike. Fuck! How the hell am I going to explain this to Jerry?!"

"How am I going to explain this to Sean?!" Mike shot back. Both were yelling at each other, but they really wished they weren't.

For a moment, it was silent. Layne ran his fingers through his hair. He felt so stupid, disappointed in himself, and guilty he had cheated on his faithful husband.

"Look, Layne, neither of us meant for this to happen," Mike sighed. "How about we just keep it a secret? Jerry or Sean doesn't have to find out. It was just a stupid mistake."

Layne shook his head. "Keep it a secret? I don't know if I can. What if Jerry does end up finding out? What will happen? Will I lose the love of my life and my baby girl?"

"He isn't going to find out, Layne. And neither is Sean. It was a mistake, and it's over, okay? We can't change it. We just hide it and go on with our lives, alright?"

Layne bit his lip, putting his hands on his hips. "Alright. Okay, we'll keep this a secret. No one ever finds out, right?"

Mike nodded. "Right."

Layne felt so terrible. He hated to keep it a secret, but he couldn't let Jerry find out. He couldn't lose him, he couldn't lose his baby. It was just one mistake, and it would never happen again.

* * *

Eddie giggled at the adorable sight he saw when he stepped into the bedroom. Laying in bed, was Chris and Jeremy. They were both sound asleep, and Jeremy was covered with a baby blanket. He used Chris' long hair as a pillow.

Eddie picked up his polaroid camera off the nightstand and took a couple pictures of them two. He loved Chris and Jeremy more than anything in his life.

Chris slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times. He looked up at Eddie's smiling face, and he smiled as well.

"What are you doing standing there looking all beautiful?" Chris asked. Eddie blushed.

"Just watching you and Jeremy sleep. I think he likes your hair."

Chris chuckled. As gently and carefully as he could, he pulled his hair out from underneath Jeremy's little body. Chris got up into a sitting position and stretched.

"Give me a kiss." Chris whined, pouting his lips. Eddie smiled, wrapped his hand around Chris' neck, and gave him a sweet, gentle kiss.

"You're so amazing. I love you." Chris said, nuzzling his nose against Eddie's.

"I love you, too, baby. So so much."

"I'm hungry." Chris whimpered. Eddie giggled.

"Well, I'll go make you some food. After you shower because... Jeremy spit up in your hair."

Chris scrunched his face up in disgust. He didn't waste any time getting undressed and getting into the shower. 

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