Until I Met You- Chapter Fifty One

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"That took a long time." Chris chuckled once Eddie climbed into the car. Eddie leaned over and gave Chris a hard peck on the lips.

"Sorry." Eddie whispered. Chris cupped his cheek, and gave him little pecks over and over again, until Jeremy began to squeal, and Chris took it as a sign that he wanted him to stop kissing Eddie.

"It's not your fault, babe. Anyway, you ready to get home?"

Eddie nodded and grabbed his seatbelt. "Yeah, let's get going."

The whole ride home Eddie stayed quiet. He didn't know what to say. His mind kept going back to Stone and the things he said about Chris. Eddie couldn't even begin to think of Chris as being dangerous. Would Chris really ever hurt him? Maybe there was a side to his husband he just didn't know about.

"You okay?" Chris asked, taking a quick look over at Eddie. He cleared his throat and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You're never this quiet unless you're thinking about something." Chris pointed out.

"I'm just worried about Jeremy. I don't like my baby being sick." Eddie said, looking back at Jeremy.

Jeremy was sound asleep in his car seat, still holding the pacifier in his mouth. Eddie smiled. Jeremy was the cutest little thing. Especially when he was sleeping.

"He's going to be okay, Eddie. It's just a cold." Chris said, taking Eddie's hand in his. He held Eddie's hand up to his mouth, and gave it a kiss.

"He's just so little, though." Eddie sighed. Chris locked his fingers with Eddie's.

"We just need to give him his medicine, and he'll be fine in no time." Chris assured Eddie.

Once the two got home, Eddie got Jeremy out of his car seat and carried him inside. Jeremy stayed sound asleep the whole time, until Eddie put him down into his crib. However, once the pacifier was back into his mouth, Jeremy hushed and fell back to sleep.

Eddie could feel Chris wrap his arms around him from behind, and place a kiss on the back of his head. He then felt Chris place his forehead on the back of his neck.

"I love you, Eddie." Chris whispered. Eddie loved hearing him say those words.

He turned around, and wrapped both arms around Chris' neck. He looked into his blue eyes, and it seemed as if everything was okay again.

He would never hurt me. He's not like Stone says. He's so sweet, he cares about me, he loves me.

"I love you too." Eddie said back. Chris smiled, and pressed his sweet, warm lips against Eddie's. The two shared a sweet, gentle kiss with each other until they both pulled away for air.

The thoughts had completely left Eddie's head by now. He knew Chris would never hurt him. He laid his head against Chris' chest, and smiled softly, thinking of how lucky he was to have such an amazing family.

* * *

"Please, please swallow, baby." Eddie pleaded with Jeremy. He tried to give Jeremy his medicine, but Jeremy just wouldn't have it. He had already spit it out twice.

"If you don't take it, you'll never get better." Eddie sighed. He tried one last time. Luckily Jeremy had decided to swallow it, making a disgusted face once he had it swallowed down.

Eddie chuckled, and gave Jeremy a kiss on top the head. "Good boy. Daddy loves you so much."

"Dada." Jeremy mumbled, throwing his fist into his mouth. Eddie's eyes went wide.

"What did you say? Did you say dada? Oh my gosh. Jeremy! You just talked!" Eddie cried out in excitement. Jeremy giggled.

"Chris! Jeremy just said dada!" Eddie yelled to Chris, who was in the shower.

Chris came running out of the bathroom, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. "What?! I missed it! Damn!"

"Shhh, no cussing around the baby." Eddie scolded.

"Come on, Jeremy. Say it again. Dada." Chris encouraged. Jeremy only looked at him and giggled.

"Come on, say it. Dada."

"Dada." Jeremy mumbled back to him.

"Aw, oh gosh! He said it!" Chris squealed.

He wrapped his arms around Eddie and picked him up; swinging him around. Eddie giggled and tossed his head back.

"Chris, you're wet, and you're getting me wet." Eddie groaned with a laugh. Chris placed kissed all around Eddie's face and neck.

"Yeah, I should probably finish drying off and getting dressed." Chris said, putting Eddie back on his feet.

* * *

"Alice, fucking stop." Jerry complained, trying to get Alice's fist out of his hair. Layne grabbed Alice's hand, and untangled it from Jerry's hair. He then picked her up and sat her down on the floor, where she began to crawl around and play with her toys.

"What's gotten into you?" Layne asked, a bit upset that Jerry had just cussed at their child.

"I'm tired, Layne. I'm so fucking tired!" Jerry yelled at him. He pulled himself off the couch and began to pace back and forth.

"I haven't gotten any sleep. Alice has kept me awake. I have to literally keep an eye on her at all times. I'm just so tired, Layne." Jerry began to break down.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Calm down." Layne whispered, pulling Jerry into his arms. He hugged him tight.

"Maybe I just wasn't meant to be a parent, Layne. Maybe I just wasn't ready yet."

"Jerry, you're a great parent. You're just tired is all. You need to relax a little."

Jerry shook his head. "I can't relax."

"How about we get Krist and Kurt to watch Alice a night? Just so you can get some rest." Layne suggested. But Jerry shook his head.

"Alice is ours, Layne. We can't just throw her off on other people because I'm tired. I'll be okay. I just... I need a nap."

Layne chuckled, and gave Jerry a kiss on the head. "Then go nap. I'll watch Alice."

"Are you sure?"

Layne nodded. "I'm sure, baby. Just go rest."

Jerry sighed, and pecked Layne on the lips. "Thank you. Where is Alice anyway?"

Jerry's eyes looked over the place, but he didn't see Alice anywhere. His eyes went wide.

"You did shut the basement door didn't you?" Jerry asked.

"I... I think so." Layne said slowly; unsure.

Jerry pushed Layne away and quickly ran off into the kitchen. Connected to the kitchen, was the basement door. The door was wide opened, and there in the doorway, stood Alice.

"Alice! No!" Jerry screeched, grabbing her into his arms. "You could've gotten killed! Don't ever do that again!"

Jerry sighed. He held Alice tight in his arms. He didn't know what he would ever do if something happened to her.

"Is she okay?" Layne asked, quickly shutting the door together.

"Yeah, yeah she's fine. Thankfully."

Jerry kissed Alice on the head. "Don't scare me like that again, baby girl."

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