Until I Met You- Chapter Fifty Four

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"Are you awake?" Anthony asked softly. Kurt's blue eyes slowly opened to the sound of his quiet voice. He always was a light sleeper.

"Sorry," Anthony apologized. "You've been asleep for a long time now. Just wanted to make sure you were okay."

Kurt began to rub the sleep away from his eyes. "How long was I asleep for?"

"Hmm... about... 12 hours." Anthony said, looking up at the clock. "You must've been exhausted."

"I was." Kurt yawned. He slowly pulled himself up into a sitting position, still keeping the blanket wrapped around him. Anthony took a seat beside him.

"Are you hungry? I could make you some breakfast if you'd like."

Kurt shook his head. "Nah, not really. But, uh, I would like a cigarette..."

"Oh, of course." Anthony chuckled. He grabbed the back of Winston's off the table, and pulled one out for Kurt, along with a lighter.

"Thanks." Kurt sighed in relief. He lit up his cigarette, taking a long, deep drag. Anthony watched as he happily smoked his cigarette.

"I have some clothes I can let you use if you'd like to take a shower." Anthony pointed out. He could tell by the looks of it, Kurt's hair hadn't been washed for a while. But then again, it almost always looked like that.

"Yeah, maybe in a few."

Anthony bit his lip. "You know, you can stay here with me. For as long as you'd like, Kurt, I really don't mind. That is, if you want to. I'm not sure if you have anywhere else to go, but I want you to know you're always welcome here."

Kurt looked at his cigarette, watching as the cigarette ever so slowly burnt down. "That's real nice, Anthony. I really don't have anywhere else to go. I mean, I stayed with Eddie for a while, then Krist, and I'm kind of out of options now. I don't want to be a bother to you though..."

Anthony shook his head. "You're not. It's nice having company, you know. Don't worry I'll try not to hit on you too much."

Anthony gave him an innocent smile. Kurt couldn't help but to laugh a bit, and he felt his cheeks heat up. But he hoped it didn't show. He took another drag from his cigarette.

"Thanks, Anthony. I'll try not to stay too long. Maybe I can go out and get a job. Save up for a bit until I can get on my feet and rent a place to stay or something. I guess I'd own you some money as well."

Anthony shook his head. "Not a dime, Kurt. Just as long as I know you're okay and safe, that's all I need."

* * *

"Kurt isn't here," Axl said before Krist could even get a word in. "Haven't been that little bastard for a while now."

Krist frowned. "Are you sure? He's ran off and I-"

"Save it, Krist. I really don't care if your precious, little Kurt Cobain is missing." Axl snapped. "In fact, why do you care? He's nothing anyway, Krist. Just let him be wherever he is."

"You take that back, Axl. You seemed to think a lot of him when he was buying drugs off you, didn't you?"

Axl chuckled. "Whatever. Anyway, he's not here, so get out of here."

With that, Axl closed the door, but Krist wasn't going to let him out so easy. He didn't knock on the door, instead he pulled it open, stepped inside, and began to look around.

"You sure he isn't here hiding somewhere?" Krist asked.

"Dude, get out of here. You can't just come bargaining in like that. I told you, I haven't seen him." Axl snapped.

"You sure? He's not in here somewhere strung out on something?"

Axl rolled his eyes. "If you don't get out of here in the next five seconds I'm going to call the damn police."

"Axl, please." Krist sighed. "I have to find him."

"Well, you're looking in the wrong place. Haven't seen him. Don't plan on seeing him. But if he happens to show up here, I'll tell him your pathetic ass is looking for him. Now, out." Axl demanded. Krist was hesitant, but he slowly began to leave, trying to think of anywhere else Kurt could've ran off to.

* * *

"Flea, Chad, John, you guys can't come inside." Anthony said, nervously picking at the doorknob as he held only a crack between the door and the outside.

"Well why not? You hiding a dead body in there or something?" Flea asked with a chuckle.

"Well, the house is kind of a mess..." Anthony trailed off. Before he could stop them, John swung open the door and the three stepped inside.

"Oh it's Kurt. Something going on?" John asked, looking back and forth between the two of them. Flea and Chad began to snicker and whisper.

"Guys, look, Kurt is staying with me for a bit. It's a long story, but you guys have to promise me, no matter what, under any circumstances, you will not tell anyone about this." Anthony said.

"So... he's cheating on Krist with you, and you guys don't want anyone to know?" Flea asked, trying to understand the situation.

"Me and Krist are over. Besides, it's not like that." Kurt spoke up, not looking at any of them, but instead looking down at the floor.

"I'm still pretty confused." Chad sighed.

Anthony sighed as well. "Just promise me you'll not say anything. Everyone swear to me."

"I swear." John said, shrugging his shoulders about the situation.

"I swear." Flea said.

"I swear." Chad said, still not really understand what exactly he was swearing for.

Anthony smiled. "Good. So no one finds out. At least, not for a while."

Chad pulled Anthony over to the side. "So, man, tell me what exactly is going on. Why is Kurt staying in the down low with you?"

"Here's the deal," Anthony began, "Krist and Kurt got into a bit of an argument. Kurt ran off, I found him on the streets, and so I brought him here with me. He's gonna stay with me a bit, but he doesn't want Krist to know where he is."

"Oh. Makes sense I guess." Chad said, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, your secret is safe with me. Just remember, Anthony, don't put too much pressure on him. If you like him, that's great, but be patient with him. You know his husband died, he just got out of a relationship, and we both know he probably isn't ready to jump into something new so quick. Just trying to look out for the both of you."

Anthony sighed, "Yeah, I know, Chad. I'll be patient with him. As of now, I'm just trying to look out for him."

Chad smiled. "Good. Hey, you got a cigarette?"

Anthony playfully rolled his eyes. "I suppose I can spare one."

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