Until I Met You- Chapter Twenty Two

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They all sat on the couch; Jeff, Eddie, and Chris, watching a show on television. Eddie kept looking at the clock, because Chris would have to leave soon and he would be alone with Jeff. He bit at his fingernails.

Eddie moved a little closer to Chris, leaning into his side. Chris wrapped his arm around Eddie and kissed his head. He sighed, not wanting Chris to go. He didn't want to be here with Jeff, he couldn't be here with Jeff.

"Chris, can I go with you?" Eddie asked, his voice in a hushed tone. Chris squeezed Eddie tight.

"Nope, sorry, baby. You have to stay here."

Eddie frowned. "But, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too, baby. But I promise I won't be gone long, okay?"

Eddie sighed. "Alright. Please, don't be gone long."

* * *

Chris had been gone for about ten minutes, and silence laid between Jeff and Eddie. They continued to sit on the couch and watch television. Eddie felt more uncomfortable than ever. Especially when Jeff decided to move closer to him.

"So," Jeff said, laying his hand on Eddie's thigh.

Eddie's heart began to pound in his chest. He froze in his spot, unsure of what to do. He knew it, Jeff was a fucking pervert.

"Get your hand off me." Eddie ordered. Jeff moved his hand, but it only went up to Eddie's neck where he moved his hair to the side.

"It's okay, Eddie. Chris is gone, it's just us." Jeff said calmly.

"Get off of me." Eddie said, pushing Jeff away. But Jeff was stubborn. He wasn't going to let Eddie go like that.

His hand went back down to Eddie's thigh. He slowly slid his hand up, more and more. His body moved closer into Eddie's. And that was when Eddie shot up off the couch and backed up.

He felt sick all over. Just the thought of Jeff touching him made him sick to his stomach. His skin crawled. He was starting to tremble.

"It's okay, Eddie. I promise I won't tell Chris. I can give you more pleasure than he ever has." Jeff said, standing up from the couch. Eddie took off running up the stairs and into the bedroom. He shut the door and locked it before he collapsed on the floor.

But Jeff followed him and beat on the bedroom door. He twisted at the doorknob and called for Eddie to open it.

Eddie couldn't see straight. He was so scared, so sick. The memories of Mike began to run through his head, and he couldn't take it anymore. It was going to happen all over again, he was going to get raped.

He started to cry, and soon, he was sobbing on the floor.

* * *

"Eddie?" A voice from behind the door spoke loud as they knocked on the bedroom door.

Eddie slowly lifted his body from the floor. He cried himself to sleep right on the floor. He felt weak, tired, sick, and still frightened.

He rubbed his sore eyes, trying to get the sleep away. And next thing he knew, Chris had broke the door in.

"Eddie! Fuck, you scared me." Chris said, sighing in relief. "Why are you on the floor? Are you alright? Do you need to see a doctor?"

"Chris..." Eddie said slowly. He looked down at the floor. "Jeff, he... Chris... Jeff t-touched me."

Chris gritted his teeth. "He touched you?! Where?"

"My neck and l-leg. I told him to stop and he-he wouldn't. He kept touching me so I ran up here and locked the door."

"That explains why the sick fuck got all his shit and left then, huh? Fuck! Baby, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you here alone with him. Fuck, I'm sorry he did that to you. God, when I see him he's so dead."

Chris punched the wall. He was so angry, he was literally thinking of killing Jeff. He couldn't believe Jeff would do something like this.

"Did he uh, well you know."

Eddie shook his head. "No, he couldn't open the door."

"Good. Good, uh, fuck... I can't believe he fucking touched you. I shouldn't have left. I should've listened to you and kicked him out a long time ago. This is all my fault."

"No, no, Chris. It's not your fault, don't say that." Eddie stopped him right there. No way was he going to let Chris blame himself for it.

Chris sighed and massaged his temples. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't think right now. All he wanted was to make sure Eddie was okay and safe.

"I lied to you." Chris whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"When I told you I would protect you and I wouldn't let anyone touch you, or hurt you. I fucking lied. God, I'm so stupid. I'm so god damn stupid."

"Chris, stop it."

Chris rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry, Eddie, I'm so sorry."

"Chris, please, hush. You didn't know it was going to happen. I'm good, okay? It just kinda scared me, but it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. Stop saying you're sorry."

Chris dropped to his knees beside Eddie and pulled Eddie into his chest. He kissed the top of his head and stoked the ends of Eddie's long hair.

"I'm sorry, baby. I should've been here with you. I should've been here."

"It's okay, Chris. It's okay. Hush."

Chris shut his eyes tight, trying to stop the tears from running down his cheeks. He felt awful. He should've been with Eddie, he should've took Eddie with him like he asked, he should've done so many things different. But he didn't, and he felt sick with himself. 

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