Until I Met You- Chapter Fifty Six

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Layne found himself sitting in the waiting room, nervously tapping his foot. Jerry, who was holding Alice, was by his side.

"It's going to be okay, baby. You're only getting a tooth pulled." Jerry told him.

"But it's going to hurt." Layne whined.

"They'll numb it before they pull it." Jerry assured him.

"Numb it? What do you mean by that? Like... they're going to put a needle in my gum?"

"It doesn't hurt."

The heart in Layne's chest began to beat faster. "Can we go home?"

Jerry chuckled. "You're going to be fine, Layne. I promise. I'll be right by your side the whole time. And so will Alice."

Alice looked up at Layne, and reached her arms up at him. Layne smiled and pulled Alice away from Jerry's arms, now holding her in his lap.

"Daddy's beautiful girl." Layne said, giving her a kiss on top of her head.

Jerry had put Alice's little bit of hair in a ponytail on top of her head. It was absolutely adorable, and a tad bit funny. When a lady called Layne's name, Jerry took Alice back from him and followed him back into a room.

Jerry could see the nervousness on Layne's face. It almost made him feel sorry for him. His poor Layne, scared to death to get a tooth pulled.

Once it was over, Layne was walking back to the car, whining about his tooth, but Jerry couldn't hear him for the cotton ball in his mouth.

Jerry laughed as he buckled Alice up into her car seat. "You sound so cute, Layne, if I only I could understand what my baby was saying."

"My. Mouth. Hurts." Layne whined, saying it slower this time so Jerry could hear him.

After buckling his own seatbelt, Jerry leaned over, and gave Layne a gentle kiss on the cheek. "You did so good, Layne. I'll take care of you until your mouth feels all better."

"Kiss my lips." Layne told him, chuckling a little. Jerry turned his face to disgust.

"I would, but I really don't want to taste blood and drool," Jerry said, giving Layne an innocent smile. "Want some ice cream?"

Layne nodded his head and laid it back against the seat.

* * *

Kurt found himself at the cemetery, sitting next to Dave's grave. He had brought flowers he picked from someone's yard. He put them on Dave's grave, right where Dave's head would be.

"I miss you so much," Kurt sighed, his fingers tracing over Dave's name. "You're always on my mind, Dave. You're still my first thought when I wake up, and my last thought before I sleep."

The wind began to stir, sending Kurt's blonde hair in all directions.

"I wish you wouldn't have left me. I wasn't ready for you to go, Dave. We had so many things we needed to do together. We were suppose to grow old together. And... you were taken away from me." Kurt said, his voice cracking, and his blue eyes filling with tears.

"I'm sorry I tried to move on from you. You'll always be my one and only, Dave. I'll never be with anyone again. I can't be with you in this world, but we'll be together in the next world. Hopefully very soon."

Kurt began to lay on the ground, right on top of Dave's grave, as if he were laying on top of him. His head laid on the flowers.

"I'd do anything to have you back, Dave. After every mistake I made, every time I fucked up, you stayed right by my side, and you helped me through everything. I wish I could've told you how much I appreciated you. I just could never find the words to describe it. Maybe I'm dumb, I don't know, maybe I was just happy."

Kurt completely broke down into fits of sobbing. He cupped his mouth, trying his best not to be too loud, incase someone happen to walk along.

"I need you back, Dave. Please, please, please, come back. I feel like this is all some sort of stupid dream, and I just can't wake up from it. I feel like you're still alive, laying beside me, waiting for me to wake up. I wish... I wish I could wake up in your arms again, Dave, I... I want you to hold me and tell me everything will be okay, and that it was just another bad dream..."

Kurt sobbed. He begged and pleaded. He pleaded with God to return his love back into this world, but he knew he would never get this wish. Kurt laid there for hours; crying, sobbing, begging, and telling stories about the past when they were together.

He sobbed and pleaded so much, his body overcame by exhaustion. He had fainted, laying on top of Dave's grave, tears staining his cheeks.

Someone had seen Kurt laying there. There was hesitation, but with secretly having such a big heart, the man picked Kurt up into his arms, and began to carry him away from the grave. However, this man wasn't Anthony, nor was it Krist.

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