Until I Met You- Chapter Thirty Six

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Eddie's blue eyes slowly peeled open. He instantly noticed he was alone in bed, and he began to wonder if last night was just all a dream. But his thoughts were answered when Chris stepped into the bedroom.

"Good morning, beautiful. I made breakfast for you." Chris greeted as he opened up the closet.

"What time is it?" Eddie asked. Chris shrugged his shoulders.

"It's like... ten or something."

"Why are you awake so early?"

Chris pulled a pair of jeans out of the closet, and began to search for a shirt. Eddie rubbed the sleep away from his eyes.

"Well, Jeremy woke up. He needed a diaper change, and a bottle, but I took care of it."

Eddie smiled and ran his fingers through his tangled hair. "Come here."

Chris hovered over Eddie, placing a deep, quick kiss on his lips. With a smile on his face, Eddie cupped both of Chris' cheeks and looked into his eyes.

"You're so beautiful." Eddie said. Chris pecked his lips.

"You're so gorgeous. So so beautiful." Chris said before giving Eddie another deep kiss on the lips.

"Come on, get up. I'm going to shower." Chris said as he pulled himself away from his husband. Eddie yawned before sitting up in bed and stretching.

"Did you make me pancakes?" Eddie asked. Chris kissed his head.

"Yes, I made you some pancakes." Chris said with a chuckle. He was was so sexy, and the laugh made it even better.


"Yes, baby?"

Eddie smiled. "I love you."

Chris smiled back at him. "I love you, too, kitten."

Then Chris went to take his shower, and Eddie went to eat his pancakes.

* * *

"Are you a good baby, huh?" Kurt asked, holding a cooing and giggling Jeremy in his hands. Jeremy sat on Kurt's lap, looking up at him as he played with his toy.

Eddie sat by Kurt, smiling as he watched Jeremy. Chris was sitting by his side, holding Eddie's hand, and laying his head on Eddie's shoulder.

"He has another doctor visit tomorrow. I'm nervous as hell." Eddie sighed.

"Well, I'm sure everything will be just fine." Kurt said, running his fingers gently through Jeremy's hair.

"I really hope so." Eddie said. Chris was sound asleep.

"So... I'm finally over my addiction now." Kurt said.

"Oh, Kurt, that's great! I'm so proud of you." Eddie said, patting Kurt on the back. And he really was proud of Kurt.

"Yeah, it feels so much better. I don't even crave the heroin anymore. But, man, it was so hard to overcome it. If it wasn't for Dave, I couldn't have done it." Kurt said with a smile on his face.

"I'm glad he's there for you, and helps you, Kurt. You deserve it."

Kurt kissed Jeremy on the head.

"Yeah, and I'm glad you met Chris. You guys are perfect together, and I'm glad you two have this precious little guy."

Eddie smiled. "So am I."

* * *

"Well, Jeremy has gained two pounds. So, we're making progress." The doctor said with a smile. Relief washed over Eddie.

"So, he's going to be okay, right?" Chris asked.

"Yes, I think he's going to be perfectly fine."

Chris sighed in relief, a smile spreading across his face. He picked Jeremy up from the scale and dressed him as the doctor made another check up appointment.

Eddie placed a kiss on Jeremy's head. He was so happy Jeremy was going to be okay. 

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