Until I Met You- Chapter Thirteen

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"Thanks for coming with me. Layne had to work." Jerry said as he took a seat beside Eddie in the waiting room. Eddie loved how close he became with Jerry. The two were best friends.

"No need to thank me." Eddie said with a smile on his face. Jerry smiled back at him.

"I can't wait to have this baby. I'm so excited." Jerry said, putting his hand on his stomach. He had a small baby bump, but it was so small you could barely notice. Now, he was fourteen weeks pregnant.

"It's so cute that you and Layne are having a baby together."

Jerry smiled. "Yeah, it's great. I feel like it's bringing us even closer together. Layne is so excited to be a dad."

"Awww," Eddie teased. Jerry giggled.

"Jerry Cantrell?" A nurse asked for him, looking around the waiting room.

"Wanna come with me?" Jerry asked.

"Can I?"

Jerry laughed. "Of course. Come on."

Eddie followed Jerry back into his room. He was asked a couple questions before he laid on the bed and held his shirt up. The nurse poured some gel on his stomach.

Eddie could tell by looking at Jerry that he was nervous. He stared up at the ceiling as the ultrasound was being taken. And Eddie watched him, wondering what it would be like if he was pregnant.

He wondered what it would be like if he was laying there, Chris standing beside him, holding his hand. He wondered how everyone would react when he told them the news. He wondered how it would be to go to all the doctor visits, to have a baby bump, and even to have the baby.

"Well, everything looks good." The nurse said, shutting the machine off. She gave Jerry a couple tissues to clean the gel off with.

"If you have any problems, concerns, questions, just give me a call." She said, smiling. Jerry smiled back.

"I will. Thank you."

The nurse then left the room. Jerry zipped his jeans back up and got off the bed, pulling his shirt back down.

"What's it like to do that?" Eddie asked. Jerry shrugged.

"It just feels kinda... Well... Odd, I guess."

"Well, I-"

"You were thinking of what it would be like if that was you, weren't you?" Jerry interrupted, a little smirk on his face. Eddie blushed and nodded.

"Yes, I was. It just seems so... I can't explain. Fun, maybe."

Jerry chuckled and riffled Eddie's hair. "Someday, Eddie. Now let's get going, I'm tired."

* * *

"I love him so much," Chris sighed. "I'm so fucking nervous."

Kurt laughed. "It's still like a month before his birthday, man. Just pick a ring and let's get going. Dave is going to be pissed if I'm not home by three."

Chris looked over the rings again. "Shit, this is so hard. Which one would you get?"

Kurt moved his blonde hair out of his face and looked at the rings. "It doesn't matter. They're all nice."

"Which do you think he would like?"

"Chris, whichever one you get, he's going to love it. All that matters is if he says yes, right?"

Chris sighed. "Right, so I'll get that one."

Chris pointed to a diamond ring. It sparkled in the case. It was beautiful, and Chris knew Eddie would love it.

"Yeah, get that one." Kurt said, patting Chris on the back.

"December needs to hurry the fuck up." Chris said. Kurt chuckled. 

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