Until I Met You- Chapter Fifty Two

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"I've told you, Eddie. I've told you over and over and over again that I love you. But that doesn't seem to matter does it?" Chris asked, his fist smashing into the wall. Eddie flinched.

"Chris... I-I never-"

"You never what? You never meant to hurt me? That's what they all say, Eddie!" Chris screamed, his face right up into Eddie's. "You just throw me around like I'm trash. You don't care about the way I feel. Just like Stone."

"I never did anything." Eddie sobbed. Chris' eyes flashed with anger, so much anger Eddie had never witnessed before.

"Lying to me now? That makes it so much worse, Eddie." Chris said, his voice now quiet and low, but his devilish eyes still flashing with anger.

Eddie felt something hard crash into his cheek. He was stunned. It took him a minute to even realize Chris just hit him.

"Chris!" Eddie screeched, holding to his cheek. Chris showed no compassion to him. Instead, he pinned Eddie to the ground.

"Never again, Eddie. Never again will you hurt me." Chris whispered in his ear.

"Wake up! Eddie!" Chris said, shaking at Eddie until his eyes popped open. He instantly shot up in bed, gasping for air.


"Are you okay? Did you have a bad dream? You were screaming." Chris asked, laying his hand on Eddie's shoulder.

Tears began to stream down Eddie's face. "Please, Chris, please don't ever hurt me."

"What are you talking about? Eddie, I could never hurt you. I love you so much."

Eddie wiped his eyes. "I ran into Stone the other day. He... he told me you used to hit him."

Chris sighed. "Eddie, Stone is just trying to get to you. He's in the past, and I know I made mistakes, but I promise you that I'll never hurt you. Never."

"So... you did?" Eddie asked slowly, looking into Chris' eyes. Chris bit his lip.

"I did... a few times. But I didn't mean to, Eddie. I was so mad I just-"

"Oh my god." Eddie whispered, slowly pulling himself out of bed.

"Don't freak out. Eddie, please, just listen to me." Chris pleaded.

"You hit him because you were mad, Chris. What if I made you mad enough? Would you hit me too?"

"I was mad because he was cheating on me, Eddie. I know you'll never do that to me. And I know it was bad what I did, but I promise I'll never lay a hand on you. Eddie, please," Chris tried to explain, getting out of bed as well, "I've changed, Eddie. I really have. I could never hurt you. You mean so much to me. You have to believe me."

"I just... I don't want anyone to hurt me again." Eddie said softly. Chris wrapped his arms around Eddie, and pulled him into his chest.

"You don't have to worry about that." Chris assured him. "I'll do everything I can to protect you."

* * *

"I ran into Chris' ex the other day." Eddie said, sitting Jeremy in the floor next to Alice on a blanket.

"Did you beat him up?" Jerry asked.

Eddie shook his head, shaking a toy at Jeremy until he took it. "No, but he told me something about Chris I never knew before."

"What's that?" Jerry asked, running his fingers through Alice's hair.

"That Chris... used to hit him...." Eddie trailed off.

"Oh. Well, did you talk to Chris about it?"

Eddie nodded. "Yeah, and he says he's changed. Says that he'll never hurt me."

"Are you talking about Stone?"

"Yeah, I am. Did you know about all that?"

Jerry sighed. "Well... yeah. I mean, we all knew about it."

"And none of you guys told me anything?" Eddie asked, getting a little upset.

"Look, Eddie, Stone and Chris had a bad relationship. They both screwed up, but just because Chris hit Stone doesn't mean he'll do it to you, too."

"How do I know that?" Eddie asked. Jeremy reached his hands up at Eddie, showing him that he wanted to be picked up. Eddie grabbed him, and sat him on his lap.

"Because you mean everything to Chris. If you didn't, he wouldn't have asked you to marry him. And besides, you guys have been in plenty arguments, and he's never hit you, has he?"

Eddie sighed. "No, he hasn't. But what if-"

"Chris loves you, Eddie. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you." Jerry assured him. Eddie softly smiled.

"Yeah... I'm sure you're right. Anyway, I guess I should be heading home. I promised Chris I wouldn't stay too long."

"Alright. I guess I should be getting Alice in the bath. See you later."

Eddie gave Alice a quick kiss on the head. "Bye, Alice. Bye, Jerry."

* * *

"Fuck," Eddie breathed. Chris' lips hovered right over Eddie's, his hot breath hitting his face. Eddie reached up, smashing his lips into Chris'. Their tongues instantly began to battle, and Chris began to throw his hips harder into Eddie's.

Eddie moaned into his mouth, his fingernails digging at Chris' back. The two broke their kiss to get some air. Then, Chris' mouth went straight for Eddie's neck, making his mark.

"Chris... I... I'm so close." Eddie whimpered. Chris moved his hand faster; until he could feel Eddie spill onto it.

"Shit." Chris groaned, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip. After one last long thrust he began to finally release himself.

Chris laid his body on top of Eddie's as the two of them were gasping for air. Eddie ran his fingers through hair, getting it out of his face, before he wrapped his arms around Chris' neck, sharing another passionate kiss with him.

Chris would never hurt me, Eddie said to himself, and now, he believed it, because the two held a love so strong.

"I hear Jeremy." Chris said, rolling off of Eddie.

"I'll get him." Eddie said, quickly pulling on a pair of boxers. "and Chris?"


Eddie gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you."

Chris smiled. "I love you, too."

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