Until I Met You-Chapter Five

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It had been about three months now, and Eddie and Chris had seemed to only get closer to each other. Eddie has it bad for Chris, and Chris has it bad for Eddie.

And now, they were both at a party Chris' friend threw.

"Mmm, Chris." Eddie moaned as Chris ground into his ass. Eddie threw his head back and moved his hips from side to side.

They were both about half drunk. Music was blasting in their ears. Everyone else was dancing, of course not like Eddie and Chris, but the two were paid no mind.

"I crave you." Chris whispered in Eddie's ear. "You don't even know what you do to me."

Eddie giggled. "Tell me. What is it that I do, hm?"

"You make me want to slam you down on the bed, and fuck the life out of you."

Eddie turned around and wrapped his arms around Chris's neck. They shared a deep, sloppy french kiss. They both were on fire.

"So fucking hot." Chris whined. "Please, Eddie,"

"Please what?"

"Let me fuck you."

Eddie giggled and took Chris' hand. He pulled him upstairs, tripping a few times. After what seemed like forever, they were finally alone.

Chris slammed the door shut but he didn't bother to lock it. All he wanted right now was Eddie. He wanted to taste his lips again and do so many things to him.

He pushed Eddie down on the bed and laid on top of him. Once again, their hips started to grind into each other's. Eddie was whining and moaning like a whore already. Chris couldn't wait to see how much he moaned while he fucked him like there was no tomorrow.

He tore Eddie out of his shirt and jeans. And Eddie took Chris' shirt off. His hands roamed around Chris' torso.

"Your body is so hot." Eddie said. Chris placed sloppy kisses on Eddie's neck.

"Everything about you is... So. Damn. Hot." Chris said slowly. Eddie giggled and tossed his head to the side.

Everything was going so fast. Eddie didn't even realize it until Chris was out of his boxers, lubing up to get inside him.

"Chris, wait," Eddie said. "Stop. I-I can't do this."

He quickly grabbed his boxers and jumped off the bed. He ran into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He slid down on the floor and sighed, holding to his head.

Chris sat on the bed for a moment, wondering what he did wrong. Whatever it was, he didn't mean to hurt Eddie.

He slipped his boxers on and went into the bathroom to see his boyfriend sitting on the floor, sobbing in his hands.

"Eddie, what's wrong? Did I do something?"

Eddie shook his head. "I'm sorry, Chris. I-I'm just not ready yet."

"Hey," Chris said, taking Eddie's hand in his. "That's fine. Don't cry, baby. I understand. We can wait as long as you want."

"You're so sweet, Chris. I don't even deserve you." Eddie sobbed.

"If it's anything, I don't deserve you." Chris said. He pulled Eddie into his chest and wrapped his arms around him.

"I love you, Chris. I love you so much."

"I love you, too. Please, baby, calm down."

"I really need to tell you something, Chris. I just... I don't want it to ruin anything between us." Eddie whispered.

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