Until I Met You- Chapter Twenty Three

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"Chris! Eddie! Jerry is in labor!" Layne panicked through the phone. "Please get over here! I'm freaking out!"

"Layne, just get him to a hospital. We'll meet you there, alright?" Eddie said, trying to keep calm himself when he really wanted to squeal from excitement.

"Okay, okay. But please hurry!"

Then, Layne hung up the phone. Eddie ran upstairs where Chris laid in bed, almost asleep. Eddie dived right on top of him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's going on?" Chris asked, laughing a little as he saw the big smile on Eddie's beautiful face.

"Jerry is in labor! We have to meet Layne at the hospital! Come on, get up!"

Chris chuckled and kissed Eddie on the lips. "Calm down, baby. Let me get some clothes on, okay?"

"Hurry, Chris! We need to go!" Eddie rushed.

* * *

Layne paced back and forth in the waiting room, continuously looking up at the clock. Eddie and Chris sat in the chairs, holding hands, and Chris laid his head on Eddie's shoulder.

"Fuck, it's been an hour. What's taking so long?!" Layne asked, looking up at the clock again. He couldn't help but worry. He just wanted to hear that everything was okay.

"C-sections take time, Layne. Patience." Eddie said, calming Layne a little. Chris almost fell asleep, but Eddie woke him up.

"I'm just scared. What if something went wrong? Oh my god. What if Jerry is dead? What if something happened to my baby? Oh my god, Eddie."

"Dude, stop thinking like that. He's fine, he's strong. And your baby is going to be just fine. Just be patient, okay?"

"Layne, Eddie, Chris, Jerry has requested to see you." A doctor said. They all stood up and followed the doctor to Jerry's room. When they were at the door, the doctor left.

Layne was first to open the door, and everyone stepped in. Jerry laid in the hospital bed, holding a baby that was wrapped up in a blanket. Jerry had a smile on his face as he cried. He looked up at Layne and sniffled.

"Layne, it's... It's a girl." Jerry said, laughing. Layne stood over the two of them, looking at his baby girl, and smiled.

"Jerry... Oh my god she's beautiful." Layne said quietly, his hand gently rubbing over the baby's head.

"Do you want to hold her?" Jerry asked. Layne nodded and carefully took the baby out of Jerry's arms.

Jerry looked over at Eddie. "Eddie, come here."

Eddie came closer and Jerry pulled him down into a hug. Then, Jerry sobbed out of joy. He was so happy. He couldn't believe how amazing it felt to have that baby girl. It was the best feeling in the world, yet, he couldn't explain it.

"What are you going to name her?" Chris asked. Jerry pulled away from Eddie's hug and looked at Layne.

"You choose." Jerry said.

"You pick." Layne shot back.

"Uh... I don't know. I didn't have this planned out." Jerry said, biting his lip.

"Why don't you just name her after you guy's band? Alice?" Eddie suggested. Jerry smiled.

"Yeah! Alice."

Layne smiled. "Well, Alice Staley, huh?"

Layne looked back down at his baby girl. He kissed her head. Though Alice hadn't been here long, Layne and Jerry both already loved her.

"I love you, Jerry." Layne said as he sat down on the hospital bed next to Jerry. Jerry kissed Layne on the cheek.

"I love you, too."

* * *

"Come out with me to smoke." Jerry said to Eddie as he pulled himself out of the hospital bed. Layne and Chris was gone to see Alice who was in the nursery.

"I can't wait to get the fuck out of here." Jerry spoke as they walked down the empty hallway together. Jerry absolutely hated hospitals.

Eddie patted his back. "Well, you'll be leaving in a few hours."

Jerry smiled. "Yes, and it'll just be me, Layne, and my sweet little baby girl."

Eddie held open the door for him, and the two walked outside. There were a few benches laying around, and all of them were empty. The two took a seat and Jerry lit up his cigarette, taking a long drag.

"So, how's things with Jeff?"

Eddie shrugged. "He left."

"Oh, really? Well, that's good."

Eddie bit his lip. "Jerry, I think I'm pregnant."

Jerry looked at him a moment and smiled. "Aw, Eddie! You're gonna have a cute little baby!"

"Well... I don't know for sure. I mean, the last three mornings I puked. Does that mean I'm pregnant?"

Jerry took another drag of his cigarette. "Probably. That's what happened to me. Does Chris know?"

"He was there the first morning I threw up, but he kinda just shrugged it off. The others, he was still asleep."

"Take a pregnancy test."

"I'm scared." Eddie admitted.

Jerry blew the cigarette smoke out of his mouth. "Aw, don't be scared. Everything is fine, but it's a little scary when you go into labor, but man, when you have the baby, the feeling is just... so amazing, Eddie. I can't explain."

Eddie smiled. "It's just... well, I don't know how Chris would react."

"Chris loves you, Eddie. If he didn't, he wouldn't have proposed to you. And trust me, he's going to be so happy if you are pregnant." Jerry said, giving Eddie a comforting smile. He then took the last drag of his cigarette before putting it out.

"Come on, let's go back in. I want to see Alice." Jerry said, standing up. 

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